Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

With all due respect, just being in a car from which shots were fired resulting in the death of a person is a wee bit different than getting into a bar fight.

This case REEKS of bad judgment.

And you can rest assured that if KJ doesn't get charged with a felony, Cameron Ray's family is going to bring civil charges against KJ for him instigating a fight that ultimately contributed to the death of their loved one because KJ is the one with the MONEY.

Either he will go to trial in civil court (burden of proof is lesser) or he'll likely settle out of court.

Simply put: He's screwed.

Agree with everything you said. People sue where the money is.
With all due respect, just being in a car from which shots were fired resulting in the death of a person is a wee bit different than getting into a bar fight.

This case REEKS of bad judgment.

And you can rest assured that if KJ doesn't get charged with a felony, Cameron Ray's family is going to bring civil charges against KJ for him instigating a fight that ultimately contributed to the death of their loved one because KJ is the one with the MONEY.

Either he will go to trial in civil court (burden of proof is lesser) or he'll likely settle out of court.

Simply put: He's screwed.

Did he start the fight?
Maybe learn a little about the Criminal Justice system. He isnt required to talk to police. Now I would if I knew who was involved in killing someone, but trust me when I tell you these young guys believe in that old "Snitches get stitches," crap. They wont talk to police about their buddies unless it saves their ***.

If he did nothing, and isnt gonna be charged, he will not cooperate with police, who they view as the real bad guy.

Texas law states that if he witnessed a murder and didn't report it, that's a Class A misdemeanor with up to a year in jail and a fine. If they can establish he was in the vehicle, they can get a warrant for his arrest. So it was in his best interest to cooperate. His lawyer just admitted that he was in the vehicle. Since his own lawyer admitted that, then it's likely the police already knew it and could establish it.

He waited weeks and didn't talk until he was a person of interest. They can charge him with at least failure to report it. So your argument might be cogent in other situations, but given the facts we know already about the case and what's been admitted, your argument is already outdated.
I have read more than one person in this thread state that KJ was the original person who got into it with Ray or Rays friends. How do you know this? Or...where is this being confirmed at?

Words are words. But it doesnt look like the guy that throws the first punches is KJ based on what he is wearing. Did KJ take off his sweater and chain and give to a friend?

Is that really KJ swinging like an uncoordinated drunk? That person sure does have a logo on his sweatshirt that looks like the logo in the elevator video that is supposedly KJ...but does KJ really swing like that? I would think the guy who threw the first punches would be more NFL material. Those were some serious swings that could really mess someone up.

KJ just said he was putting NFL first because it supports his family well. He gave it up for "gansta" street cred? Does that street cred lead to more money than NFL paychecks usually? If youre gonna be gangsta and risk your freedom...do it over money...not street cred.
i doubt he would claim to be unarmed, and the gun was his lol.
There is no telling how this will turn out.

One thing I dont understand is the mindset of people who think it is ok to shoot other people, just cause they made you mad lol.
I grew up with guns, and never once even thought of shooting someone because I didnt like them or was mad at them etc.

Unfortunately what you say is very true. It seems that value of human life is not appreciated or kids like these don't seem to fathom the effects of their stupid action. Just because you had your pride hurt, doesn’t give the right to be Jury , Judge and Executioner. Its not the wild west , correct ?
I’m just seeing this and didn’t read all 74 pages but you have poor judgement if your car friends are people who murder someone and you just shut your mouth. JMO
He could have been negotiating with the police for a few weeks. In his defense you have to make sure you protect yourself before you go to the law. Talk to the Cowboys, get a lawyer ect………

Sure, but I don't think they issue a statement about being a person of interest if he's already cooperating.
Police have enough info so this thing is going to unravel. We will get answers to most questions pretty soon would be my guess.
when your brain is wired to be a gangster punk, you don't stop in a middle of a confrontation and go, "oh, I'm an NFL player, I need to think this over". no, you're a gangster punk and your brain doesn't stop.

Yeah...unfortunately you have to cut this dude based on who he surrounds himself with. 1) You dont go out and not know that the people you are with arent strapped...multiple people if there was two shooters 2) You dont go out with guys who are strapped and willing to shoot over stupid street beef/talking smack...these arent guys that are strapped for protection/security...they are doing it to be gangsta.

Man...KJ will wake up one day and realize being gangsta aint worth it unless its about money lol. Something tells me this was all over trash talking...no money at stake whatsoever. Foolish.

So...two shooters, a driver that slows down for the shot...how many people were in this vehicle?
The thing is it was a forced pick to appease their cornerback fetish. They flat out apologized for taking Micah at the day 1 press conference and told everyone they'd be taking a cornerback on Friday.

They absolutely had to have one except they didn't and it was proven when Joseph provided next to nothing as a rookie, just like their other day 2 cornerback Wright, yet the defense still took a giant leap forward with a real coordinator and pressure player.

Another wasted 2nd round pick from a front office without a clue.
Wonder if Joseph’s actions will make them hesitate in drafting Williams because of his own baggage?
With all due respect, just being in a car from which shots were fired resulting in the death of a person is a wee bit different than getting into a bar fight.

This case REEKS of bad judgment.

And you can rest assured that if KJ doesn't get charged with a felony, Cameron Ray's family is going to bring civil charges against KJ for him instigating a fight that ultimately contributed to the death of their loved one because KJ is the one with the MONEY.

Either he will go to trial in civil court (burden of proof is lesser) or he'll likely settle out of court.

Simply put: He's screwed.
You are reaching man. Let’s see what the evidence says. If the shooter decided to shoot the young man on his own that has nothing to do with Joseph. You are missing the point of Joseph talking to the police with a high price lawyer specifically making.a public statement saying that Joseph was not the shooter and had nothing to do with the shooter.
Riding in an SUV where a murder was executed and he did not report it for over 3 weeks. Texas Law of Parties says he can still be charged with murder if he doesn't give up everyone in the SUV and the shooter plus testify against them at trial. Goodell can exact justice whenever he wants just like he did with Zeke. KJ is a suspect and at the very least an accomplice.
He is not a suspect. He is a person of interest. That lawyered up and probably snitched. If anything he will be a key witness. The police have nothing without Joseph.
This is not good. Young players need to have razor focus coming into the league. This Bossman , rapping crap is nothing but a disturbance and detrimental to a young players development. I'd trade him NOW.

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