Dak vs Justin Fields


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I know you don't understand why the cap matters. I'm just making an opinion. You get upset about my opinion. Your a big Dak fan and that's OK. I think he is overpaid and average. I also think jason g

You say you can't figure why paying too high contract effects the team? That's what I thought. I get it you like Dak and that's OK, but your too emotional with other opinions. I didn't think Jason Garrett was a good coach. Does that opinion make you upset?
OH, on the contrary I fully understand the salary cap. its a lot of folks like yourself who have thrown a hissy fit over Dak's salary, claiming we will not be able to win a superbowl without providing any legitimate argument as to why, even when they are asked to explain the reasoning behind their hissy fit.

and like I said in previous response, you chose this silly emotional approach (not sure what you are trying to prove or accomplish with it), so now you are stuck and have to continue mentioning it in every post.....else you will look silly or if you stop, then you (nobody else) would feel like you lost because you started, tried to stick to it and then you stopped it.....so you have to choose which one is less silly. continuing it and looking silly or stopping and feeling silly.... its funny...


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Again average isn't bad. It can mean good. If someone was above average you could say that was really good. If you get a C in school that is average not bad unless you were capable of a higher grade. Understand?
so average = good.....I guess that's the new definition of the word as the spin continues...
btw, this is not highschool or college for you to be tested and get a grade.....you are losing it...becoming sillier by the posts


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I know you aren't stupid either. And I know your respectful. Who besides a Dak fans says he is a top 10 quarterback? No football analysis thinks he is a top 10 let alone top 2. There are pros and cons to each metric. QBR isn't not the only metric.

Apparently you do not grasp that QBR was created as an attempt to combine ALL THE METRICS.. It reportedly takes passing stats, rushing stats, poor throws vs good throws, game management, red zone performance, late game performance, ALL OF IT into consideration and that's how they arrive at the rating. I don't know what the formula they use is but that's how I have heard it described.. I also have heard dozens of analysts say Dak is a top 10 QB.. In fact the consensus take is he is on that next tier of QBs right under the 5 or 6 elites.. which is about where I have him. If you have not heard or read these opinions it's because you don't want to.. because they've literally been all over the place for the better part of two years. Even most of those who don't believe he is elite admit he is right on the cusp of it. As do I.


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How to you rank Dak a top 10 qb? Even if there was he is getting paid as a top 2. All I'm saying he is overpaid and average and he is coming off a very bad injury. Don't be so emotional over an opinion.
so before you said he was good and others great....and then he was average....so if in your book average=good and then good is great? you seem to be using a classroom style grading system for some reason....perhaps you are still a student in school and that's important to you.....

nice to see you are continuing your emotional angle...... so is it sillier to continue? or sillier to stop? you are caught in between and have to decide.....which one makes you look like a bigger fool LOL....


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Lol. Dak threw almost triple the yardage than Keenum and you're comparing him? SMH...

OK this thread has unleashed a few trolls who are exercising their right to spread misinformation. Ignore is being used appropriately. :thumbup:

Yeah unfortunately this board is overrun with anti-Dak trolls. The only reason I don't put them all on ignore is because someone has to be here to hip the newbies to their bullcrap! Otherwise any infrequent visitor here will think these idiots represent all Cowboys fans.


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So every top 10 QB should go to the Super Bowl every year? You do realize that only two teams make it to the Super Bowl right? By definition 8 top 10 QBs will NOT go to the Super Bowl every year. The Cowboys may or may not make it to the Super Bowl this year.. but I can all but guarantee you that if they don't Dak Prescott will not be the primary reason for it or even a big reason. Sure he will have a hand in whatever our fortunes turn out to be.. but you can make bank he won't throw three interceptions in the first half of a game to get us into the playoffs the way some other QBs who have worn the Star have done.. But I aint namin no names. Yes in 2 years he will be a big cap hit.. I'll worry about that in 2 years.. Right now his cap hit is middle of the pack at worst. So the Cowboys need to make the most of these next two years.. you know like they did when he was on his rookie contract.. right? When the cap jumps back up closer to pre-Covid levels the Cowboys should be positioned to go all in.


I gaurantee you he is going to change the standard, from superbowl to championship game, until you mention only 4 will make it there and then he will change it to make it to the playoffs......and inevitably the loss to eagles in 2019.......LOL...just too funny.
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It's funny because here are Daks RedZone passing percentages inside the 20 and inside the 10.

I couldn't help but notice as I read this that Dak has 16 TDs and ZERO INTs in the red zone that year.. The only people better were Jackson 24-0, Wentz, 19-0 and Goff 18-0. .. And Dak had more red zone yards than all of those three.. despite fewer attempts.. than Wentz and Goff and only 1 more attempt than Jackson. That's not bad for an "average" QB.


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I couldn't help but notice as I read this that Dak has 16 TDs and ZERO INTs in the red zone that year.. The only people better were Jackson 24-0, Wentz, 19-0 and Goff 18-0. .. And Dak had more red zone yards than all of those three.. despite fewer attempts.. than Wentz and Goff and only 1 more attempt than Jackson. That's not bad for an "average" QB.

I should also mention that Dak did this while taking his direction from a rookie OC whom most of us acknowledge has been just this side of horrible in his red zone play calling since taking over the reigns of the offense.


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Again.. cute attempt to troll.. because I know you can't be that stupid.. Winston led the league in passing yards... Passing yards is ONE metric but it absolutely does NOT determine a QB's ranking. You look at QBR and passer rating for that. Winston's QBR was 55.7 which 16th in the league. His passer rating was 84.3 good for 26th.. A player's ranking is NOT based on any one single stat.. but again.. I know damn well you know this.. so you're welcome to go troll somebody else ..
he will use a stat that suits his argument at that point in the thread. subsequently in another thread on the same subject, he will dismiss the same argument for something different. his goal is to win that specific argument with what ever made up logic, never sticking to one.

read his other responses and subsequent squirming and explantion regarding him calling Dak good, and other great, then he called Dak average in another response to another poster, then he tried to explain why average is good, using a college grading system....I literally LOL.....


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Fields on a cheap rookie deal > Dak on a expensive deal.

In the sense that *if* Fields develops into a QB that is just as good as Dak then sure. It in essence let's us hit the reset button on the team and closes whatever semblance of an open window we have now but allows it to be more open in 3-4 years.

But I think that's far from a given and odds are most of the QBs taken in the first round won't be as good as Dak


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I know you aren't stupid either. And I know your respectful. Who besides a Dak fans says he is a top 10 quarterback? No football analysis thinks he is a top 10 let alone top 2. There are pros and cons to each metric. QBR isn't not the only metric.
sorry, jumping in this...you asked who besides a Dak fan says he is a top 10 QB....50 FO personnel in the NFL.....

that was way to easy...

and Steve007 response regarding this being an emotional response in 3.....2......1.....


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I gaurantee you he is going to change the standard, from superbowl to championship game, until you mention only 4 will make it there and then he will change it to make it to the playoffs......and inevitably the loss to eagles in 2019.......LOL...just too funny.

Yeah the goal of this tact is to just keep the argument going as opposed to making any meaningful points.. But I love a good sports argument as much as the next guy so as long as a person will at least come at me with intellectual honesty I will engage in the banter all day. But I draw the line at brain dead trolling by throwing out falsehoods just to try and make people debunk them then throw out another one.


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Oh and just to let you know, he was 8th in "On target" throws in 2019. So you can guess where most of those drops I mentioned came from. Clue... it wasn't Dak.


Everything you’re saying is correct but unfortunately the individual you’re sharing this with isn’t interested in truth. They’re only interested in carrying on their own cause no matter how far they have to bend the truth.


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I couldn't help but notice as I read this that Dak has 16 TDs and ZERO INTs in the red zone that year.. The only people better were Jackson 24-0, Wentz, 19-0 and Goff 18-0. .. And Dak had more red zone yards than all of those three.. despite fewer attempts.. than Wentz and Goff and only 1 more attempt than Jackson. That's not bad for an "average" QB.
At least Dak realizes he isn't that accurate so he is scared to pull the trigger and place the football in tight windows. So he looks for the check down and hopes Amari or Zeke can run into the end zone. Teams have caught on to that and now that Dak won't be running he won't have that 3rd option. To beat the good teams and good defenses you have to have a QB that can place the ball into tighter windows. Daks passing percentage gets worse the closer he is to the end zone. It's not all Kellen Moore. I've seen guys open Dak refuses to trust his arm.


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Apparently you do not grasp that QBR was created as an attempt to combine ALL THE METRICS.. It reportedly takes passing stats, rushing stats, poor throws vs good throws, game management, red zone performance, late game performance, ALL OF IT into consideration and that's how they arrive at the rating. I don't know what the formula they use is but that's how I have heard it described.. I also have heard dozens of analysts say Dak is a top 10 QB.. In fact the consensus take is he is on that next tier of QBs right under the 5 or 6 elites.. which is about where I have him. If you have not heard or read these opinions it's because you don't want to.. because they've literally been all over the place for the better part of two years. Even most of those who don't believe he is elite admit he is right on the cusp of it. As do I.
If you have heard dozens of analysts say Dak is a top 10 then name them. https://bleacherreport.com/articles...matters-most-when-evaluating-nfl-quarterbacks


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so before you said he was good and others great....and then he was average....so if in your book average=good and then good is great? you seem to be using a classroom style grading system for some reason....perhaps you are still a student in school and that's important to you.....

nice to see you are continuing your emotional angle...... so is it sillier to continue? or sillier to stop? you are caught in between and have to decide.....which one makes you look like a bigger fool LOL....
Calling names proves that you are emotional.