Dak: I want to be here (but) all the other great quarterbacks played for other teams


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Tony Romo had a passer rating of 93.0 with 1316 yards, 8 touchdowns and 2 interceptions in 6 games in the playoffs in his career

Not great but pretty good

Dak Prescott has a passer rating of 91.8 with 1,962 yards, 14 touchdowns and 7 interceptions in 7 games in the playoffs in his career.

about the same

so sometimes stats do not tell the story


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Tony Romo had a passer rating of 93.0 with 1316 yards, 8 touchdowns and 2 interceptions in 6 games in the playoffs in his career

Not great but pretty good

Dak Prescott has a passer rating of 91.8 with 1,962 yards, 14 touchdowns and 7 interceptions in 7 games in the playoffs in his career.

about the same

so sometimes stats do not tell the story
I love it when the haters expose themselves like this putting ALL the blame on the QB. It’s Gold, pure Gold!


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when Dak Bots talk choke it is always someone else

I don't know who or what Dak Bots are.... but he choked before, so has Romo. It's not that hard to understand.

With that said, Dak wasn't the turnover machine that Romo was, but Romo had the better downfield ball and bought more time in the pocket than Dak.

Dak took Romo's job and retired him, end of story.


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Dak haters got their first big break and theyre jumping like joy over it.

One Dak comment and they're all giddy. He might be back. Remember how long they were in negotiation on the previous contract....about 2 years. This one hasn't even touched a year yet.

I feel like Dak haters are gonna end up disappointed in the end, tho I'm open to the thought that he truly might not be able at the end of this year.


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Then, Mr. Great QB, get rid of the No Trade Clause and go play somewhere else, simple. Either that or get off your high horse, try and make a deal to stay, but don't ask for that "big bag".

Hey, I'm not high. I'm a very sober horse. *grazes on the grass*


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Hard to silence out the fan abuse he’s received. It’s gotten worse every year. It’s probably become intolerable to him since the loss to Green Bay. The majority of the fanbase wants him gone and maybe he’s ready to leave. If he’s not extended by the opener, he won’t be back next season. Jerry made an interesting comment in his training camp presser today when talking about Dak’s contract situation. He said there’s things that he’s wanted really bad but couldn’t afford. He said some of those things he wanted turned out better than if he had gotten what he wanted. You can read some things into that comment.

Yeah, I did hear that from Jerry. I wonder if Dak said to him he doesn't want to be here anymore?


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What Jerry wants to pay, Dak can get similar or more money on a better team and a better FO.

It becomes a no brainer for Dak.

Or if it is truly all about money then he will choose to play for another bad team with a bad FO.
There are no "better teams" than Dallas right now that don't already have a better QB than Dak, most of which are also younger than Dak.

The only non-Cowboys choices Dak has are bottom feeders who have no QB at all worth noting. That is why Dak hasn't waived his no trade clause, and why Jerry has all the leverage right now.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Yeah, I did hear that from Jerry. I wonder if Dak said to him he doesn't want to be here anymore?
I can almost assure you Dak didn’t say that to him. What Jerry was saying is it’s going to be tough to sign Dak and there’s no guarantee the Cowboys can afford it. The Joneses have a real dilemma on their hands with CeeDee holding out for what could be record WR money and having to try and extend Dak. Jerry said Parsons will be in the same position next offseason that CeeDee is now, so we could be looking at another training camp hold out. The only way I see the Cowboys signing all three of those players is if one or two decide to take less than record money. If anyone could do it, it’s Dak because he’s already been paid big once. CeeDee and Parsons will go for as much money as they can get. I think there’s a part of Dak that’s excited about what lies ahead in free agency. There’s talk he could make $65 million per season.


Well-Known Member
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Tony Romo had a passer rating of 93.0 with 1316 yards, 8 touchdowns and 2 interceptions in 6 games in the playoffs in his career

Not great but pretty good

Dak Prescott has a passer rating of 91.8 with 1,962 yards, 14 touchdowns and 7 interceptions in 7 games in the playoffs in his career.

about the same

so sometimes stats do not tell the story
I am a Cowboys fan, not a Dak fan, so at the end of the day I dont really care if he stays or if he goes, I will still root for the team regardless.

However,....................Dak's playoff stats are not that bad when you look at them.

Almost a 92 QBR, almost 2,000 passing yards, a 2-to-1 (TD/INT ratio)............just saying these playoff stats are really not that bad honestly.