DC/Marvel Films

I dunno. I like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine... probably because it's really the only type of role I've seen him in. I haven't seen any of his "girly" films like Les Miserables and Australia.

Have you checked out First Class yet? Not a bad trailer either.
Not yet :oops: but am defintely going to check it out soon (within a week). Yeah the trailer looked really cool. On Hugh Jackman it is probably just a personal thing (on my part). No real reason to not like him kind've thing. You know those types in life? Sound like a teenage girl ova er:D
I am quite excited about Guardians of the Galaxy. Also thank you for the graphical setup of who owns which character rights. I never knew that, therefore I send a like.

Have you all heard about the Sinister Six and Venom spinoff movies coming up? Those intrigue me, especially if Venom is done CORRECTLY.
Here's some info on movie opinions and box office results of select DC/Marvel films courtesy of Metacritic.com and BoxOfficeMojo.com:






DC has the extreme upper hand at the moment on television though.

I cannot stress enough how awesome and amazing the TV version of Green Arrow is. It blows SHIELD right out of the water. If you have not seen this series go netflix the whole first season.
I only caught an episode or two of the first season of Arrow. Would you say that the seasons that followed are better than the first season? I might give the show a second shot.
The first 3 X-Men movies were kind of pioneers so I cut them some slack. They were a little timid to just go full out super-hero movie and as a result just weren't all that fun and it seemed like they were afraid to cast some of the really out there characters/storylines. Still solid movies, IMO.

But I think X-Men is on the up and up, although I haven't seen The Wolverine. We'll see, but Days of Futures Past looks pretty good if you've seen the new trailer. Also they're rumored to somehow going to work Apocalypse into future story lines, so that could be cool. We'll see if they go more in the trend of First Class or back to the tone of the first three films.

Fantastic 4 is being rebooted, but I don't know how I feel about that. Deadpool would be cool. And I've always liked for the Punisher to be in the Spider-man universe... mostly stemming from my childhood Spider-man series featuring that pair at times. I like what Sony's doing so far with The Amazing Spiderman series, and if he's really going to face off with the sinister 6 he should have some kind of ally. Just my opinion.
You should really see The Wolverine. They capture the essence of the post-Jean Grey/Logan storyline from the comics very well.

As far as Days of Future Past is concerned, just check out my avatar. :) This is the movie I have been waiting for most since they first announced it was in production. I'm holding my breath. The comics storyline is one of the best of all-time. I hope Bryan Singer can do it justice.
Here's some info on movie opinions and box office results of select DC/Marvel films courtesy of Metacritic.com and BoxOfficeMojo.com:







Surprisingly, Iron Man 3 would be second on that list for worldwide gross at $1.215 Billion.
I am quite excited about Guardians of the Galaxy. Also thank you for the graphical setup of who owns which character rights. I never knew that, therefore I send a like.

Have you all heard about the Sinister Six and Venom spinoff movies coming up? Those intrigue me, especially if Venom is done CORRECTLY.

I'm really interested in Guardians of the Galaxy. I don't know much about it, but I've been perusing the interwebs to learn more and see if I can find anything good. Looks like it's going to be great.

Sinister Six and Venom are rumored to have stand alone movies. Not sure how that would work, but it's a great idea if done right.
You should really see The Wolverine. They capture the essence of the post-Jean Grey/Logan storyline from the comics very well.

As far as Days of Future Past is concerned, just check out my avatar. :) This is the movie I have been waiting for most since they first announced it was in production. I'm holding my breath. The comics storyline is one of the best of all-time. I hope Bryan Singer can do it justice.

I'll probably rent it this weekend OnDemand.

But "Days" looks great. It seems like it's too big to fit everything in correctly, so I'm leery. But overall it looks like it's going to be great.
I agree 100% with the timid description and resulting in a lack of "fun" to the series. It felt like way too much was invested in the build up and the socio-political element relating race to Mutant-Human relations. I felt the Avengers found the right balance between developing the story and showing off the "might" of each character. I personally don't like Hugh Jackman much as an actor but need to "get over it" bc he looks locked into the character and series. I like the style of Next Class much more comparatively. That trailer gave me goosebumps :D
I have a few issues with the X-Men movies, but the underlying theme of mutant/human relations isn't one of them. The topic is pretty much a foundation of the mutant comics titles. It does two things. First, it establishes why mutants are so utterly feared by the xenophobia portion of humanity. The revulsion makes their defense of humanity that much more complex and compelling. Secondly, it provides a solid defining wedge between mutants and mainstream heroes. Mainstream heroes like Captain America are universally loved by citizens in the comics because of his constant fight for truth and justice. Cyclops is about as straight arrow as Cap is, but never receives any accolades from humans while fighting to defend their lives along with his fellow mutants. The whole dynamic pushes and pulls against itself and makes for some good stories.
You should really see The Wolverine. They capture the essence of the post-Jean Grey/Logan storyline from the comics very well.

I saw it. IMO it was the worst of any X-Men or origin movie. Really slow.

They need to make a Spidey movie following the Maximum Carnage story line. That could be cool.
Surprisingly, Iron Man 3 would be second on that list for worldwide gross at $1.215 Billion.
I'm not too surprised. Seemingly, Robert Downey Jr. was born for the role and people gravitate to his performance as Tony Stark. His popularity has really pulled in ticket sales across a lot of demographics, no matter which movie he's in, like The Avengers.

Spoiler alert (even though every one should have seen it by now :) )

On a side note, the thing I hated most about Iron Man 3 was the destruction of the suits at the end. It makes for some good discussion how Marvel marches the character forward in future films.
I saw it. IMO it was the worst of any X-Men or origin movie. Really slow.

They need to make a Spidey movie following the Maximum Carnage story line. That could be cool.
Wow. Okay, I'm not getting into another one of those on this thread. :)

A maximum Carnage storyline would be awesome indeed. I would like for Marvel to re-establish Venom again though (the character was wasted in Spider-Man 3 in my opinion) before they tackle Carnage. The storyline would give Marvel a great opportunity of introducing other great characters into films like Black Cat and Demogoblin.
I have a few issues with the X-Men movies, but the underlying theme of mutant/human relations isn't one of them. The topic is pretty much a foundation of the mutant comics titles. It does two things. First, it establishes why mutants are so utterly feared by the xenophobia portion of humanity. The revulsion makes their defense of humanity that much more complex and compelling. Secondly, it provides a solid defining wedge between mutants and mainstream heroes. Mainstream heroes like Captain America are universally loved by citizens in the comics because of his constant fight for truth and justice. Cyclops is about as straight arrow as Cap is, but never receives any accolades from humans while fighting to defend their lives along with his fellow mutants. The whole dynamic pushes and pulls against itself and makes for some good stories.

Good post! Those are compelling attributes that distinguish them from mainstream and relate their existence to more "easy to identify" relevant social conditions. I feel it was the general light tone and the pacing that I didn't like more directly. None of the characters are particularly "likable" if that makes sense (in my opinion of course). Even knowing the history of why they were doing it (defending humans), I felt almost pity for them instead of awe. The fight scenes that go out of the way to not harm (Magneto/police) were also hard to believe or take too seriously as an imminent threat. Dark Knight has been the best @ this (BY FAR). I felt the tension in the movie theater when Joker was on screen doing his thing. I've rarely felt that in a PG 13 Blockbuster kind've movie. The scene when Joker is hanging his head out of the car window to let the air "breathe" in his air to bask in his mayhem had the whole theater take a collective deep sigh. Great job by Ledger on that character.
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I'm not too surprised. Seemingly, Robert Downey Jr. was born for the role and people gravitate to his performance as Tony Stark. His popularity has really pulled in ticket sales across a lot of demographics, no matter which movie he's in, like The Avengers.

Spoiler alert (even though every one should have seen it by now :) )

On a side note, the thing I hated most about Iron Man 3 was the destruction of the suits at the end. It makes for some good discussion how Marvel marches the character forward in future films.

II think they showed that to illustrate that he was transitioning into a less paranoid Tony Stark.

I don't think it was supposed to be 'finality' to his story as Iron Man, or even his desire to be Iron Man.

But anyway, there's clearly hulkbuster armor shown fighting the hulk in the concept art for Age of Ultron, so he may not have destroyed ALL the armor. Or perhaps he finds some kind of reason to start building again. Who knows?
Good post! Those are compelling attributes that distinguish them from mainstream and relate their existence to more "easy to identify" relevant social conditions. I feel it was the general light tone and the pacing that I didn't like more directly. None of the characters are particularly "likable" if that makes sense (in my opinion of course). Even knowing the history of why they were doing it (defending humans), I felt almost pity for them instead of awe. The fight scenes that go out of the way to not harm (Magneto/police) was also hard to believe or take too seriously.
I agree with the like factor. I don't know why wrote Rogue was included, other than to cast her as a victim.

Storm could have been outstanding, but they tied her character down. Sometimes I thought I was watching Monster's Ball than an X-Men movie when Hally Berry was onscreen.

Cyclops was a shadow. The character is supposed to be stoic but not extremely so. The great love affair between Jean and him never seem to spark through multiple movies. The jealousy threesome never developed well either between both of them and Logan.

Even though I enjoyed Ian McKellen as Magneto, did anyone ever think he was too old for the role? He's perfect has Gandalf (sp?) but not so much as Magneto I think. He wasn't menacing enough for me.

This may sound weird but I think the best mutant character in the first three X-Men movies was Pyro. He was a kid who knew how powerful he was, but kept it in check until he could unleash it. He was also a punk who couldn't have cared less. I wish he had been given more face time.

EDIT: I forgot! One of my big pet peeves about the original X-Men movies was one line of dialogue. When Wolverine's group was hiding out at Bobby's house in X2, his mother asked, "Have you ever tried not being a mutant?" What kind of stupid question is that? 'Hey ma. You sent me to a school because of my powers. Aren't you a little late with that question?' Lame.
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II think they showed that to illustrate that he was transitioning into a less paranoid Tony Stark.

I don't think it was supposed to be 'finality' to his story as Iron Man, or even his desire to be Iron Man.

But anyway, there's clearly hulkbuster armor shown fighting the hulk in the concept art for Age of Ultron, so he may not have destroyed ALL the armor. Or perhaps he finds some kind of reason to start building again. Who knows?
I got my fingers crossed. Speaking of Age of Ultron, I wonder how much of a role will Hank Pym (Ant-Man) play in it? Maybe the story has changed since I was buying comics full-time, but Pym was the original creator of Ultron. I wonder if that is still true or does Tony Stark create him instead?
I agree with the like factor. I don't know why wrote Rogue was included, other than to cast her as a victim.

Storm could have been outstanding, but they tied her character down. Sometimes I thought I was watching Monster's Ball than an X-Men movie when Hally Berry was onscreen.

Cyclops was a shadow. The character is supposed to be stoic but not extremely so. The great love affair between Jean and him never seem to spark through multiple movies. The jealousy threesome never developed well either between both of them and Logan.

Even though I enjoyed Ian McKellen as Magneto, did anyone ever think he was too old for the role? He's perfect has Gandalf (sp?) but not so much as Magneto I think. He wasn't menacing enough for me.

This may sound weird but I think the best mutant character in the first three X-Men movies was Pyro. He was a kid who knew how powerful he was, but kept it in check until he could unleash it. He was also a punk who couldn't have cared less. I wish he had been given more face time.

Cylcops was such a miscast in my opinion. James Marsden is a decent actor, but I just did not like him as cyclops. It's hard to think back and find a replacement for him though, considering he was cast in 1999 for the part... who was popular then? haha.

It's hard not to like McKellan, but I see your point.
I got my fingers crossed. Speaking of Age of Ultron, I wonder how much of a role will Hank Pym (Ant-Man) play in it? Maybe the story has changed since I was buying comics full-time, but Pym was the original creator of Ultron. I wonder if that is still true or does Tony Stark create him instead?

Joss Whedon has confirmed that Pym won't be in Age of Ultron, so yeah I'm guessing Tony Stark creates Ultron. The teaser for Age of Ultron showed an Iron Man helmet being beaten into Ultron's iconic look...

So coming full circle, I'm guessing Stark tries to create an AI to take his place since he destroyed all his suits, things go awry, and he has to take it down himself along with some help from friends.

Some interesting news is that Paul Rudd will play the role as Ant Man, but it will be Scott Lang rather than Hank Pym. Michael freaking Douglas will be Hank Pym, so that's probably going to be a cool story line beginning after Avengers 2.
Cylcops was such a miscast in my opinion. James Marsden is a decent actor, but I just did not like him as cyclops. It's hard to think back and find a replacement for him though, considering he was cast in 1999 for the part... who was popular then? haha.

It's hard not to like McKellan, but I see your point.
It's like you're reading my mind! Quit it Professor X! :p

There was this stupid little cult film back in the mid-90's called Starship Troopers which came out shortly before the original X-Men movie. Casper Van Dien played in it. When I saw the movie, I thought to myself that guy should play Cyclops. I still think he would have been a good Scott Summers.
I agree with the like factor. I don't know why wrote Rogue was included, other than to cast her as a victim.

Storm could have been outstanding, but they tied her character down. Sometimes I thought I was watching Monster's Ball than an X-Men movie when Hally Berry was onscreen.

Cyclops was a shadow. The character is supposed to be stoic but not extremely so. The great love affair between Jean and him never seem to spark through multiple movies. The jealousy threesome never developed well either between both of them and Logan.

Even though I enjoyed Ian McKellen as Magneto, did anyone ever think he was too old for the role? He's perfect has Gandalf (sp?) but not so much as Magneto I think. He wasn't menacing enough for me.

This may sound weird but I think the best mutant character in the first three X-Men movies was Pyro. He was a kid who knew how powerful he was, but kept it in check until he could unleash it. He was also a punk who couldn't have cared less. I wish he had been given more face time.

EDIT: I forgot! One of my big pet peeves about the original X-Men movies was one line of dialogue. When Wolverine's group was hiding out at Bobby's house in X2, his mother asked, "Have you ever tried not being a mutant?" What kind of stupid question is that? 'Hey ma. You sent me to a school because of my powers. Aren't you a little late with that question?' Lame.

I agree with McKellen being too old for an intimidating villain like Magneto (though he's not some savage). Really they just laid the plot on a little thick without really giving it any personality or, like you said. Try not being a mutant? That's a question a child would ask not a modern society dealing with a mutant "superior" class. It's like they couldn't decide what direction they wanted to go in (cultural commentary or big explosions) so they would dance back and forth without really giving any depth to each direction.

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