Dak winner, Wentz loser


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No, you came in insulting Dak after a pair of wins...you really sophisticated as is being claimed?
Shhhhh... he went to a terribly mediocre state school and can hardly put together a sentence without tripping all over himself.

That was as close to a cogent thought as our remedial friend is capable of. Don’t be mean!


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Shhhhh... he went to a terribly mediocre state school and can hardly put together a sentence without tripping all over himself.

That was as close to a cogent thought as our remedial friend is capable of. Don’t be mean!

Lol, this can be resolved real quick.

Use this: postimage.org

Post a pic of your student ID and write “bite me Cal Poly” next to in the same pic and post it here.

And before you trot out the predictable excuse of “uh, uh, I’m not putting my info out there” you can block out the image, name, other private info.


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Dak Tebow is such a scrub.

Master at check down throws to pad his completion %. Can't complete a deep throw to save his life. Terrible pocket awareness. Not even a threat to run.

Top 5 rushing attack and scoring defense to fall back on and this scrub again manages to throw for just 200 yards (70 and 3 points at halftime). You can blame the coaching staff for only so long before you have to realize that the QB is the glaring weak link on the team.

He does manage to show up for the final 2 minutes in most games so I can see how the organization believes in giving him an extension.


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Dak Tebow is such a scrub.

Master at check down throws to pad his completion %. Can't complete a deep throw to save his life. Terrible pocket awareness. Not even a threat to run.

Top 5 rushing attack and scoring defense to fall back on and this scrub again manages to throw for just 200 yards (70 and 3 points at halftime). You can blame the coaching staff for only so long before you have to realize that the QB is the glaring weak link on the team.

He does manage to show up for the final 2 minutes in most games so I can see how the organization believes in giving him an extension.

You seem to add items onto the table that are not yet up for a discussion of production right now. No one can argue that production for Dak has been quite improved. Even more so with the addition of Cooper.

Perhaps playcalling limited the potential for a turn-over, and affects total statistics for Dak, even in this game. That can change and will, most likely...


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Lol, I didn't know you could get a rating that low.

Wentz plumbing new depths.


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Did I mention Dez was cut.

He had to beg for a job and signed with the Saints for the veterans minimum.

You're wrong, Dez had other offers he turned down, he also could've signed earlier with the Saints. Do your research and stop putting out Bs. That not a good look for you.


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Dak has 15 total TD and 5 INT this year. Plus a 5-5 record.

Wentz has 15 total TD and 6 INT this year. Plus a 4-6 record.

Bahahahahaha WENTZ IZ SO MUCH BETTER!!!!
It's actually a little worse for Wentz when you figure in lost fumbles, Wentz has lost 5, Dak has lost 4

Dak 15 Total TDs 9 Total Turnovers 5-5 record
Wentz 15 Total TDs 11 Total Turnovers 3-5 record


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I have been saying since he was drafted, there is nothing real special about Wentz. Dak gets trashed on here but for some reason this dude is praised to high heavens. Wentz has not accomplished anything Dak has not, except a last place finish and now has his team in the bottom half of the division yet again. But I will wait for the Wentz apologists to spin it and give their excuses.

Wentz looks the part. That's it.


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Before the season and at the start of the season, many where saying the Eagles who surely be a top playoff team again and picked them to easily win the NFC East. Yet, because they're now 4-6, it's because of them not having talented players all of a sudden or their Defense being bad or because Wentz doesn't have a proper supporting cast around him. All of a sudden after the Iggles got built up on this board as being so great that they could win and be a playoff team, even with injured players, now them being injured is the reason for their struggles. And now it's everyone to blame on their team for having a losing record, except for Wentz.

Some are diminishing the talent on this season's Iggles team, just to avoid Wentz taking some of the blame for Philly not being so great this season. There's giving credit to rival teams players for being good and then there's what some on this board do in their fanning of Wentz. Getting defensive if some points out Wentz flaws and bad games. Expecting Cowboys fans to place Wentz on a pedestal and declare him as the next excellent franchise QB. Wanting Wentz to get praise from Cowboys fans.

While at the same time trying to derail any threads where some Cowboys fans wish to give Dak credit and a little praise for the good things he does, by bashing Dak and getting offended that anyone dare give Dak credit for the good games and wins he has or for the good things he does.

Then getting upset at Wentz being called a neck name when he plays for a division rival. Eagles fans go around and compare Zeke to "Ewok" (however you spell the characters name). Yet, Cowboys fans aren't supposed to call Wentz "Wince", just because other Cowboys fans are a fan of his. :huh::laugh:


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The falcons have one of the worst defenses in the NFL. Kudos to Dak for the game winning driving but he didn't win us that game. He was very mediocre most of the afternoon. Wentz was horrific but he's not the first QB to take his lumps in the super dome.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Before the season and at the start of the season, many where saying the Eagles who surely be a top playoff team again and picked them to easily win the NFC East. Yet, because they're now 4-6, it's because of them not having talented players all of a sudden or their Defense being bad or because Wentz doesn't have a proper supporting cast around him. All of a sudden after the Iggles got built up on this board as being so great that they could win and be a playoff team, even with injured players, now them being injured is the reason for their struggles. And now it's everyone to blame on their team for having a losing record, except for Wentz.

Some are diminishing the talent on this season's Iggles team, just to avoid Wentz taking some of the blame for Philly not being so great this season. There's giving credit to rival teams players for being good and then there's what some on this board do in their fanning of Wentz. Getting defensive if some points out Wentz flaws and bad games. Expecting Cowboys fans to place Wentz on a pedestal and declare him as the next excellent franchise QB. Wanting Wentz to get praise from Cowboys fans.

While at the same time trying to derail any threads where some Cowboys fans wish to give Dak credit and a little praise for the good things he does, by bashing Dak and getting offended that anyone dare give Dak credit for the good games and wins he has or for the good things he does.

Then getting upset at Wentz being called a neck name when he plays for a division rival. Eagles fans go around and compare Zeke to "Ewok" (however you spell the characters name). Yet, Cowboys fans aren't supposed to call Wentz "Wince", just because other Cowboys fans are a fan of his. :huh::laugh:

And I suppose you were the one guy warning of their demise in the preseason? The whole world picked the defending super bowl champs to win this division not just this board. Look, clearly from your "analysis" you don't follow or know much about the eagles, so why bother?


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Wonder how this beat down by the Saints is going to affect the Eagles. I'm sure it has an impact on Wentz.


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And I suppose you were the one guy warning of their demise in the preseason? The whole world picked the defending super bowl champs to win this division not just this board. Look, clearly from your "analysis" you don't follow or know much about the eagles, so why bother?

Just means that no one should all of a sudden act like the Eagles have a lack of talent and that's the reason why they have regressed this season. And why Wentz isn't having as great of a season he did last season. Wentz has a better WR corps over Dak, a better coaching staff. And the Eagles D has talent on it enough to be solid if they can execute and produce.

So, for whatever reasons the Eagles have regressed this season, one can't honestly point and act like they have a lack of talent on that roster. Where I have seen some start to blame or diminish the talent and/or surrounding cast that Wentz has for them struggling this season.


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The falcons have one of the worst defenses in the NFL. Kudos to Dak for the game winning driving but he didn't win us that game. He was very mediocre most of the afternoon. Wentz was horrific but he's not the first QB to take his lumps in the super dome.
Yes Wentz was horrific and while many other QBs have taken their lumps in the SuperDome, they also have the 2nd worse pass defense in the league. Wentz didn't even put up a fight, their offense only crossed the Saints 40 yd line twice, one was the last drive of the game then he threw his 3rd INT.