You know what the reality is? Its also btw a big part of why my interest in the NFL wanes more and more every year. So many of these players nowadays seem to have the IQ of someone just barely above imbecile level. Lets be honest......THEY DO. Look at some of the silly penalties that get committed. Game after game, week after week, year after year trough multiple coaching staffs . Nothing ever changes. I mean,....its just unreal. Coaches cant even seem to teach these idiots that if a player has HIS BACK TO YOU you CANT push/block them IN THE BACK. Yet every game,....every team.....same penalties week after week. Truth is .....most of these guys couldnt even scrub toilets if they werent in the NFL. Not smart enuff,...nowhere near smart enuff. If this offends anyone,....tough. Its the truth and we all KNOW it. The NFL is the idiot league. Wasnt always this way but it sure is now. Worse and worse every year.
I used to post a ton about the Cowboys here and other places. Not anymore,....not in a good long while. These idiot morons have taken most of the fun out of it for me. What a damn shame.