Dak is a mental choker!


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Lol this is so stupid. The idea that beating Dak up will make him a better QB is literally the dumbest thing I've read on here, and I've read a lot of dumb things.

First off...he sucks, and even if this method would work, the amount of beating it would take to make him not suck would kill him.

Secondly, this is assault, so who wants to go to jail to try this silly experiment.

Next up:
Let's test to see if he is a witch.


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Romo made lesser receivers get big contracts with other teams ....... and then they fizzled out.

Dak needs an elite receiver and at least 2 good receivers to be able to pass the ball.
And don’t forget a running game . Maybe most important factor which we totally took away. Last in the league. How stupid is that?


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It was all mental. Non-pressured inexcusably thrown INTs into double coverage. Dude mentally broke down. All game long he had that deer-in-the-headlights look with his mouth hanging wide open as if he was protecting a little bird inside his mouth. Dude was mentally choked out from the very beginning to the very end. He seriously needs a good drag down beating.
Haha AC this is hilarious. Good for you, better late than never.


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I get it. The bigger point is we are no longer a championship caliber franchise any longer as a result of Jethro . Dak is just a product of that dysfunction.

It’s not going to change once Dak is gone. I guess you forgot how it suked before Dak was here.
Someone loves Dak.


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Someone loves Dak.
You obviously haven’t followed me. Not at all . We were fools to pay him. But even bigger fools or idiots once we did and didn’t provide him better supporting cast.

And we have suked long before Dak arrived and will as long as Jethro is strangleholding Cowboys football.


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It's time to begin the tank for Jeanty and a NT.
NO, we need a shiny new QB to right this ship! It's apparently clear money isn't going to make Prescott play any better, so let him collect what's owed to him while he rots on the bench or requests a trade. The time has come to start over from the bottom so off some of the other talent like CeeDee and Parsons and whoever else is signed to a big dollar contract because paying these cats all this CAP SPACE isn't making this lousy team any better. This team just isn't competitive anymore, unless they are down by a bunch and make it close for show at the end of the game like 30 - 24!

America's Cowboy

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Lol this is so stupid. The idea that beating Dak up will make him a better QB is literally the dumbest thing I've read on here, and I've read a lot of dumb things.

First off...he sucks, and even if this method would work, the amount of beating it would take to make him not suck would kill him.

Secondly, this is assault, so who wants to go to jail to try this silly experiment.
I don't expect you high school band players to understand. Probably didn't even play band. Probably those funky nerds who sat in the opposing stands.

America's Cowboy

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Two wrongs don't make it right. You want to punish Dak? Sit him down on the bench and take away his thunder, that will mentally break him than trying to break his bones. It does not work.

As far as being soft or stupid in my Military, the punishment was running the obstacle course over and over until you either vomit or just cannot do it anymore.

An analogy like yours is, if your child is doing bad in school, just beat the chit out of him when he comes from school, that will teach him. Wrong.
Where did I say anything about breaking bones or injuring? You make up stuff because you have not accomplished what some of us have. That's why you don't get it.


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Dak cost this game against the 49ers. Dude is a mental choker!

Someone needs to rattle him around real good a couple of times and either make him wake up or break him! Cowboys need to find out already if this guy mentally has what it takes to toughen up and improve his game or not.
I had a couple month window of hope when Dak and Ceedee remained unextended and MM was a lame duck HC.

I figured the next HC could decide if Dak and Ceedee were going to be the franchise players at 90 million a year.

That hope went away.