Thanks. Looks like Google directly ties to the Wikipedia data only. The Wikipedia data was derived from Alex Block and Lucy Wilson's book,
George Lucas's Blockbusting: A Decade-By-Decade Survey of Timeless Movies Including Untold Secrets of Their Financial and Cultural Success. I borrowed a copy of the book through No customary site apparently has a book copy and I detest downloading stuff via torrents.
Usually, sites like,, etc., post initial theatrical run data. Block and Wilson didn't include the 80.2 million figure Google and the Wikipedia page posts. The book deals primarily and virtually deals exclusively with blockbuster films--which the first two Superman films were. Instead, the authors inserted a graphic chart called Superman Franchise Films All-Release Worldwide Box Office Revenues vs Production Costs cited on the Wikipedia page. The authors stated their data is gleamed from all re-releases of films from their release date through 2005, adjusted for inflation and average ticket price, and estimates of distributor rentals (for films that ran before the late 1980's).
Although the authors stated average ticket price, the Wikipedia contributors used the CPI figures 99.5 in March 1983 and 202.4 in January 2007 instead of the annual CPI figures of 99.6 for 1983 (
Superman III initial run year) and 195.3 for 2005 (the authors' data endpoint). Subsequently, the contributors took the $163.3 million number from the graphic and calculated the CPI ( Current Number X [ Prior CPI / Later CPI ] = Original Number ) as 163.3 X (99.5/202.4) =
80.2 million instead of 163.3 X (99.6/195.3) =
$83.2 million.
Even though the numbers are overly inflated to begin with (no pun intended), the Wikipedia contributors may have shortchanged the film's worldwide revenue by $3 million IF the authors' data is sound. The contributors did cite BoxOfficeMojo's estimate annual ticket prices. Ironically, the monthly CPI agrees with the Mojo's 1983 to 2005 conversion. Who knows? Maybe their numbers are closer to right than mine.