Twitter: Dak is one touch sum biscuit eater


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But yet you are completely willing to give your own personal theory on this while pulling an internet tough guy act.
Who the hell are you? Is that how you are the first time you say something to somebody. Be rude, be ignored. Newbies need to introduce themselves. Until then, get out of my face.


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Dak was dumb to try to reset his ankle the way he did. Banging it on the turf is just going to make it worse. It probably hurt like hell as well which is why he quit so quickly and then the medical people were there. It's not a sign of toughness at all. And what was that crying about? Poor baby just couldn't take it. I've had the exact same injury. It didn't feel good but I didn't cry.
You never had that injury stop lying.......a twisted ankle ain't the same lol.


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Yet another loving on Dak thread. I really do not understand the obsession or need to prop him up.

Since you don't understand it, albeit maybe because you disagree with Dak being a good QB or why someone would want to talk about their favorite player let me break it down for you in simple terms.

#1 many of us respect the fact that Dak is a very good human who always give it his all.
#2 Dak is on a historic pace in terms of his numbers and stats that show him to potentially be on pace for
a Hall of Fame nomination if he wins a super bowl or two.
#3 He is one of the most respected men in the locker room because he leads by example.

I'm assuming you're one of those guys that puts every loss on Dak even though it's a team sport right? If you can't see that Dak is a more than good enough QB to win a super bowl, or your eye test influences you do see crazy things, I can't help you. Bottom line, Tom Brady won super bowls playing terrible and if it wasn't for his defenses they would of been loses. If our cows had good coaching and a decent defense, I believe you would be frantically searching the hamper for Dak's jock.


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he was probably in more shock and adrenaline than pain. When I broke my leg I felt nothing, but the pain after surgery was terrible lol
I remember I broke my wrist, and the other bone was dislocated. It looked like the letter Z.

I told my friend...LOOK...LOOK AT THIS SHEEET!

No pain just shock. For a bit. Then months of horrendous pain and rehab. I didn't even have the very best medical staff in the world I just did it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Since you don't understand it, albeit maybe because you disagree with Dak being a good QB or why someone would want to talk about their favorite player let me break it down for you in simple terms.

#1 many of us respect the fact that Dak is a very good human who always give it his all.
#2 Dak is on a historic pace in terms of his numbers and stats that show him to potentially be on pace for
a Hall of Fame nomination if he wins a super bowl or two.
#3 He is one of the most respected men in the locker room because he leads by example.

I'm assuming you're one of those guys that puts every loss on Dak even though it's a team sport right? If you can't see that Dak is a more than good enough QB to win a super bowl, or your eye test influences you do see crazy things, I can't help you. Bottom line, Tom Brady won super bowls playing terrible and if it wasn't for his defenses they would of been loses. If our cows had good coaching and a decent defense, I believe you would be frantically searching the hamper for Dak's jock.

#2? .....With 5 to 6 1st round picks on his offense...I EXPECT THAT!


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All these players lie. After surgery they say never felt better I’m 100%. Ready to go. Bunch of bs. I’m glad Dak can walk again.
I think Dak has been very honest about his recovery. Remember, he said the injury was heavy on his mind up until around Cinco de Mayo. That is when he says he buried it and regained his confidence in his ankle. The injury happened in October of last year so that's 6 months of doubt and fear he lived with.


Captain Catfish
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Then spread the appreciation to others for there are those in this group that refer to those of differing opinions as haters and trolls.
Nah, its pointless, they will open their eyes when they open their ears,, many talk first and slow when it comes to differing opinions.
I appreciate your posts, and appreciate most here even @CowboyRoy , @Sydla , @Rockport , even the biggest offender @Risen Star the list is too long,, you guys know who you are,, just man up when you are wrong.
I have eaten crow so many times I have a special rub I created for crow meat.
No offense to my many brothers on this site that I didnt have time to tag.... its a big house


Captain Catfish
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I think Dak has been very honest about his recovery. Remember, he said the injury was heavy on his mind up until around Cinco de Mayo. That is when he says he buried it and regained his confidence in his ankle. The injury happened in October of last year so that's 6 months of doubt and fear he lived with.
He wouldnt have been even moving in OTAs if there was any issue at all, no way Jerry risks his franchise investment.
Dak showed everyone that his injury is history, and its time to move on.

Risen Star

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Nah, its pointless, they will open their eyes when they open their ears,, many talk first and slow when it comes to differing opinions.
I appreciate your posts, and appreciate most here even @CowboyRoy , @Sydla , @Rockport , even the biggest offender @Risen Star the list is too long,, you guys know who you are,, just man up when you are wrong.
I have eaten crow so many times I have a special rub I created for crow meat.
No offense to my many brothers on this site that I didnt have time to tag.... its a big house

I do it's just that I'm so rarely wrong that people assume I don't.


"We Are Penn State"
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Love the headline "Ouch! Cowboys QB Dak Prescott Reveals He Tried To Re-Set Broken Ankle Himself" as if we didn't already know that by watching after the injury occurred. Nice Captain Obvious headline there, SI.
I didn't know till now. Thanks for posting @Rockport .
No offense to my many brothers on this site that I didnt have time to tag.... its a big house
Not into your sister's "on this site" huh ------> runs


Captain Catfish
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I didn't know till now. Thanks for posting Rocky!


What about us sisters?!
I know its such a Neanderthal response,, at my age I should know better and how to appropriately address the female posters in this house.. my apologies are sincere and with much respect.
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One tough sum biscuit eater.

great :clap:

and romo came in after breaking ribs and collapsing a lung and threw a bomb for gw set up fg..he also tried to come back in after breaking his vertebrae/back and the coaches had to hold him back..its all in A Football Life documentary..

great stuff:popcorn:

PS Dak should have duct taped it up or put temp cast on it and finished the game, thats tough :)) Jk


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#2? .....With 5 to 6 1st round picks on his offense...I EXPECT THAT!
Lets be real here, cowboys online hasnt been much better than average most of the time since Dak has been QB. Elliot was good for 2 years, and our receivers
for a few years weren't that great as I'm sure you remember. Lets also be real, no QB stands a chance with a bad oline or subpar talent, just
look how mahomes struggled with a bad oline last year.. You can't look at Dak and his offense and just anoint him as blessed in blanket statement
referring to all the #1 picks... More often than not the team was either missing players or the defense was under performing. The Cowboys haven't
even sniffed at playing as a team yet, nor had the luxury of decent health and good coaching. If our offense was so great, one would think Andy Dalton
would of done much better than he did right? Oh yeah, he was dealing with lots of injuries to the oline and our starting tight end... The problem with Dak haters
is that they are blinded by their hate. Anyone in their right mind sees that this guy is fantastic, in fact probably one of our best players, no one should doubt that.
Dak hasn't had the luxury of having bad games with the coaches we have and the defense. All Qb's have bad games, if you read this forum you would think that Dak
is the only QB that misses wide open receivers and has accuracy issues! LOL... Any knowledgeable fan can see what really goes on week to week and understands all
QB's no matter how great they are have off games.. It's unfortunate for Dak though, because he can't afford to have any.


Captain Catfish
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great :clap:

and romo came in after breaking ribs and collapsing a lung and threw a bomb for gw set up fg..he also tried to come back in after breaking his vertebrae/back and the coaches had to hold him back..its all in A Football Life documentary..

great stuff:popcorn:

PS Dak should have duct taped it up or put temp cast on it and finished the game, thats tough :)) Jk
That would be tough in a fictional movie.. or extremely old school, before they even understood basic ankle surgery.


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I'm with you on this 100%, but there's a difference between education and blatantly insulting people that have different opinions.

I'd much rather have rational discussions where we can air our differences and agree to disagree on things, buy certain posters feel the need to always throw insults like "troll",
hater", or my personal favorite " oh, you just don't understand the game of football" out there. That's when some of us, myself included, kinda take the low road to and let emotions take over and then it just becomes a back and forth that accomplishes nothing.

Dak is polarizing because he is the QB of our favorite team. Everyone has a opinion on him. Some are positive, some are negative, and some are in the middle. That's just the way it is and that is okay.

Winning cures all. You best believe Dak can be playing like early 2017 Dak, but if we're winning the bickering that is happening right now will be far a few between I believe. It's hard to argue with people when your team is winning. It's when you're losing that the doubters start to have a louder voice, and rightfully so. Because no player is above criticism and doubt, especially one that has accomplished so little, such as Dak.

I'd love for Dak to get to a point where it becomes hard to doubt him like a Brady, Mahomes, or Rodgers is at right now. You just know that more then likely you're going to have to bring your A game if you want to beat guys like them consistently. Dak is not there yet, so he doesn't get the same benefit of the doubt as those guys. Maybe he gets there one day and maybe he don't, but all we can do is hope that he gets to that level one day. I don't believe teams fear Dak right now, and honestly, why should they? Since Dak has been in the league our success has came from Zeke and the run game, so Dak has never been the focus of the opponents. If our opponents can make Dak throw the ball a lot then that's a win for them more than it's not. Hopefully that all changes this season, but that has to be proven on the field, and not through fans emotional takes.
That sounds nice and all but Dak is one of the top QBs in wins since he became the starter. Had 11 straight wins, which no Cowboys QB ever accomplished, but yet still folks crap on him.

That's the reason folks like you are called haters. It's cool to have criticism and difference of opinion but some of the things that are said against Dak are clearly false and bias against him.

As far as some saying you haters don't know anything about football, i disagree with. You have knowledge of the game, as do just about everybody on this forum.