Is that what you are doing? “Rooting for change?”
There are variations across the spectrum here at the Zone.
Some may be “blissfully ignorant” and some may “root for change”, but MC, everyone who is a regular here knows that you are absolutely, 100% negative, all day, every day.
Surely you know this and, it would appear, take great delight in being the extreme voice of negativity that is the polar opposite of the oblivious, Pollyanna posters at the other end. The ones who can never bring themselves to say anything negative about the team.
You’re the ying to their yang. You and them are battling each other in a never-ending, meaningless, war.
The rest of us are just doing the best we can. We have our good days and bad. Our days when we want to blow it up while still hoping that things turn out well.
But not you, and not them. You’re all pretty weird when it comes down to it.
I’m personally on team blow it up but I reject, utterly, that 100% jaded cynicism and constant vitriol is the way to share it.