DC.COM Blog: Source Claims Incident Involving Pacman Overblown

DallasEast;2321367 said:
Okay. What the hell does this supposed to imply?

Some people are so eager to pidgeon hole and cast anyone who doesn't like PacMan on the Cowboys as some sort of bigot or having racial bias. Yet, in this thread, those same people have displayed some of the most offensive and degrading stereotypes imaginable. The idea that the only thing that stops young black males (or anyone) from resorting to lowest common denominator behavior are the financial means to do so. As though any professional athlete simply must get in trouble with the law repeatedly, because now that he has the money in his pocket, how can he help himself? As though they're all just primal lunkheads without the ability to reason, think or exhibit self control beyond their basic urges or think beyond the moment. How offensive can you get? How offensive that must be to the 99% of professional athletes, of all colors and backgrounds, who don't routinely find themselves on the police blotter. How offensive to all the athletes who spend most of their time and money in charities, going back to school, taking care of their families and building their own businesses for life after football.

I happen to believe athletes aren't that much different from you and I. Just like any slice of society or profession, the vast majority are good people who focus on career, families and are productive members of society. Then you have a small minority of scumbags. That's not to say good people can't make a bad decisions or find themselves in bad situations (Canty), but there are a small group of frequent offenders .... PacMan Jones, Chris Henry, Travis Henry and Todd Marinovich ... that you simply can't explain away as bad luck or a rare moment of bad judgement. These people are clearly outliers, as there have only been a handfull of 1 year bans handed out in a sport that has seen thousands of players come and go. Its a shame that these guys are seen as the norm of their professions and not the exceptions due to this "Hey, its all morally relative" nonsense.
I don't see why they are monitoring his behavior like this if he wants to throw his life away let him do it hie's a grown man capable of making his own decision if he makes poor ones thats on him.
Well, overblown or not, I'm taking a break from all this Pacman hoopla and taking an exercise.

Hopefully-things will cool down after that!:)
joseephuss;2321302 said:
I can see where this single incident is probably over blown. I don't doubt that at all, but something did happen. Something substantial enough that the police were involved even if they did not issue an official report. There are 52 other guys on the roster and they did not have to deal with the police at 1:30 on Tuesday. That is telling even if the whole story is overblown.

The police get involved when they are called. Once the trigger is pulled you can't get the bullet back into the gun. People call police for all kind of reasons including ones most reasonable persons would not ever consider.

Once AJ has the police called then that's it. There's either a report or not. And they get to decide or anyone who decides they may want to make a complaint. They are not jurors or judges. They just do a job and let it all sort itself out the best it can later. Sometimes the best it can gets turned inside out.

So you cannot judge anyone because police are called. You have to be careful to judge people even after they are convicted. There are plenty of innocent people with police records.

The fact remains that AJ will not be convicted just by a judge. He is at the mercy of the commissioner as well as Jerry Jones who will not allow him to harm the Cowboys anymore that a black eye. He needs to be invisible. It's really up to him. And it may not matter if there is fault much less if he's at fault. It's perception not reality.
DaBoys4Life;2321536 said:
I don't see why they are monitoring his behavior like this if he wants to throw his life away let him do it hie's a grown man capable of making his own decision if he makes poor ones thats on him.
Jerry Jones didn't sign Adam Jones for humanitarian reasons. He made is a financial investment in a player and he would like to have that investment pay off. One of the conditions of the arraignment is for Adam Jones NOT place himself in compromising situations which could prompt the NFL Commissioner to suspend or ban him from the league. Understand now?
DallasEast;2321549 said:
Jerry Jones didn't sign Adam Jones for humanitarian reasons. He made is a financial investment in a player and he would like to have that investment pay off. One of the conditions of the arraignment is for Adam Jones NOT place himself in compromising situations which could prompt the NFL Commissioner to suspend or ban him from the league. Understand now?

Kilyin;2321447 said:
Did it ever occur to you that if you had done such a good job, you wouldn't have been an "intern" for FOUR years? Comical.

Generally speaking, it helps if you know what you are talking about... if you are going to try and burn me.

But good fail on your part.
NextGenBoys;2321560 said:
I'm sorry but all you defending Pac make me sick.
Wont make u sick if u saw Fitz cruising for 3 tds over Mike Jenkins or Scandrick.Pac is a bad seed but he can play.
Vintage;2321596 said:
Generally speaking, it helps if you know what you are talking about... if you are going to try and burn me.

Don't overestimate your importance, no one was trying to 'burn' you. It's not really smart to publically brag about being an 'intern' for four years as an example of what a great employee you are/were.

Speaking of fail, I'd say being an 'intern' for four years makes the list.
Kilyin;2321662 said:
Don't overestimate your importance, no one was trying to 'burn' you. It's not really smart to publically brag about being an 'intern' for four years as an example of what a great employee you are/were.

Speaking of fail, I'd say being an 'intern' for four years makes the list.

Here's the thing.. when you only work summers (because you didn't want to work during the school year)... it makes it kind of hard to go get a full time job, then quit 3 months later, then re-apply every summer.

There is a reason I stuck to this internship. It only required me to work during the summer and occasionally, over Winter break.

And the point wasn't to brag: it was to prove you can 1. have a social life 2. go out 3. work

PaCMaN can do the same. He just needs to make better decisions when he is drinking.
Did anyone notice that female volleyball player who tore up her leg on dancing with the stars?

Can you imagine if that had been Jason Taylor?

No wonder Bill wasn't happy about him going on that show!

superpunk;2321670 said:
Did anyone notice that female volleyball player who tore up her leg on dancing with the stars?

Can you imagine if that had been Jason Taylor?

No wonder Bill wasn't happy about him going on that show!


Which volleyball player?

(Please not Misty May!)

edit: wait. Should we be ruing this? I forget the rules...
Vintage;2321675 said:
Which volleyball player?

(Please not Misty May!)

edit: wait. Should we be ruing this? I forget the rules...

yea it was here.
superpunk;2321670 said:
Did anyone notice that female volleyball player who tore up her leg on dancing with the stars?

Can you imagine if that had been Jason Taylor?

No wonder Bill wasn't happy about him going on that show!


I saw that. And when they re-showed it like 10 times, in super slo-mo, looked like the ACL AND MCL.............
Vintage;2321668 said:
PaCMaN can do the same. He just needs to make better decisions when he is drinking.

Some people aren't capable of making good decisions when drinking. They may become beligerent and/or violent. Sounds like Pacman is one of them.

Maybe he should start smoking weed instead.

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