Dak will not win a championship in today's NFL


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:facepalm: Here’s proof the haters are reveling in the loss. I knew you would be out in force today.
This is my first thread today.

I didnt even post one last night or stockpile some this morning.

I had to gather my thoughts for this today.


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There is no one and I mean no one who is better than Dak in this year draft. Next year draft is different story though.

I bet to differ. I bet there are QB's including some in the later rounds who are more accurate than dak as well as a better arm.


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I will admit to this..

In DAK I certainly see his weaknesses now.

Before it was obscured by Zeke's suspension..

when Zeke left DAK stumbled badly.

After this year..

..this last game especially..

his poor accuracy will not cut it.

He is a college running QB in a pro environment.

He will never be a classic NFL QB IMO.

He will always have worts to deal with.

So having felt that now..

I love DAK but DAK the QB is going to have to learn accuracy.

Troy said you either have accuracy or you don't.

DAK ain't got it.

We need to find somebody to compete with DAK in TC.

Somebody to push him if we are keeping him.

Just saying how I feel after watching DAK since 2016.
It's funny how everyone focuses on that one comment by Troy and completely ignores the fact that Romo and Parcells said that was the thing Romo had to fix.


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I don't think he will. Just watch Brady, Brees, and Mahomes. To win the big games you need accuracy. However, If he had help from the defense and Zeke then I think it would be possible for Dak to win a super bowl.


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This is getting pathetic.
I feel like a lot of the Dak haters were furious last week rather than happy that we won.
They had to keep their mouths shut and stew quietly in the corner.

Now that we lost, they can happily come out and spew their "criticisms" even though Dak was the better QB (not talent-wise) on the field last night.

I agree that we can't win in today's NFL... with Jason Garrett's offensive scheme and philosophy.
I give JG props for rallying the guys and getting us to the playoffs.

Garrett being totally outcoached on X's and O's is what depresses me more. He will never outcoach 3 to 4 coaches in the playoffs.
With Dak, I'd like to see him with a brand, NEW AGE playbook (not JG's) and with a new OC.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I don't know about Dak. Some things I like about him and some things I don't. Don't know if he can be better with new coaches. It doesn't matter because he's staying. I'll probably move more to one side as I see him play next year. This whole offense has been very troubling all year.


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I don't think an elite quarterback is the next best bet at all, Dak being an elite quarterback or not...... but ok

Look at the 4 teams remaining

Goff isn't elite--yet--but he's a #1 pick for a reason

The remaining teams have Mahomes, Brees, and Brady

Yeah, you're right

An elite qb isn't a good bet at all


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All the Dak haters need to find another team, cause I don't wanna hear them whine for the next five plus years. Just leave. When u actually watch other teams, you'll realize no QB is perfect maybe and finally shut up


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Hey man I'm frustrated too with this team but even when the defense got 2-3 rare stops Dak got the ball back and gave it right back to the rams.

Nobody talks about that though. Not to mention one of those stops were in the first QTR.

Dont be like that.
Yes but your original point is invalid. If the Rams passed all over us and we couldn't keep up, that is a valid point.

They beat us using the opposite of what you proclaimed Dak couldn't beat.


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Your problem is you are focused on putting the blame on one aspect and ignoring the big picture. That is a simple and emotionally driven point of view.

While it is true that the defense shoulders a significant amount of the responsibility it can be and is also true that the offense gave them very little help. There were many plays
there to made that would have extended drives and potentially lead to points that were not made. Routine plays that you have to expect your QB to make. Regardless of the defensive performance the score never got out of control and had Dak been able to make those plays things may have been different.

Nobody is blaming Dak solely for the loss. To deny that he did not contribute to it is naive and irrational.

It's funny that Prescott threw for more yards than Goff by almost 100 yards, Prescott competed a much higher percentage off passes than Goff, 63% - 53%. The really big differences are the Cowboys defense allowed 273 yards rushing and the rams allowed the Cowboys 50 yards rushing. Goff didn't complete every pass and missed some receivers, all QB's do, but the offense got zero help from the defense. Even just after the 2 min. warning the rams had a 3rd and 7 and a time out left and could have should have gotten the ball back but the defense let Goff run for 11 yards and sealed the deal for them. The defense had ZERO 3 and out and forced A SINGLE punt all game. The ONLY ones that are putting any blame on Prescott are Prescott haters, the rest of the sporting world in and out of Dallas is blaming the defense.


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The lot of you would be easier served by making threads titled, "Dak Prescott". In the comments just say, I don't like Dak Prescott's game. The end. I think it's time to take a break from the Zone until the offseason. Yall start thread after thread basically saying you hate Dak. You blame him for everything. The defense gives up damn near 500 yards of offense and it's, "Yeah the defense stunk, but Dak, IT'S HIS FAULT!" See yall in a month or two.


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This is getting pathetic.
I feel like a lot of the Dak haters were furious last week rather than happy that we won.
They had to keep their mouths shut and stew quietly in the corner.

Now that we lost, they can happily come out and spew their "criticisms" even though Dak was the better QB (not talent-wise) on the field last night.

I agree that we can't win in today's NFL... with Jason Garrett's offensive scheme and philosophy.
I give JG props for rallying the guys and getting us to the playoffs.

Garrett being totally outcoached on X's and O's is what depresses me more. He will never outcoach 3 to 4 coaches in the playoffs.
With Dak, I'd like to see him with a brand, NEW AGE playbook (not JG's) and with a new OC.

Come on...THERE IS NO QUESTION THEY WERE FURIOUS about last week. Look how active they are trying this week. If Dallas won...they would be even more furious. They are Dak haters first...Cowboys fans second. They would probably commit suicide when Dak gets to the Superbowl.

And they care little for facts.

The OP creates this post despite the fact that the Rams RAN THE BALL for over 250 yards...which completely destroys his moronic argument about passing league.


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One more thing, Nick Flippin Foles won the SB last year and had them one game away from the NFC Championship but Dak can't win the SB? LMAOOO


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The stage was set for Dak to take over that game. Open receivers were everywhere and he did not make the passes to keep the team in the game. I don’t care what you do with scheme and OC, if your QB can’t consistently hit the wide open receivers it does not matter.

The defense stunk but we should have never been out of that game. Never should have only had 7 in the first half. This is the occasion where I said on Saturday where at some point Dak is going to have to put some points on the board on the first half and he did not get the job done.

Just another Prescott hater that has the delusion that Prescott is supposed to have 100% completion and if heaven forbid he misses a receiver, start the Prescott must go whine and dance. News flash!!!!! No QB completes 100%, not Brady, not Rodgers, not Brees, NONE. To say the defense stunk but they should have never been out of the game is pure BS. Because of how bad the defense played the Cowboys had such a tiny percent chance of winning and that would have only happened if the rams defense started to play as bad as the Cowboys defense. Except for the possession the Cowboys forced a punt and the very last possession of the game, the rams SCORED ON EVERY OTHER POSSESSION! Except for the last possession the rams crossed mid-field ON EVERY POSSESSION. Anyone who even for a split second TRIES to put any blame on Prescott is just pushing their Prescott hatred and ignoring what the truth is and what the rest of the sports world has said.