Dat Dude on Mike & Mike

GoinForSix;1844091 said:
Haven't heard that before about a BP coached club.

Because we all know that tanking at the ending the season only started when Parcells got here :) .
mickgreen58;1844119 said:
Because we all know that tanking at the ending the season only started when Parcells got here :) .

Touche. Gailey and Campo usually started before October.
It's funny. Since Parcells' name came up with the Atlanta situation, there have been a few threads on him. And in every one of them, the Parcells fans done a pre-emptive strike against all his haters and bashers... Yet the the comments on him have been about 10:1 positive to negative. Tilting at windmills?

Reading some of these posts, it looks like the only reason Parcells couldn't win more here is because Jerry forced a bunch of bad free agents, draft picks, and coaches on him. That stupid Jerry, I knew he would muck things up again! :mad:
Chocolate Lab;1844129 said:
Reading some of these posts, it looks like the only reason Parcells couldn't win more here is because Jerry forced a bunch of bad free agents, draft picks, and coaches on him. That stupid Jerry, I knew he would muck things up again! :mad:

Refer me to this forum where you read these things. I am having feelings of anxiousness to read these postings.
Chocolate Lab;1844129 said:
It's funny. Since Parcells' name came up with the Atlanta situation, there have been a few threads on him. And in every one of them, the Parcells fans done a pre-emptive strike against all his haters and bashers... Yet the the comments on him have been about 10:1 positive to negative. Tilting at windmills?

Reading some of these posts, it looks like the only reason Parcells couldn't win more here is because Jerry forced a bunch of bad free agents, draft picks, and coaches on him. That stupid Jerry, I knew he would muck things up again! :mad:

Pre-emptive strike? :laugh2:

CL, aren't you going a little overboard with this statement :) ?
Well, Dat Dude was a waste, Eddie George couldn't play, Peerless Price never did anything, etc. No one claims they were actually good, but who knows what we'd have done with players Parcells liked rather than those who Jerry hired and put on his roster?

And don't forget that Mike Zimmer is a terrible 43 defensive coordinator who Parcells only kept because Jerry asked him to.

Yes, I've read these things.

And no, I didn't go overboard with that statement. :) I posted that Witten story in another thread because I'd never heard it before and decided to look it up (I guess it was actually old news from Inside the Huddle) and the first several posts -- from some of my favorite posters, by the way -- were defending Parcells against the impending attack. Which really never came.

It's just kind of odd, IMO.
InmanRoshi;1844078 said:
There's a difference between breaking things down in explanation and letting the players do their own thing. You said Wiley's problem with Parcells was you did things his way or you faced his wrath. In New England, you do things Belichick's way or you face his wrath. He's not going to change the way he does things just because you don't think it suits your individual self perceived greatness. Brandon Merriweather is finding that out the hard way this year.
No, I said Parcells refused to explain why he wanted some things done. That has nothing to do with doing it his way.
joseephuss;1844103 said:
Wiley provided some great insight. The media seem to deal in extremes a lot of times. "Parcells deserves all the credit. No, Phillips deserves all the credit." They both deserve credit for the different things they brought to the organization. It is difficult for some in the media to view it in that fashion.

Wiley gave both guys credit with Phillips getting a little more because he is the current coach. That is the way I see it, too. For all the good Parcells did and there was a lot, he is not here this season. That job is Phillips'. Know one in the media would/will be blaming Parcells if Dallas doesn't win it all. It will all be Phillips' fault. You probably won't hear that it was Parcells who picked these players that are good, but can't win a Superbowl or lost in the first round or whatever.
Great post.
Wiley was supposed to be a pass rusher to go with Ellis. HE SUCKED. BP saw that right off- it was clear that this was a Jerrah pick. So BP is the one Wiley blames for his problems-typical. Look at most of the guys Jerrah wanted here: outside of TO, who has really produced?
You guys kill me. Yeah, Wiley stunk as a pass rusher for us. That means he's a total idiot right? Forget the fact that he graduated from Columbia, an Ivy League school.

The guy is extremely intelligent and he was honest about his failings here with Parcells.

He praised Parcells where praise was due. He discussed where the man fell short as a Head Coach. I think his persepctive was right on the money on this.
I liked listening to Wiley this morning. You always hear about the players who are Parcells' guys and how strong of a bond they develop. It's just interesting to hear the other side of it, someone who didn't really get along with him, but can recognize that he's good at what he does.

I didn't get the idea that Wiley was being vindictive in his words at all.

But I know I would be taken aback if the first time I met someone they asked if I was on drugs.
Yes, Marcellus Wiley is a very inteligent guy and has a very bright future on ESPN.

Parcells asking him was he on drug wasn't even shocking to me. if Bill Parcells was on this forum right now, he could probably provide a very clear reason as to why he asked him.

True story

I remember my Sophmore year in Highschool, my Basketball coach asked me was I on drugs. I was totally PO'ed that I didn't make Varsity my Sophmore year because I thought I was better than what I really was and totally rebelled against my coach. My entire mood swing had changed from my Freshman year and my coach didn't understand, so I guess he thought I was on drugs :) .

I wouldn't be suprised if Marcellus Wiley was displaying those same characteristics. The guy seems always upbeat and happy. I bet Parcells was a little confused as to why his mood had changed.

Question, did anything happen under The Parcells' Regime that doesn't occur in other franchises? To me, it would be weird to not have all the political manuevering and cliques.
burmafrd;1844308 said:
Wiley was supposed to be a pass rusher to go with Ellis. HE SUCKED. BP saw that right off- it was clear that this was a Jerrah pick. So BP is the one Wiley blames for his problems-typical. Look at most of the guys Jerrah wanted here: outside of TO, who has really produced?

His tone wasn't very vindictive and like someone posted, he did give Parcells credit.

For the Anti-Parcells guys, Marcellus Wiley gave Parcells an A+ for his personnel moves.

For the Pro-Parcells guys, Wiley gave Parcells a C for his actual coaching style.

If my memory is correct, I believe Wiley did complain about being moved to the Strong Side, which was not where he played in San Diego and that he was injured.

The guy didn't produce in Dallas but he is entitled to his opinion though.
I wonder if he asked him if used drugs like this....


whats wrong with you people? Are you on dope?
He did not produce ANYWHERE else after the few good years he had at the start of his career. So you going to blame BP for that as well?
SO what is the guy went to Ivy league schools? Does not mean he cannot carry a grudge or be vindictive.
mickgreen58;1844364 said:
True story

I remember my Sophmore year in Highschool, my Basketball coach asked me was I on drugs. I was totally PO'ed that I didn't make Varsity my Sophmore year because I thought I was better than what I really was and totally rebelled against my coach. My entire mood swing had changed from my Freshman year and my coach didn't understand, so I guess he thought I was on drugs :) .

I wouldn't be suprised if Marcellus Wiley was displaying those same characteristics. The guy seems always upbeat and happy. I bet Parcells was a little confused as to why his mood had changed.

Question, did anything happen under The Parcells' Regime that doesn't occur in other franchises? To me, it would be weird to not have all the political manuevering and cliques.
Yeah but in your own story, you stated that the Coach had dealings with you for at least a year. Wiley was asked this the first time he talked to Parcells in his office.
theebs;1844392 said:
I wonder if he asked him if used drugs like this....


whats wrong with you people? Are you on dope?


The only thing I remember about Wiley's time in Dallas was Parcells being asked about him in a news conference and replied, "Well, he sweats a lot."

Maybe Parcells thought Wiley needed a fix.
burmafrd;1844467 said:
He did not produce ANYWHERE else after the few good years he had at the start of his career. So you going to blame BP for that as well?
SO what is the guy went to Ivy league schools? Does not mean he cannot carry a grudge or be vindictive.
Apparently you can't read. He gave Parcells CREDIT for recognizing that his pass rushing skills had faded.


Pick one.

He was nowhere near vindictive. By all means find the sgement online and download it. Candor does not equal rancor.
peplaw06;1844508 said:
Yeah but in your own story, you stated that the Coach had dealings with you for at least a year. Wiley was asked this the first time he talked to Parcells in his office.

See, I don't remeber Wiley saying that Parcells asked him that question right off the bat.

I could be wrong, but I didn't think I heard that.

That would just be strange, if Parcells did do that though. Although, Parcells did have alot strange ways to motivate players.
Hostile;1844525 said:
Apparently you can't read. He gave Parcells CREDIT for recognizing that his pass rushing skills had faded.


Pick one.

He was nowhere near vindictive. By all means find the sgement online and download it. Candor does not equal rancor.

It does when you are talking about Parcells in less than glowing terms evidently.

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