Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

That's why I get paid to write about them: because I know how to properly evaluate them.

All I'm saying is that if there was something to worry about as far as him being arrested, we'd know about that.

They know he was in the car. So why would they be holding off to charge him?

I know, I know.. you want to see him punished. But I don't think you're going to get your way, pal.
I wouldn't pay you.
Usually, police like to say any investigation is ongoing, especially when criminal matters are pending.

However, usually, as far as the investigation goes, they work it until they determine there's probable cause to arrest a certain suspect. They've arrested two who were obviously the shooters, who may have actually confessed themselves to the shooting (everyone is assuming KJ "snitched" but there's no proof of that).

Once they have their suspects, they get warrants for their arrest. And they've done that here. Two suspects arrested.

If Joseph was being fingered for being an accomplice, then what else would they be waiting on to arrest him? He was there. Everyone knows it. He even admitted it. Yet, no arrest.

That's because they decided not to arrest him, for whatever reason. Mostly likely because he wasn't involved in the shooting.
State of Texas has laws against accomplices, especially those who failed to report the shooting/murder when it first happened and refused to come talk to police investigators until a month later once he was ID'd. KJ is not innocent. If I were a DA in his district, I would be after him for obvious reasons. Something else must be going on behind closed doors, and I have a feeling the Jones have a say about it since they wield a lot of power (hence why Jerry has not been made by any judge in his vicinity to present a DNA paternity test).
State of Texas has laws against accomplices, especially those who failed to report the shooting/murder when it first happened and refused to come talk to police investigators until a month later once he was ID'd. KJ is not innocent. If I were a DA in his district, I would be after him for obvious reasons.

Most states have those kinds of statutes. But there's also case law and the Constitution, and those types of things play into what the DA and the cops do. It all depends. I'm not an attorney.

What are the obvious reasons you'd be after him for?

Someone said he liked a post on social media regarding the guys' death. If he liked it, he could have been 1) just dumb 2) trying to reach out to them indirectly because he knows something.

He's not bright. But he's smart enough to know detectives are going to be looking for things like that, I suspect.
Most states have those kinds of statutes. But there's also case law and the Constitution, and those types of things play into what the DA and the cops do. It all depends. I'm not an attorney.

What are the obvious reasons you'd be after him for?

Someone said he liked a post on social media regarding the guys' death. If he liked it, he could have been 1) just dumb 2) trying to reach out to them indirectly because he knows something.

He's not bright. But he's smart enough to know detectives are going to be looking for things like that, I suspect.
If I were the DA, I would be talking with the 2 shooters to see what they could say about KJ if they are willing to have any sentences reduced, depending on what information they are willing to give up.
Usually, police like to say any investigation is ongoing, especially when criminal matters are pending.

However, usually, as far as the investigation goes, they work it until they determine there's probable cause to arrest a certain suspect. They've arrested two who were obviously the shooters, who may have actually confessed themselves to the shooting (everyone is assuming KJ "snitched" but there's no proof of that).

Once they have their suspects, they get warrants for their arrest. And they've done that here. Two suspects arrested.

If Joseph was being fingered for being an accomplice, then what else would they be waiting on to arrest him? He was there. Everyone knows it. He even admitted it. Yet, no arrest.

That's because they decided not to arrest him, for whatever reason. Mostly likely because he wasn't involved in the shooting.
So lots of speculation?

We know he made the choice to associate with these people.
We know he was there when they got into a fight.
We know he was literally in the drive-by vehicle.
We know a month went by before anyone confessed.
Those are all very bad optics to start.
He put himself there, this is beyond "being in the wrong place,"
This behavior lines up with his past.
Arrests aren't charges, so until this all unfolds, he's not in the clear.
So you'd go after the guy in the car and reduce the sentences of murderers?

No. I would make sure everyone in that vehicle is thoroughly investigated and make sure the innocent victim's family and the State of Texas get full justice.

But you go ahead and keep deflecting and making excuses, hence why I said I would never pay you.
So lots of speculation?

We know he made the choice to associate with these people.
We know he was there when they got into a fight.
We know he was literally in the drive-by vehicle.
We know a month went by before anyone confessed.
Those are all very bad optics to start.
He put himself there, this is beyond "being in the wrong place,"
This behavior lines up with his past.
Arrests aren't charges, so until this all unfolds, he's not in the clear.

Being arrested means you've been charged.
Too many overly intelligent individuals on this site. They seem to know everything. I wonder the number of skeletons accumulated in their lifetime.
Too many overly intelligent individuals on this site. They seem to know everything. I wonder the number of skeletons accumulated in their lifetime.

Yeah dude, I can confidently tell you I've never been involved in a situation where I went in a ride along where two thugs fired out a window killing a man.

The fact you're thinking people on this board have similar skeletons will now have you on my ignore list. This is a form of extreme toxic homerism and you have nothing to offer.
Not necessarily, no. All arrested means is that you were taken into custody.

So, do you really believe this?

If you do, then you don't understand your rights as a citizen.

An arrest would be considered a seizure, and that would go against the Fourth Amendment: to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures.

I don't want to argue about it.

The fact is, the people arrested in this case have been charged with the crime of murder. Both of them.

So, they've been arrested and charged.
Being arrested means you've been charged.
Not true.

As a general rule: If you're placed in custody, your "speedy trial" rights typically require the prosecutor to decide charges within 72 hours.
Many states adhere to this 72-hour limit. Sometimes, no charges are filed, and you will be released. There will not be anything on your criminal record, but you will have an arrest record now.

Source: lawfind.com
You literally defended the disgusting comments made by, as you call him, "Mr. Gil Brandt" regarding Dwayne Haskins death.

Why don't you practice what you preach?
Mr. Gil Brandt was 100% correct! Why don't you follow another team, since you've disrespected one of the founding builders of the Dallas Cowboys who was correct in his information as usual!

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