DC has the extreme upper hand at the moment on television though.
I cannot stress enough how awesome and amazing the TV version of Green Arrow is. It blows SHIELD right out of the water. If you have not seen this series go netflix the whole first season.
Just saw Captain America and can honestly say Marvel is still kicking DC's butt.
Give credit where its due to DC. They really did a fine job with the new superman. I am worried about Superman vs Batman.
Marvel also as put a few duds out there as well in Ghost Rider 2, and XMen 3, Spidey 3.
Marvel just pumps these bad boys out really fast. I am excited for Ant-Man though!
While the "duds" you mentioned are Marvel characters, none of the movies were actually made by Marvel.
Really cool/informative pic man. THAT explains why X-Men has been so poor (in my opinion) though it makes plenty of money. Wish Disney could get the rights to that. Fox needs to step up their game big time. (Fantastic 4 & Wolverine) have been terrible! Deadpool would be a great R rated movie if they ever wanted to go with a character in that direction. Think Archer type humor. I would really like to see Disney do a revamped Ghost Rider. Punisher is another one they should revamp with the right cast/tone/story. Thank for posting this!Also as a note, that graphic is how everything is today. Some companies have lost the rights to certain characters and have sold off others, possibly since the movies have been made.
For example: Ghost Rider spirit of vengeance was done by Warner Brothers.
And if I'm not mistaken, Disney JUST got the rights back to Ghost Rider less than a month ago.
I understand the dislike part for the reason you bolded in my reply, but I haven't read or heard as much about the poorly written reaction. Are there any movie critic sites you would recommend which pans the screenplay as much as you have indicated in multiple posts?
Speaking of a movie critic website, Rotten Tomatoes has a number of posted reviews which shares your dislike of Man of Steel. I believe the following opening paragraph is a typical example of the underlying majority negative opinion:
I believe Mr. Guzman heads the nail on the head concerning much of the negative reaction to the movie. "How do you take your superheroes? I prefer mine light and sweet, but these days they mostly come dark and bitter." I think he's being sincere. It is not so much who a character actually is, but more about what he wants a character to be. This approach to the characters is repeatedly made. The same thing happened to Heath Ledger's performance of The Joker. That's not an exact comparison, of course. Ledger's performance was legendary and Henry Cavill's wasn't. It is a correct conclusion though. Simply put, some people didn't like The Joker in The Dark Knight because he wasn't The Joker they expected to see.
Having read literally thousands of comics (I have a pretty large collection), I know how DC and Marvel writers portray many of the characters intimately. As I have said in earlier posts, the characters have evolved with the times. However, some perceptions of the characters have not. Some people want to see another Christopher Reeve/Superman vs. Terence Stamp/Zod physical conflict, where some concrete was thrown, a few windows were broken and Zod disappears in a mist of fog. That's great, but that concept was from 1980 and a Superman who was retired from comics a long, long time ago.
I'm glad we had this discussion. It helped shed a light on something I just don't get yet. Now, if I can just wrap my head around why DC keeps dragging its feet while Marvel keeps kicking their butts!![]()
Winter Soldier was simply awesome. Had something for everyone- great old school morality, conspiracy theory, unbelievable tech, nasty gunfights, and creative villains.... superb acting. And Chris Evans is a terrific choice for the role despite also being the Human Torch, he just does the fish out of water/freak ability/humility/integrity mix perfectly.
The movie was fantastic. Maybe the best Superhero movie I've seen yet.
Really cool/informative pic man. THAT explains why X-Men has been so poor (in my opinion) though it makes plenty of money. Wish Disney could get the rights to that. Fox needs to step up their game big time. (Fantastic 4 & Wolverine) have been terrible! Deadpool would be a great R rated movie if they ever wanted to go with a character in that direction. Think Archer type humor. I would really like to see Disney do a revamped Ghost Rider. Punisher is another one they should revamp with the right cast/tone/story. Thank for posting this!
Was starting to feel like I may be the only one. I liked the movie but probably only would place it in my "pretty good" section. At the very top of that section of course, but I just wasn't blown away.I thought it was pretty good.
I just didn't have that , "whoah, that was cool moment"
I don't know if it's because: the character is not super hero enough or if they just can't bring that to the screen?
Winter Soldier was simply awesome. Had something for everyone- great old school morality, conspiracy theory, unbelievable tech, nasty gunfights, and creative villains.... superb acting. And Chris Evans is a terrific choice for the role despite also being the Human Torch, he just does the fish out of water/freak ability/humility/integrity mix perfectly.
The movie was fantastic. Maybe the best Superhero movie I've seen yet.[/quote]
WOW, that is high praise, now i will definitely need to watch it sooner rather than later
to me the issue with Cap Am has always been that he only has his shield and really no other powers so he is limited in the sort of villians you can relaistically match him with (sort of the opposite of superman and thor whose characters and villians are limited by their unlimited power and near indestructibility)
Was starting to feel like I may be the only one. I liked the movie but probably only would place it in my "pretty good" section. At the very top of that section of course, but I just wasn't blown away.
Maybe because I had super high expectations. Cap is my favorite and this movie legitimately looked like it could have been on the same level as The Avengers.
To be fair, I saw it at Studio Movie Grill in Plano and it's hard to get sucked into the storyline at that place. Too much movement from servers, clatter from food dishes, whispers and low talking, low light over your plate, etc.
There was no hook.
In Spider-Man 2. The train scene and fighting doc OC at the end = the hooks
In supeman 1 and 2 - Lois and the car, the 3 villains = the hooks
In iron man 1-3... Really no hooks. The airplane scene was cool though. Played it safe with that farce swap.
In capt america - no hooks really
Thor 2 - Loki is bigger than Thor. Ha!
Batman - epic but too dark, the hoarse voice was annoying. Bain fight scene was whack.
Xmen - enjoyed them but if I never saw them I would have been ok.
Hope the never make the wonder twins... I am a mop... I am a bucket of water....ugh
The first 3 X-Men movies were kind of pioneers so I cut them some slack. They were a little timid to just go full out super-hero movie and as a result just weren't all that fun and it seemed like they were afraid to cast some of the really out there characters/storylines. Still solid movies, IMO.
But I think X-Men is on the up and up, although I haven't seen The Wolverine. We'll see, but Days of Futures Past looks pretty good if you've seen the new trailer. Also they're rumored to somehow going to work Apocalypse into future story lines, so that could be cool. We'll see if they go more in the trend of First Class or back to the tone of the first three films."
I think you're on to something.
For me though, Thor 2's hook wasn't a scene but the introduction of the Aether which is actually the 2nd infinity stone/gem to be introduced in the series and set up the inevitable show down with Thanos and the infinity gauntlet.
I agree 100% with the timid description and resulting in a lack of "fun" to the series. It felt like way too much was invested in the build up and the socio-political element relating race to Mutant-Human relations. I felt the Avengers found the right balance between developing the story and showing off the "might" of each character. I personally don't like Hugh Jackman much as an actor but need to "get over it" bc he looks locked into the character and series. I like the style of Next Class much more comparatively. That trailer gave me goosebumps![]()