Twitter: Dak in ad for new Venom movie

Hey ....... you can get GINeric and his gang to find out where he worked in hollywood.
Let's keep the convo centered on anyone stating Dak Prescott's appearance in a movie trailer cannot be interpreted in any shape, form or fashion as 'going Hollywood' only.
Let's keep the convo centered on anyone stating Dak Prescott's appearance in a movie trailer cannot be interpreted in any shape, form or fashion as 'going Hollywood' only.
Apparently AC has also gone Hollywood ....... maybe thats why he hated Romo so much ....... maybe they were competing for the same roles.
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Let's keep the convo centered on anyone stating Dak Prescott's appearance in a movie trailer cannot be interpreted in any shape, form or fashion as 'going Hollywood' only.
Is it really "going Hollywood" if Dak never met or was even in the same state as Tom Hardy when he filmed his portion for this clip? :huh:
Is it really "going Hollywood" if Dak never met or was even in the same state as Tom Hardy when he filmed his portion for this clip? :huh:
Will this turn into a geography counter-argument? I am being dead serious.
Will this turn into a geography counter-argument? I am being dead serious.
If thats the case then Dak should join the new Lord of the Rings movie ...... its filmed in New Zealand ........ so it would not count as a Hollywood blockbuster ........ right?
I just wonder why after years and years of berating guys for going "hollywood" ....... you would suddenly claim that you went "hollywood" without ever mentioning it before?
I have mentioned it before. You just didn't notice.
Many Cowboys QBs have come out in commercials throughout the history of the Dallas Cowboys.

"Going Hollywood" has more to do than coming out in commercials. It means ACTUALLY GOING TO HOLLYWOOD and SEEKING THE HOLLYWOOD LIMELIGHT.

No Cowboys QB has done that EXCEPT TONY ROMO!

Got it???
Dak and Zeke in Cabo during the bye will finish it. The Dak backwards hat, the Dak when you don’t want to score tonight after shave the model Hollywood girlfriends time away to make commercials, Dak looking for the spotlight Hollywood Dak. Pretty funny and what’s funniest is you crucified Romo non stop and Dak is worse yet you call folks who criticize Dak haters when you were the original hater and spread hate and lies and sadly are still doing it, textbook definition of a hater-
Hollywood Dak it doesn’t get any better, karma’s a ***** isn’t it.
If thats the case then Dak should join the new Lord of the Rings movie ...... its filmed in New Zealand ........ so it would not count as a Hollywood blockbuster ........ right?
Please don't.

@Roadtrip635 makes a good point that CGI superimposed someone into a movie trailer. I would not think location is relevant, since the superimposing is a Hollywood process.

It is one thing for random people to be superimposed into a Hollywood process without their consent. It is another thing entirely for a individual, i.e. celebrity, to purposefully consent to and be compensated for appearing in a made for Hollywood product. Just my two cents.
Now “going Hollywood” is going to change meanings because Dak is doing it and one of the major reasons for berating Romo from Dak “Stans” is because he did such, and now it can no longer be used against him otherwise they will be seen as massive hypocrites unless they now accept the fact that Dak has done the same exact thing (which he’s done for a while anyways).

In fact, all the criticisms from such people that have been used against Romo are even more applicable to Dak, e.g., choker, greedy, “going Hollywood”, etc.
I will seriously consider banning you IF you spark the posting of a single video explaining what 'going Hollywood' means, 28 times over a seven-month period. :mad:
I'm pretty sure Kurt Warner went Hollywood along time ago ........ I mean his wife looks like an extra on a mad max film.
