No sir, I said your stance was ridiculous. You however strongly implied I was stupid. There is a difference. Here's an actual insult for you: Like all Dak slobberers, like a slime you attack the messenger rather than the message in a discussion because you are incapable of addressing just the issue without maintaining any degree of courtesy. It's disingenuous, dishonest because you're claiming something that simply isn't true (*that I insulted you before), and low-brow because you're incapable of a civil discussion without attacking because your idol is being called out for being a choker, which he is. There's plenty of evidence of him panicking in big games and choking. Does he calm down and get better in those games? Sometimes, but it coincides with the opponents taking out their starters or taking their foot off of the proverbial gas.
Anyone with ANY knowledge of psychology can see it in his eyes and on his face in those games. I'm sorry you don't have the eyes or mental acuity to see it. See, now that's an insult, sir. Do you now acknowledge the difference or shall we continue this pointless bickering? I don't see further point in it because you are incapable of rational disagreement without snide little barbs.

Bye bye.