DC/Marvel Films

Joss Whedon has confirmed that Pym won't be in Age of Ultron, so yeah I'm guessing Tony Stark creates Ultron. The teaser for Age of Ultron showed an Iron Man helmet being beaten into Ultron's iconic look...

So coming full circle, I'm guessing Stark tries to create an AI to take his place since he destroyed all his suits, things go awry, and he has to take it down himself along with some help from friends.

Some interesting news is that Paul Rudd will play the role as Ant Man, but it will be Scott Lang rather than Hank Pym. Michael freaking Douglas will be Hank Pym, so that's probably going to be a cool story line beginning after Avengers 2.
Thanks for the heads up. That makes sense about Stark/Ultron.

It'll be Lang, huh? I guess if I can wrap my head around Gwen Stacy instead of Mary Jane playing Spider-Man's love interest on screen, I can put up with Lang. I wonder if his origins are based on a criminal past (I think I remembered that correctly).

Michael Douglas? That should be really interesting.
It's like you're reading my mind! Quit it Professor X! :p

There was this stupid little cult film back in the mid-90's called Starship Troopers which came out shortly before the original X-Men movie. Casper Van Dien played in it. When I saw the movie, I thought to myself that guy should play Cyclops. I still think he would have been a good Scott Summers.

Yeah Starship Troopers was one of my favs at the time. Still is really. I watched it in its entirety one night before bed about 3 months ago simply because I saw the first scene while flipping through channels. Suddenly it was 2 1/2 hours later and I finally went to sleep.

Whatever happened to Van Dien?
Yeah Starship Troopers was one of my favs at the time. Still is really. I watched it in its entirety one night before bed about 3 months ago simply because I saw the first scene while flipping through channels. Suddenly it was 2 1/2 hours later and I finally went to sleep.

Whatever happened to Van Dien?
He does a lot of B-movie stuff and minor roles. I guess he does not have a lot of range to his acting.
I'm really interested in Guardians of the Galaxy. I don't know much about it, but I've been perusing the interwebs to learn more and see if I can find anything good. Looks like it's going to be great.

Sinister Six and Venom are rumored to have stand alone movies. Not sure how that would work, but it's a great idea if done right.

Yeah from what I've read and heard the Sinister Six is going to get some sort of screentime at the end of the new spider man. They signed a director (Cabin in the Woods guy) to do the movie.
I just really need some sort of GOOD Venom movie after the Topher Grace fiasco in Spidey 3.

This is a internet short of Venom, not too shabby.
I only caught an episode or two of the first season of Arrow. Would you say that the seasons that followed are better than the first season? I might give the show a second shot.

The first season is roughly 23 episodes ( don't quote me on that). I have not seen the second episode but I will tell you that the show really gains momentum as that season progresses.

If you have ever watched Spartacus, the actor who plays Crixus (Manu Bennet) plays deathstroke perfectly who appears in the later half of the first season. I strongly recommend watching it.

Other characters in the second season are making appearances or have already made appearances. The Flash, Deathstroke, Harley Quinn, and Huntress are some DC characters that have made their way onto the show in some form or another. Deathstroke is DC's version of Deadpool if you didn't know.

But yeah fully recommend it!
The first season is roughly 23 episodes ( don't quote me on that). I have not seen the second episode but I will tell you that the show really gains momentum as that season progresses.

If you have ever watched Spartacus, the actor who plays Crixus (Manu Bennet) plays deathstroke perfectly who appears in the later half of the first season. I strongly recommend watching it.

Other characters in the second season are making appearances or have already made appearances. The Flash, Deathstroke, Harley Quinn, and Huntress are some DC characters that have made their way onto the show in some form or another. Deathstroke is DC's version of Deadpool if you didn't know.

But yeah fully recommend it!

It's weird that Deathstroke came first and that Deadpool was a somewhat knock-off. I say some-what, because he was actually a satirical take on the character. Deadpool is certainly the more popular one now.

That's cool that Manu Bennet is Deathstroke... loved Spartacus, although I never saw the final season (saw Blood and Sand, Gods of the Arena, and whatever the season after that was).

May have to check this show out.
Yeah Starship Troopers was one of my favs at the time. Still is really. I watched it in its entirety one night before bed about 3 months ago simply because I saw the first scene while flipping through channels. Suddenly it was 2 1/2 hours later and I finally went to sleep.

Whatever happened to Van Dien?

It's one of my favorite movies as well. I watched it recently, and it didn't seem dated at all. Great special effects for the time.
It's one of my favorite movies as well. I watched it recently, and it didn't seem dated at all. Great special effects for the time.

It's aged so well. They only had a budget of $105 million, too. Compare that to Godzilla with a budget of $130 the next year in 1998 which is a special effects laugh fest.

To be fair, Godzilla probably spent more on actor wages whereas Starship Troopers got a bit lucky and cast Denise Richards and Dina Meyer before their careers took off, and Neil Patrick Harris before his relaunching.
It's aged so well. They only had a budget of $105 million, too. Compare that to Godzilla with a budget of $130 the next year in 1998 which is a special effects laugh fest.

To be fair, Godzilla probably spent more on actor wages whereas Starship Troopers got a bit lucky and cast Denise Richards and Dina Meyer before their careers took off, and Neil Patrick Harris before his relaunching.

Good movie, better book.
It's weird that Deathstroke came first and that Deadpool was a somewhat knock-off. I say some-what, because he was actually a satirical take on the character. Deadpool is certainly the more popular one now.

That's cool that Manu Bennet is Deathstroke... loved Spartacus, although I never saw the final season (saw Blood and Sand, Gods of the Arena, and whatever the season after that was).

May have to check this show out.
I caught tonight's episode on the CW. Not too shabby. I'll try a few more episodes. Just how many Lances are there in the show? :)
DR. STRANGE (1978) tv movie. (for those who haven't seen it)

Great find! The movie wasn't half bad for the 70's. I'll say this much... I respected the special effects of Dr. Strange's powers in that single movie more so than I ever did The Incredible Hulk's display of super strength in all episodes of his 70's/80's series.
Great find! The movie wasn't half bad for the 70's. I'll say this much... I respected the special effects of Dr. Strange's powers in that single movie more so than I ever did The Incredible Hulk's display of super strength in all episodes of his 70's/80's series.

Dr. Strange was influenced by an old time radio series called Chandu the Magician. Just started listening, and it's pretty good. You can see where Strange's powers and abilities were influenced by.

"The character was inspired by the Chandu the Magician radio program that aired on the Mutual Broadcasting System."
You should really see The Wolverine. They capture the essence of the post-Jean Grey/Logan storyline from the comics very well.

As far as Days of Future Past is concerned, just check out my avatar. :) This is the movie I have been waiting for most since they first announced it was in production. I'm holding my breath. The comics storyline is one of the best of all-time. I hope Bryan Singer can do it justice.

Hey man, have you seen this battle sequence from "Days" yet?

About a minute of the first battle sequence. Looks awesome.
It's one of my favorite movies as well. I watched it recently, and it didn't seem dated at all. Great special effects for the time.

You sure it wasn't Denise Richards that aged well?;):D Movie was terrible. B actor Sci-Fi flick @ best.
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If you picked the single best comic book movie from each of the last 5 decades they'd be DC movies. But Marvel certainly has been more consistent lately, and certainly has a better business plan, and executes it better than Warner Brothers does with DC in the big screen. For animated, DC is the clear winner, but no one really cares about winning that category.

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