Video: Dak's uncle discusses family, frustration with media

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Sure. Just like with other players. There are also the exact opposite type of fans who will defend every single thing he does. Both are extremists. What is wrong with finding some balance between good and bad? The majority of Dak fans should be growing tired of his family constantly bringing crap up. It’s Dak’s fight and he doesn’t need friends and family rushing to his defense on social media making things worse for him.

What's wrong with his family defending him? That's what family is supposed to do.
I find the people complaining about his family defending him have bigger issues than the family member themselves.

It's as though they have nothing better to do but to complain about anything that is Dak related. Get a freaking life.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Family (or even friends) should be criticized for their comments but people are as much free independent thinkers as any other human. How exactly can anyone, even celebrities, command them not to speak their own minds?



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Any of us would be fired from our jobs if that were the case

You make it seem like Jerry begged Dak to take 40M lol. it was Dak that asked to be a top paid QB.

Look, Im a civil engineer...Imagine me walking up to my boss's Office and demanding to be the highest paid in the company despite the fact that the other Civil engineers in that same company are more established and decorated than me and imagine me getting upset because my Boss and other employees expect me to be the best civil engineer in in that company after the pay raise lolol that mindset only works in the country club known as the Dallas Cowboys

Although that's not how civil engineering's probably a bad analogy but you get my point lol

naw i never implied Jerry begged Dak to take it. Fact is, Dak earned it and Jerry paid it because another team would've did it, but thats another discussion. Also you mention your boss and coworkers expect you to be the best, which is perfectly ok because they are in your line of work. The NFL bosses and players (daks coworkers) aren't the problem here. It's the media and everyone else...So for you imagine the janitor finds out about a mistake you made, and says you suck...then the barista at the local coffee shop does the same, then your kids teacher, then a bunch of random people who couldn't spell the word engineer, let alone do what you do are constantly bashing you....You can say "i wouldn't be worried about those people" but its human nature to get annoyed by people who say these things who don't know a dang thing about you.


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You left out the part about family involvement. I doubt if that scenario were the case, I'd ask my wife or mother to confront my co-workers. In fact, I've had co-workers talk behind my back because they wanted my position. I didn't complain or lash out. I recognized they were jealous and moved on.

Sometimes, you can't let people know you're upset. You keep that in-house with your family. As soon as people know they can get to you with comments, Katie, bar the doors because they're coming.

That's why a lot of athletes don't read their social media platforms.

you guys keep saying coworkers...the media and all these people bashing him are not Daks coworkers. they are outside noise. If Jerry, MM, coaches or any current/former nfl player says Dak sucks, then thats one thing, but it's usually not. You got all these talking heads saying these crazy things about the guy, as if him being a millionaire erases his human emotions and he's supposed to ignore it. thats unrealistic. I've had jealous people at my job too, and its easy to ignore when it's a few. but imaging dealing with a loss of a brother, recovering from a major injury, then making a mistake and literally having to avoid television, the radio, the internet and social media for weeks because it's all about how you screwed up. It's going to bother you after a while.

I'm speaking from someone that works in the mental health field and knows how these things impact people. We all know there's people who've committed suicide because they can't handle cyber bullying but everyone just expects those human feelings to disappear cuz they're millionaires.


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I'm speaking from someone that works in the mental health field and knows how these things impact people. We all know there's people who've committed suicide because they can't handle cyber bullying but everyone just expects those human feelings to disappear cuz they're millionaires.

The “Safe Space “ episode on South Park showed that most of the celebrities have their social media reviewed and censored so that the sensitive ones can read only positive comments free from the reality of their situations…….Cartman and Steven Seagal could only view the comments that said they were ripped and buff… space achieved


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I mean what does he want? That fans and media just fawn all over him, even when he plays poorly?

There is a growing sense of entitlement in sports with these guys. Where they think that because they put on the uniform they should be given whatever they want, treated however they want, be largely free of criticism, etc. The extreme example right now is Ben Simmons in the NBA.

Hey Dak, you are the QB of the Dallas Cowboys. It's one of the most visible positions in all of sports. You had a choice a year ago where you could have just opted to not resign in Dallas and go to another team, maybe a place like Jacksonville where there would be less pressure to win, less media and fan focus, etc.

But you didn't do that. You chose to take the money and play in Dallas. With that comes certain things, one being you are going to get scrutinized and yes, criticized, when you don't play well. Whining about it now, or worse having your family whine about it for you, is just lame.

It just is.

Dak needs to stop acting like an entitled petulant child and grow up, work harder, and play better


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The “Safe Space “ episode on South Park showed that most of the celebrities have their social media reviewed and censored so that the sensitive ones can read only positive comments free from the reality of their situations…….Cartman and Steven Seagal could only view the comments that said they were ripped and buff… space achieved

haha that was a funny episode. Steven Seagal doing his little dance was hilarious. I'm not saying any celebrity should be immune from criticism but i'm sure many of them would prefer not to be bashed all the time just because they are famous


Here comes the Sun...
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I have been saying this all along, Dak is fragile mentally and now physically. I don't know if he is the baby of the family and was treated as such. Then he became a student athlete and probably got some tutor to get him his Basket Weaving Degree. Then he gets drafted in the 4th and fell into the starter for the Cowboys because Romo got busted all the hell up and it shows in the field that he is a 4th rounder. Had he been drafted by another team, we probably don't even know who he is.

This a case of Dak falling into a pile of crap and came out smelling like Roses. Then to make matters worse, JJ gets drunk and gives Dak a mountain of money and Dak says No...(thinking and knowing he is not that good of a QB) talks JJ into a No Trade Clause? Really? So, now he is the QB of the Cowboys and cannot handle the pressure so he relies on Tad and his Uncle to save him from the bullies that see him for what he really is, fragile mentally.

And his Uncle comes out saying how Dak is saving the World and is busy this and busy that, so he is this great person, yet Dak calls out us fans, makes the joke about hitting refs with bottles and also pouts on the sidelines when the game is getting out of control because of his sloppy play on the field. Yep, the worm is about to turn, as they say.

Thank you, JJ...thanks a friggen lot!


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Family (or even friends) should be criticized for their comments but people are as much free independent thinkers as any other human. How exactly can anyone, even celebrities, command them not to speak their own minds?

The question is for Prescott, is this doing any good? If it isn't, he should ask them to stop and they will because they're trying to help him now.

Doesn't look good for him, family taking up his battle. It was not really their mouths that got him into trouble but his own with calling out fans and the refs comments.

That's one thing that really impressed me with Aikman from the get go, he never took the bait. They tried to get him to blast that OL that was getting him killed and he refused. He had a grasp of what it meant to not only be a QB but be that QB. He helped teach that to Romo and apparently still has some lessons with Prescott. I could only imagine Aikman's reaction after his comment about the refs.

Dak Prescott needs to be careful or he's going to be doing some real image damage control and he's already said enough, his family is not making this better.
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I have been saying this all along, Dak is fragile mentally and now physically. I don't know if he is the baby of the family and was treated as such. Then he became a student athlete and probably got some tutor to get him his Basket Weaving Degree. Then he gets drafted in the 4th and fell into the starter for the Cowboys because Romo got busted all the hell up and it shows in the field that he is a 4th rounder. Had he been drafted by another team, we probably don't even know who he is.

This a case of Dak falling into a pile of crap and came out smelling like Roses. Then to make matters worse, JJ gets drunk and gives Dak a mountain of money and Dak says No...(thinking and knowing he is not that good of a QB) talks JJ into a No Trade Clause? Really? So, now he is the QB of the Cowboys and cannot handle the pressure so he relies on Tad and his Uncle to save him from the bullies that see him for what he really is, fragile mentally.

And his Uncle comes out saying how Dak is saving the World and is busy this and busy that, so he is this great person, yet Dak calls out us fans, makes the joke about hitting refs with bottles and also pouts on the sidelines when the game is getting out of control because of his sloppy play on the field. Yep, the worm is about to turn, as they say.

Thank you, JJ...thanks a friggen lot!
I think he was treated as the baby of the family because of the interview I saw with his high school coach. His Mom was very involved with how they should coach him once he took over the job. She was very quick to tell him he should had been starting Dak. He was smiling about it so it didn't bother him but I think that relationship between Dak and his Mom was very special. She was always in his corner and now his brother and uncle are trying to do that.

If his Mom was still alive, I believe we would have heard from her as well.


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I have been saying this all along, Dak is fragile mentally and now physically. I don't know if he is the baby of the family and was treated as such. Then he became a student-athlete and probably got some tutor to get him his Basket, Weaving Degree. Then he gets drafted in the 4th and fell into the starter for the Cowboys because Romo got busted all the hell up and it shows in the field that he is a 4th rounder. Had he been drafted by another team, we probably don't even know who he is.

This is a case of Dak falling into a pile of crap and coming out smelling like Roses. Then to make matters worse, JJ gets drunk and gives Dak a mountain of money and Dak says No...(thinking and knowing he is not that good of a QB) talks JJ into a No Trade Clause? Really? So, now he is the QB of the Cowboys and cannot handle the pressure so he relies on Tad and his Uncle to save him from the bullies that see him for what he really is, fragile mentally.

And his Uncle comes out saying how Dak is saving the World and is busy this and busy that, so he is this great person, yet Dak calls out us fans, makes the joke about hitting refs with bottles, and also pouts on the sidelines when the game is getting out of control because of his sloppy play on the field. Yep, the worm is about to turn, as they say.

Thank you, JJ...thanks a friggen lot!

America's Cowboy

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Yea , this kinda of reminds me of the turning point you had with Romo when he became Hollywood .

Dak is now a crybaby. Not a good look for you’re hero.
How is Dak a crybaby? The only ones crying and acting like children are his haters.

America's Cowboy

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I have been saying this all along, Dak is fragile mentally and now physically. I don't know if he is the baby of the family and was treated as such. Then he became a student athlete and probably got some tutor to get him his Basket Weaving Degree. Then he gets drafted in the 4th and fell into the starter for the Cowboys because Romo got busted all the hell up and it shows in the field that he is a 4th rounder. Had he been drafted by another team, we probably don't even know who he is.

This a case of Dak falling into a pile of crap and came out smelling like Roses. Then to make matters worse, JJ gets drunk and gives Dak a mountain of money and Dak says No...(thinking and knowing he is not that good of a QB) talks JJ into a No Trade Clause? Really? So, now he is the QB of the Cowboys and cannot handle the pressure so he relies on Tad and his Uncle to save him from the bullies that see him for what he really is, fragile mentally.

And his Uncle comes out saying how Dak is saving the World and is busy this and busy that, so he is this great person, yet Dak calls out us fans, makes the joke about hitting refs with bottles and also pouts on the sidelines when the game is getting out of control because of his sloppy play on the field. Yep, the worm is about to turn, as they say.

Thank you, JJ...thanks a friggen lot!
Meh. Go smoke another bowl and get back to work.
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