several here have the mantra
"Yes she is a slut and a liar and half crazy but that does not mean she made this up"
which is so incredibly stupid.
This is the sort of thing you here from people EXPECTING to win the lottery
"Its 150 million to 1 odds but I believe I will win"
While it doesn't mean she made any of this up, you have to ask questions.
1. if she didn't make this up why text your friends and ask them to lie?
2. Ohio and Florida courts refused to press charges.
3. Your own investigator recommended you not suspend Zeke yet you ignore this and don't include her report.
4. Your own "expert" doctor can't make the hearings b/c she said she was ill, yet they go to her house and she is home in apparent good condition.
5. If he put his hands on you then why are you still meeting with him (same goes for him) and why are you sending him texts about you and Lucky?
6. Sworn statements from 2, not 1, off duty police officers (and others) who said they witnessed her fighting another young lady.
do I really need to continue?