Daniel Wallach predicts Zeke will win


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Its sad that the season opener is 4 days away and everyone is talking about this. Hope this doesn't cause a distraction and our players lose their edge.
Jerry needs to get rid of Goddell, since he became commissioner, he made NFL look really bad and always in negative spotlight. We need some like Adam silver or Paul Tagliabu, who stay out of the news and focus on the game

You think the players are talking about this? lol okay


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I hope so as well. Kraft said if he had to do it over again on the Brady situation he would have got involved

"I have come to the conclusion that this was never about doing what was fair and just,” Kraft said Wednesday. “Back in May, I had to make a difficult decision that I now regret. I tried to do what I thought was right. I chose not to take legal action.”

Kraft called it “completely incomprehensible to me that the league continues to take steps to disparage one of its all-time great players and a man for whom I have the utmost respect.”

Jerry will not make this mistake
Kraft ain't no Jerry. Jerry would have punched Puntin in the nose over his super bowl ring. :muttley:


Chris in Arizona
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As I mentioned in another thread the NFL lead investigator and the only person from the NFL to interview Thompson Kia Roberts recommended no punishment on Zeke and found Thompson lacking credibility. To think her recommendation counted for nothing is a complete joke

One thing I definitely would like the NFL to answer is why they ignored/disregarded the recommendation of their own top investigator.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I just finished listening to Daniel Wallach's interview on 105.3 the Fan. He is an expert gaming and sports lawyer who has argued cases at the Appellate level as well as the Supreme Court. He says the time frame of Zeke's case should be very similiar to that of Tom Brady's, but he predicted the outcome will be different - Zeke will win. He cautioned that his view is in the minority, however. Listening to Wallach was pretty encouraging. He was pretty hard on Goddell and the NY office.
Really, if we want a fair and REAL NFL game going on, week by week- We need this garbage to be fixed and fixed right now.


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I guess I'm confused
How has jerry done anything except say that Zeke is innocent?
This is Zeke and the NFLPA fighting not jerry
Jerry is only going to stand up against the NFL for his money. Period
Good try to give him credit for nothing though
You do realize the Cowboys joined the injunction suit? Jerry is officially legally involved. So your position is a bit uninformed and ironic at the moment.


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I also don't think anyone would've ever thought that Mara would pull violating the "spirit" of the Cap as the deciding factor. Yet totally ignored all the teams who violated the same "spirit" by not meeting the "floor" of this invisible salary cap. Still scratching my head over that
I thought of that too. There is a floor also and some didn't even meet that.


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I asked my labor law professor what he thought of the situation today and he said he didn't like Zeke's chances. FWIW.

But then again, his opinion and $5 will get you a cup of coffee, in some places. All that matters for this season at least, is what the judge in Sherman thinks.
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Nikola Tesla
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I asked my labor law professor what he thought of the situation today and he said he didn't like Zeke's chances. FWIW.
I feel the same now. Im ready to move on and so should he. People should know this by now but there isnt going to be any justice for Zeke nor the alleged victim. They are just simple pawns to a bigger Public relations scheme.

My advice to Zeke is take the six games. Use it to motivate you in life.


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I think it all goes back to the CBA and the fact that the players agreed to it and all the details. They really don't have much leg to stand on when the Commish deals out punishment no matter what the reason. They need to change it if they don't like it next time around because obviously it isn't working out too well for them.


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several here have the mantra

"Yes she is a slut and a liar and half crazy but that does not mean she made this up"

which is so incredibly stupid.

This is the sort of thing you here from people EXPECTING to win the lottery

"Its 150 million to 1 odds but I believe I will win"

"You're despicable."--Daffy Duck.


Nikola Tesla
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I think it all goes back to the CBA and the fact that the players agreed to it and all the details. They really don't have much leg to stand on when the Commish deals out punishment no matter what the reason. They need to change it if they don't like it next time around because obviously it isn't working out too well for them.
Pretty much. They need to get someone that will legitly rep them. Smith is a clown.

DC Cowboy

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several here have the mantra

"Yes she is a slut and a liar and half crazy but that does not mean she made this up"

which is so incredibly stupid.

This is the sort of thing you here from people EXPECTING to win the lottery

"Its 150 million to 1 odds but I believe I will win"
While it doesn't mean she made any of this up, you have to ask questions.
1. if she didn't make this up why text your friends and ask them to lie?
2. Ohio and Florida courts refused to press charges.
3. Your own investigator recommended you not suspend Zeke yet you ignore this and don't include her report.
4. Your own "expert" doctor can't make the hearings b/c she said she was ill, yet they go to her house and she is home in apparent good condition.
5. If he put his hands on you then why are you still meeting with him (same goes for him) and why are you sending him texts about you and Lucky?
6. Sworn statements from 2, not 1, off duty police officers (and others) who said they witnessed her fighting another young lady.

do I really need to continue?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
While it doesn't mean she made any of this up, you have to ask questions.
1. if she didn't make this up why text your friends and ask them to lie?
2. Ohio and Florida courts refused to press charges.
3. Your own investigator recommended you not suspend Zeke yet you ignore this and don't include her report.
4. Your own "expert" doctor can't make the hearings b/c she said she was ill, yet they go to her house and she is home in apparent good condition.
5. If he put his hands on you then why are you still meeting with him (same goes for him) and why are you sending him texts about you and Lucky?
6. Sworn statements from 2, not 1, off duty police officers (and others) who said they witnessed her fighting another young lady.

do I really need to continue?

Regardless of what she did, the issue is that there is no proof that Zeke committed DV. The onus should be on the NFL to prove their allegations.


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Regardless of what she did, the issue is that there is no proof that Zeke committed DV. The onus should be on the NFL to prove their allegations.

That's not what the CBA says...the Commissioner's office doesn't have to prove CRAP...they can do what they want...It's like right to work. My place of work can fire me pretty much for any reason OR with cause. You sign those type of agreements when you go to work. Similar thing. It is absolute garbage but it is the deal agreed upon by ALL parties. end of story...Brady got 4 games for letting air out of a football. You can't get any dumber of a suspension than that IMO.. The players need to suck it up and renegotiate the next one better. My only problem with this one is it's a very serious charge that hurts Zeke financially and his reputation. Hope he can turn it around, he's probably always felt untouchable.


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I think it all goes back to the CBA and the fact that the players agreed to it and all the details. They really don't have much leg to stand on when the Commish deals out punishment no matter what the reason. They need to change it if they don't like it next time around because obviously it isn't working out too well for them.

Whatever the CBA says, league can't engage in an unfair, corrupt process where the outcome is determined in avoidance of the facts. That's what is under dispute here.