This may be true.. and if it is, shame on the Cowboys for wasting his best years with crappy coaching. He's not likely to have a lot of 100 yard games averaging 15 carries a game though. Again, he can't call his own number and surely stepping in front oncoming trains to save the QB isn't doing his body any favors either. I submit that the number of times he has to do that takes more of a toll on his body than totin the rock does. But his M.O. has always been to bang on the defense early, wear them down then hit home runs on them late. The shift in offense for the Cowboys doesn't really allow for that and he has been unwilling or unable to change his approach to just basically try to house it on every carry. I can tell you from personal experience it's a bear to try and change your running style.. Zeke spent the first 3-4 years of his career changing his to what the coaching staff wanted him to be.. which was more patient. They demanded that he stopped exploding into the line at 100 mph and wait for the blocks to set up. That works great when there is good blocking.. but over the last 2-3 years the blocking has been spotty at best.. and Zeke is still running like the lanes are going to open up at some point. They aint. At least not with any consistency.
Some claim he does that because he can't run any faster but I reject that because his head coach told us he hit 22.9 mph on the GPS in OTAs. I don't need to tell you that is haulin some serious arse. I think Zeke would generate more explosive plays if he cut loose like that more often.. but for whatever reason he doesn't. My guess is that he doesn't because getting up to that level of speed takes a lot out of you. And you don't recover from doing so as fast at 27 as you did at 21. So for him it's easier just to beat on the defense with his physicality and let Pollard hit the home runs.. Makes him less popular with fans.. but it's good for the team.