Dak is a mental choker!

America's Cowboy

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Yea, I have said that the Cowboys are screwed. I said this will get worse before this contract expires. Fix him? LOL....year 9 isn't when you magically fix him. Do people understand that players decline with age. Dak has already declined. Just wait until his cap hit increases and his play decreases.
Physically, it's hard to improve with age, but mentally you definitely can and should improve with age.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I don't expect you high school band players to understand. Probably didn't even play band. Probably those funky nerds who sat in the opposing stands.
And now the insults start because you know how stupid you sound. I feel sorry for you, not!


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Physically, it's hard to improve with age, but mentally you definitely can and should improve with age.
Yes, but your mind tells you to do things that your body can't do anymore. It is normal and comes with age! Our problem is that our clown of a GM just made Dak the highest paid player in NFL history so we just have to wait it out for the next 4 or 5 seasons before we can really start a rebuild.


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That’s the first thing I said during the last drive he was a nervous Nelly out there! With that said he dropped a dime to Turpin who ish the bed! We need another WR and a RB HELL we need a lot lol but a WR will at least have us scoring with teams
Rewatch the pass to Turpin. Dak gave Turpin no room to catch the ball inbounds!!

0-4 on the biggest drive of the game!!

Did Jerry sign a no trade contract with Dak? If so, we are so screwed!!


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Whether you, me or anyone likes it or not, Dak is here to stay for another 4 seasons. Might as well try to figure out how to fix him. Most of it right now is mental. That's all I'm trying to do with this thread. If you want to contribute, feel free to do so. This is not some initiation club event, so back off.
I don't know about that AC. If he keeps going downhill, they could easily dump him and just take the hit. Guess it depends on how bad they,(the FO), want to win.


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You should know...being a vet like some of us. Mental fortitude can be built through harsh punishment.
A 60 mill a year QB is untouchable in Dallas, there’s only one coach that could change that and Jerry isn’t bringing him in to get any credit for fixing the Cowboys and Dak.

America's Cowboy

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@America's Cowboy is this a troll thread or have you really come to realize Dak has lost it?
I'm not a troll like some around here. I'm seriously upset with the clear and obvious choke job Dak pulled off all game long last night. You could see Dak with that deer-in-the-headlights look and his mouth hanging open as if he was protecting a little bird inside of it all game long. Dude was mentally checked out.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm not a troll like some around here. I'm seriously upset with the clear and obvious choke job Dak pulled off all game long last night. You could see Dak with that deer-in-the-headlights look and his mouth hanging open as if he was protecting a little bird inside of it all game long. Dude was mentally checked out.
This is far from the first time. How did this game become your breaking point?


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Whether you, me or anyone likes it or not, Dak is here to stay for another 4 seasons. Might as well try to figure out how to fix him. Most of it right now is mental. That's all I'm trying to do with this thread. If you want to contribute, feel free to do so. This is not some initiation club event, so back off.
The best option would be for MM to actually bench him and make him the emergency QB the next game or two so he can get the entitled attitude of of his system and let him get his head right, unfortunately MM doesn’t have the balls to do it and Jerry would blow a gasket. It’s simply about the money and nothing is changing that.