See the problem with today's impatient people, they have the attention span of a gnat ,
if you think that's war and peace you might want to go back and look at how many words and pages an actual novel has, compared to my one page not on Twitter, not limited media, on a forum ,this is not just a regular social media page like Facebook, this is a full functioning forum... if you don't like it you just don't like reading because you don't want to hear real facts and a real opinion from someone that differs from yours, you want us to be on the hate train, and blame everything on Prescott ,and that's not happening here!!
you're going to get a differing opinion and that's too damn bad if you don't want to read it I'll make it easy I fully disagree with your sentiments, and I also feel like it's very sad that you think that that's a novel... to the twitter gen crowds