Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

If you truly understand the law and how things work, you will know we can't really say much about that. Can you prove that he "witnessed," a murder? Can you prove, or do we know that he was aware someone died? You do know murder is a very specific term, yes? Is this particular case a "Murder," according to Texas law?

DETAILS matter, and we don't know details, and we don't know what his defense to any charges might be. So telling me that my "Argument," is outdated is incorrect.

I know my specificity to the details will get passed some people in here, but I went to lawschool, and there is a lot about this case we don't know. That Texas law you point to is not a slam dunk......it might be, but not off of the little bit of info released at this point.

You say he didn't talk until he was a person of interest. And your point? Maybe up till police contacted him there was nothing to talk about? Yea.....I could go that route as his attorney, and it would be up to prosecutor s to prove otherwise.
Finally a lawyer joins the discussion. I was going on what I see on First 48 and ID channel shows.:laugh:

Do you believe Joseph made a deal with the police?
Do you think any jury or judge would believe he was in the car when someone in the car shot a man, but he never knew it?
If the police could provide no proof of him reading articles, watching video clips, or texting...yea. nit far fetched at all. The car never stopped. How were they to know someone was shot. And again, proof of how people don't get they would need to PROVE he knew someone died.
If you think I'm doing 20 years to protect some moron that shot at people from a moving car you are nuts. This post backs up my point about this generations thoughts on cooperating with police.

It's a low hanging play on words. But your medal is in the mail.
Finally a lawyer joins the discussion. I was going on what I see on First 48 and ID channel shows.:laugh:

Do you believe Joseph made a deal with the police?
He very well could have. He's likely the only one that has a non court appointed lawyer. And if a deal ensures he isn't gonna be charged, uts very likely. BUT it seems awfully quick for any deal to have been made. How quickly this went down? Not so sure about a deal. They likely wouldn't make any deal without knowing the extent of his involvement.
I just saw a better video of it on TMz. I could be wrong but it looked like someone was hanging out the passenger's window shooting over the top of the SUV?

Pulled up the TMZ article. Whoever wrote it stated that Cameron Ray was from Lower Greenville, Texas.
The victim was from Athens Texas.
Lower Greenville is the name of neighborhood in Dallas where the shooting occurred.
He very well could have. He's likely the only one that has a non court appointed lawyer. And if a deal ensures he isn't gonna be charged, uts very likely. BUT it seems awfully quick for any deal to have been made. How quickly this went down? Not so sure about a deal. They likely wouldn't make any deal without knowing the extent of his involvement.
Thanks brother. Can you explain to the board what person of interest means. Some of us think it means he is guilty of a drive by shooting.:laugh:
If the police could provide no proof of him reading articles, watching video clips, or texting...yea. nit far fetched at all. The car never stopped. How were they to know someone was shot. And again, proof of how people don't get they would need to PROVE he knew someone died.
They'd have to convince a jury that he didn't know someone died. And just knowing someone was shot by his friend who was in a car with him, whether the person died or not, by law, he should have come forward.

There's going to have to be some extreme extenuating circumstances for him to be allowed to stay in the NFL, regardless of his legal standing.
They'd have to convince a jury that he didn't know someone died. And just knowing someone was shot by his friend who was in a car with him, whether the person died or not, by law, he should have come forward.

There's going to have to be some extreme extenuating circumstances for him to be allowed to stay in the NFL, regardless of his legal standing.

There have been guys who did worse and stayed in the league. I doubt it costs him his career, unless he's proven to be more involved than the "innocent passenger" he will claim to be.

Wasn't it the Rams DE that had multiple DWIs and then killed a person and continued his career? Ray Lewis was another one who was involved in something terrible. Those are just off the top of my head. Hell Josh Brown (Giants kicker) beat his wife on the regular and got one whole game. KJ being a Cowboy will probably work against him though.
Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest.

we know what it means. the idiot got his butt whipped by the victim and later the guy was shot.
duh, they wanted to talk to him about the guy's death. sheesh
It’ll be interesting to see if moderation holds certain posters accountable should nothing end up happening to Joseph.
I thought Joseph was a good cornerback prospect with discipline problems. I don’t really like the guy because he got caught on video at a club and now he decides to talk to the police. It is personal to me because I have a close friend who lost a son in a similar situation 7 years ago and the police could not identify the shooter and have no leads. The young man’s family was able get Bossman on video. Prayers with his family.

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