Dak is 9th-best QB in NFL per coaches, scouts and execs

Who do I take what? I'm not making a statement of belief or conviction, outside of the ridiculousness of giving any "poll" like this credence.

The exact people they asked?
What exactly they asked?
That information can be found by a simple google search?
Well you said you don't take the nfl execs, coaches and players rankings at face value. What sources do you trust?
Yeah I agree. How many big contract 2nd/3rd tier QBs have made a superbowl? Jimmy G is the obvious one, maybe Stafford on an all in Rams team? Matt Ryan went once. So it CAN happen, and I think Dak is good enough to get there on a loaded team around him, but we are seeing most superbowl QBs either at an elite level, or on rookie deals.
When you get past the top 2-5(Differs every year), it takes more and more luck and perfect play.
I am more opposed to Jackson. Sure he is a great athlete but he had one great season. DCs figure guys out and they seem to have figured him out. Plus I think his running ability is going to diminish. He is just not a big guy. I get bothered when people have him at the top of the league QBs. It makes no sense.
Jackson has not been great the last couple.
Yeah I agree. How many big contract 2nd/3rd tier QBs have made a superbowl? Jimmy G is the obvious one, maybe Stafford on an all in Rams team? Matt Ryan went once. So it CAN happen, and I think Dak is good enough to get there on a loaded team around him, but we are seeing most superbowl QBs either at an elite level, or on rookie deals.
this is a self fulfilling prophecy. Dak for example if we won a Lombardi would jump into the top 5. I think you are mixing cause on this one.
I would take both over Statscott in the blink of an eye.
Not any more. Jackson can't stay on the field any more and has shown signs of regressing.

And don't forget his personal decision to not go to his team's playoff game.
You take the "NFL Execs, coaches, and scouts" at face value. I don't.

Who are they? What executives? What positions exactly? What teams? Which coaches? Which scouts? Until you have that, it is 100% random nameless polls.
For all you know they're taking a poll of the waterboy, or the assistant kicking scout.
And how is the poll taken? What exactly is asked? How is the ranking calculated?
You're taking absolutely no actual data and running with it.
Honestly not sure why we're talking about Williams? Never understood what point you were trying to make and what that has to do with a silly poll.
I think it was the myth point, but unlike the article which doesn't give any details, the video of Williams existed. You know exactly who he is and what he said exactly.
so there are 32 teams. 32 GMs. 32 head coaches. 32 execs (give or take). the list of their names is out there. its an easy google search.

and you are discrediting them, but hey, COllin Cowherd said!!! and you are all over it. I take one coach word over Collin Cowtrud, 8 days a week, but I am sure if he says anything negative about Dak, its on top of your list of people to listen to.

btw, how is every poll taken? its not rocket science. if you don't understand this stuff, perhaps you should not get involved in discussing them. just sayin!
Both are equally irrational.

The edge goes to the haters. Most of Daks fans will rank him close to where league executives have. Haters will make him out to be a back up scrub.
They can rank him whatever they want. Until he takes the team to a NFC champ game or a superbowl, Statscott can be ranked 32 or 1. Makes no difference to me. I think he gives the chance to win games but not rings. Past due for a change.
the list of QBs that can win games but not rings is rather long.

and yes, time for us to think about next QB and draft one. we should draft a QB every 3,4 years and just keep developing them and if they don't work out move on.....going UDFA for backup is insane.
Fair enough. But he is ranked according to production on the field. They have been keeping stats/production for many decades but for some reason some people say they don't count now that Dak Prescott is in the NFL.

I wonder how that works...

With that said, you said it's past due for change if a quarterback hasn't "taken" a team to an NFC Championship or Superbowl, correct? Ok cool.

I stand to be corrected if im wrong, but.... Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, Matthew Stafford, and many other quarterbacks didn't "take" their teams to Championship games or Superbowls after just 6 years of playing.... did you say the same IDENTICAL thing about them after 6 seasons?? Because if you didn't then you're just another hypocrite. Respectfully.....

Oh yeah... Aaron Rodgers won a Superbowl. So did Trent Dilpher, Matthew Stafford and Nick Foles. It's a good bet that Rodgers will be in the Hall of Fame. Will Dilpher, Foles and Stafford be inducted as well? They all have the same Superbowl success, right?

Oh wait, Eli Manning has 2 Superbowl rings, so surely he's a better quarterback than Aaron Rodgers according to your measurement system, right?
Why oh why do guys repeatedly throw Manning, Brees and Rodgers into a discussion about Statscott? He can't get close enough to those guys to valet their cars.
I'm not the biggest fan of Jackson but he does have talent. I would sorta compare him to Vick but I would say that Lamar is a more consistent passer, but can have clunkers. When he is a good passer and running threat, it's very difficult to defend. When he isn't, it's not pretty.

Herbert, that is true in a sense but he has already shown that his physical talent is immense. As in gives his team a huge advantage when he steps on the field. It's hard for me to imagine him not having an extraordinary career.
LJ is an athlete at the position, maybe more than Josh Allen as far as physical even.
You dont have to be a mahomes type QB in this league to get payed top dollar.

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