Dak, Time to get smart


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And Dak now has a right to negotiate for the contract he wants, that's the way it works.

So how about everybody dropping the double standard by turning Dak into the bad guy.

The Cowboys got a great deal in Dak's first four seasons. Now Dak wants a great deal.
Screw him, let him walk after this season (like there will be a season ). Im done with him will never root for him again.


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My first Dak thread, ever if memory serves.

Dak, can you seriously not see what this agent is doing to you? You are now appearing to be self-centered, completely eaten up w/ greed, and a guy who doesn't care a wit about the team or your teammates or any of that.

Is this the case? If it is, well OK. If this is not the case, please please please fire this bucket of self serving BS and get a real agent as Mahomes did. That is how a contract should be done, not this drawn out mess.
Dak sent his response below...


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Just a question, coach. One to which i don't know the answer. If dak plays on the tag, is that considered a negotiated deal. Is his agent due his commission for this? UPDATE. i just googled it and supposedly agent only gets 2% on first time tag. 1.5% on second tag. So agent only gets 628,000.
Yeah, that's all. Lol


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The public perception isn’t on Daks side.

This isn’t comparable to other Cowboys recent high profile signings as there was little argument if any of their value and Elite status in the league.

It was just a matter of getting them signed. This is a different circumstance as everyone isn’t sold Daks demands are worthy of his talent level and status amongst the Elite QB’s in the league.
The public perception is a ploy of the Joneses planting lies, just as they did with Bryant. They try to use the media to get what they want and sometimes, as in the case of Phillips out and Garrett in, it worked.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Just a question, coach. One to which i don't know the answer. If dak plays on the tag, is that considered a negotiated deal. Is his agent due his commission for this? UPDATE. i just googled it and supposedly agent only gets 2% on first time tag. 1.5% on second tag. So agent only gets 628,000.
cern, I was unaware that they got less than 3% of anything but that would give more credence to his agent trying to talk him into the longer term deal if he's money driven.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
cern, I was unaware that they got less than 3% of anything but that would give more credence to his agent trying to talk him into the longer term deal if he's money driven.
I guess that depends on how much his agent believes in him. Allegedly, he's trying to get a shorter term deal so he can hit the market sooner to try and get an increase. If his agent is trying for a longer term, against his wishes, I'd say the agent doesn't believe he'll prove himself worthy. But I don't think that's the case. I think the agent is going for the four year deal.


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Stupid: going on and on about your QB and running their mouths about how great and necessary he is, talking to the media during negotiations and planting false rumors. Rule #1 in negotiating, the media is for after the deal is done, not before or during. When did we hear about the biggest deal ever done? Is Mahomes a bad guy for that deal?

How many deals get done without our knowledge a deal was even in the works? How many players were negotiated with and came to an agreement without the media or public being involved. But because thee two worthless aholes have to show their ugly mugs to the cameras so often, we are in on everything.

Smart: Dak Prescott, saying nothing.
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The public perception is a ploy of the Joneses planting lies, just as they did with Bryant. They try to use the media to get what they want and sometimes, as in the case of Phillips out and Garrett in, it worked.
Who’s side are you on?


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I guess that depends on how much his agent believes in him. Allegedly, he's trying to get a shorter term deal so he can hit the market sooner to try and get an increase. If his agent is trying for a longer term, against his wishes, I'd say the agent doesn't believe he'll prove himself worthy. But I don't think that's the case. I think the agent is going for the four year deal.
The agent does very well, this one deal doesn't break or make him but it can go a long way with his rep. He's lucky, he's up against the two worst negotiators with stars in the history of the NFL.


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cern, I was unaware that they got less than 3% of anything but that would give more credence to his agent trying to talk him into the longer term deal if he's money driven.
Yep. 3% is all they are allowed to get. And his agent has enough clients to collect 28 million a year from his clients. So he is ok. He will want to go back and cash in as much as possible. He wants that guaranteed money on contracts so he knows how much he gets..


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Stupid: going on and on about your QB and running their mouths about how great and necessary he is, talking to the media during negotiations and planting false rumors. Rule #1 in negotiating, the media is for after the deal is done, not before or during. When did we hear about the biggest deal ever done? Is Mahomes a bad guy for that deal?

How many deals get done without our knowledge a deal was even in the works? How many players were negotiated with and came to an agreement without the media or public being involved. But because thee two worthless aholes have to show their ugly mugs to the cameras so often, we are in on everything.

Smart: Dal Prescott, saying nothing.
I don’t think JJ has said much since the corona thing. He is busy on his yacht. He will ride in at the last second and pay Dak a big contract. Or he won’t.


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Stupid: going on and on about your QB and running their mouths about how great and necessary he is, talking to the media during negotiations and planting false rumors. Rule #1 in negotiating, the media is for after the deal is done, not before or during. When did we hear about the biggest deal ever done? Is Mahomes a bad guy for that deal?

How many deals get done without our knowledge a deal was even in the works? How many players were negotiated with and came to an agreement without the media or public being involved. But because thee two worthless aholes have to show their ugly mugs to the cameras so often, we are in on everything.

Smart: Dal Prescott, saying nothing.

They don’t want to over pay Dak but yet want to present the perception they’re all in on him.

They basically are attempting to play both sides of the fence so however it falls they aren’t viewed as the suckers.

I think they’d be more than willing to pay him what he wants but don’t want to be viewed as fools.


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I don’t think JJ has said much since the corona thing. He is busy on his yacht. He will ride in at the last second and pay Dak a big contract. Or he won’t.
Initially I figured Jerry would cave but with him already locked in with franchise tag and prospects of not having a season anyway, Jerry might stand pat and let it ride for now.


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Who’s side are you on?
Prescott's, all the way. Always was, I am always on the side of the player unless I don't like him and I am pretty ambivalent about him. I didn't care much for him when the played the part of the organ grinder's monkey for Booger on the kneeling but that's about all I don't like about him. He plays hard and leaves it all on the field and he will give himself up and I like that about any player.

I am not part of that group thinking if they can get him to deal, they can better assemble a SB team. Is that what's been preventing these clowns in their own circus from doing that for 25 years? They don't have the skill or talent to do that, deal or no deal from the QB. Hell , they had the best deal going for 4 years and what did they do?


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I don’t think JJ has said much since the corona thing. He is busy on his yacht. He will ride in at the last second and pay Dak a big contract. Or he won’t.
I think it has been mostly silent from Prescott's camp, nothing to act on. He's on board for this season and awaiting the protocol for reporting to camp, if there is one.

I think some labor under the misconception that this has been this drawn out negotiation going back and forth and I would be surprised of they talked 5 times the entire off season. Offers get made and then the silence begins, each side hoping the other breaks the silence first.

One thing some ran with here, and I don't know where that came from, was that Prescott wasn't perfectly happy to play for twice what he received in 4 years for 1 year. He, evidently, wants a 4 year deal or a 1 year deal. They allowed these assumptions from the moronic talking heads to influence them or the plants by the Joneses trying to make him look greedy. Him look greedy. What a joke.


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Initially I figured Jerry would cave but with him already locked in with franchise tag and prospects of not having a season anyway, Jerry might stand pat and let it ride for now.
I do think the negotiating is over for now. If he were to roll over now, good luck ever dealing with another star player again. Every player's agent on this team with an upcoming contract is watching this play out. The Joneses aren't stupid and have to stop blinking.


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What I really want to know are what are all of these time wasters going to do beginning on Thursday when they don't have this to talk about and say nothing. That hack Archer has to spend to time to tell us that they don't have any time scheduled to talk? Did Booger not beat his wife today?


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Screw him, let him walk after this season (like there will be a season ). Im done with him will never root for him again.
Sounds like you had a nice big helping of the propoganda that Jerry had been shoving out.

This is completely on Jerry who should have signed Dak a year ago at the very latest.