Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

casmith07;4622368 said:
Just a thought before this turns into more crucifixion...

Dez's mom had (has?) a drug problem . . . Dez is back home trying to hang with the family . . . Dez's mom using again? . . . gets in his face . . . Dez gets frustrated . . . she's pushing him/hitting him . . . pushes her off of him . . . falls down, cries foul . . .

Anyone ever seen that story before? I imagine something similar happened here.

thats what i was thinking
Let me guess.....this MUST be the media's fault. It couldn't possibly be that Dez is an idiot. Go ahead and blame the local and national media for picking on poor Dez.
who said anything about the media? I just hope you read more than the headlines b4 you make your assumptions
BK11;4622384 said:
Let me guess.....this MUST be the media's fault. It couldn't possibly be that Dez is an idiot. Go ahead and blame the local and national media for picking on poor Dez.

:welcome: to the CowboysZone! Now go home...

BK11;4622384 said:
Let me guess.....this MUST be the media's fault. It couldn't possibly be that Dez is an idiot. Go ahead and blame the local and national media for picking on poor Dez.

I love people who run their mouth and have zero clue. Thanks man.
BK11;4622384 said:
Let me guess.....this MUST be the media's fault. It couldn't possibly be that Dez is an idiot. Go ahead and blame the local and national media for picking on poor Dez.

Nice first post. Commanders fan???
So they are saying that he was arguing with his brother and then the mother gets shoved. I'm thinking she stepped in between to break them up. Either way there is no excuses and you don't put yourself in these situations. No matter the time and place you don't shove women. Walk away should be his new motto.

Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant pushed his mother on Saturday in an incident that wound up with Bryant arrested for misdemeanor family violence.

A source told that Bryant and his half brother had been in an argument before Bryant ended up pushing his mother. Police were called at that time, although the police didn’t arrest Bryant until Monday. Bryant’s mother did not need to be taken to the hospital for injuries.
HoustonFrog;4622399 said:
So they are saying that he was arguing with his brother and then the mother gets shoved. I'm thinking she stepped in between to break them up. Either way there is no excuses and you don't put yourself in these situations. No matter the time and place you don't shove women. Walk away should be his new motto.

Yeah because families never fight. My brother and i used to get into it all the time. Perhaps your family is passive. Many are not and whether or not it is 'excusable' isn't up to message board posters. At least not in any way that matters to the people that are involved.
HoustonFrog;4622399 said:
So they are saying that he was arguing with his brother and then the mother gets shoved. I'm thinking she stepped in between to break them up. Either way there is no excuses and you don't put yourself in these situations. No matter the time and place you don't shove women. Walk away should be his new motto.

Yea, it sounds like Dez and his brother were gettting in each others faces and his mom stepped in to try to break it up and Dez was so angry that he just shoved the first person that touched him and it happened to be his mom.

It must have been a hard enough shove to knock her to the floor to cause bruising on her arms. The police took pictures and showed a judge who issued an arrest warrant, which led to Dez turning himself in 2 days later.

While I am not ready to burn him at the stake for this, it is nontheless very dissappointing that Dez cannot keep himself out of trouble repeatedly. I would not be surprised to see Dez suspended for the kickoff game against the Giants as a way for Goddell to "send a message". We all know he hates the Cowboys anyways and what better way to stick it to us then make us play his beloved Giants without Dez.
Beast_from_East;4622407 said:
Yea, it sounds like Dez and his brother were gettting in each others faces and his mom stepped in to try to break it up and Dez was so angry that he just shoved the first person that touched him and it happened to be his mom.

It must have been a hard enough shove to knock her to the floor to cause bruising on her arms. The police took pictures and showed a judge who issued an arrest warrant, which led to Dez turning himself in 2 days later.

While I am not ready to burn him at the stake for this, it is nontheless very dissappointing that Dez cannot keep himself out of trouble repeatedly. I would not be surprised to see Dez suspended for the kickoff game against the Giants as a way for Goddell to "send a message". We all know he hates the Cowboys anyways and what better way to stick it to us then make us play his beloved Giants without Dez.

So now he knocked her down and that's how she got a bruise on her arm.

Interesting story.
HoustonFrog;4622399 said:
So they are saying that he was arguing with his brother and then the mother gets shoved. I'm thinking she stepped in between to break them up. Either way there is no excuses and you don't put yourself in these situations. No matter the time and place you don't shove women. Walk away should be his new motto.
If it was his mom stepping in and her accidentally getting shoved then I highly doubt the police would have been called when you consider what Dez has at stake when the incident goes public.

I don't believe that story.
FuzzyLumpkins;4622405 said:
Yeah because families never fight. My brother and i used to get into it all the time. Perhaps your family is passive. Many are not and whether or not it is 'excusable' isn't up to message board posters. At least not in any way that matters to the people that are involved.

Listen. I'm the youngest of 5. We fought all the time..loudly. But at no point in my lifetime did my Mother get shoved and police never had to get involved. You can make excuses but this is the type of situation that just doesn't find normal fighting families. There are no excuses. You leave. He had too much on the line. I know as an attorney not to speculate and that all facts must come out here. But in general, I have found it a little offensive that so many have tried to make this out to be so minor instead of worrying about why a woman got hit. Even on accident, it comes down to a person getting hit so hard that cops were called.
Dodger;4621681 said:
Most of which will be decrying either Bryant, why we wasted a pick on him, or Jerry for whatever reason, or all of the above...

...Before waiting to see what actually happened.

It doesnt matter what happened ... Depending on this POS is impossible. Its ALWAYS going to be something ... ALWAYS. Frankly they should have never drafted him his off the field issues outway his production on the field.
RoyTheHammer;4621697 said:
These guys are payed to play football, not reinvent the wheel.

How many of us were whining about Michael Irvin back in the 90's when he was wining and dining ladies of the night and cookin up some white powder for breakfast?

He never got suspended,
Zordon;4622409 said:
If it was his mom stepping in and her accidentally getting shoved then I highly doubt the police would have been called when you consider what Dez has at stake when the incident goes public.

I don't believe that story.

An angry step brother having to live off the spoils of someone else? I can easily see that phone call.
HoustonFrog;4622410 said:
Listen. I'm the youngest of 5. We fought all the time..loudly. But at no point in my lifetime did my Mother get shoved and police never had to get involved. You can make excuses but this is the type of situation that just doesn't find normal fighting families. There are no excuses. You leave. He had too much on the line. I know as an attorney not to speculate and that all facts must come out here. But in general, I have found it a little offensive that so many have tried to make this out to be so minor instead of worrying about why a woman got hit. Even on accident, it comes down to a person getting hit so hard that cops were called.

Too bad you didn't grow up in Northern New Jersey during the '60s and '70s. It's called the weekend.
The Quest for Six;4622209 said:
Jerry needs to send a message to Dez and the team, suspend Dez for the first two weeks of the season and let it be known these constant contacts with the law will not be tolerated...

Jerry might not get chance the Commish will Punish him first.
BIGDen;4622337 said:
Well it "seems" like a fairly minor incident, but he was arrested and this incident involved violence. Those things immediately set-off "Goodell power-trip, messsage-sending time!" in my head. Wouldn't surprise me to see Dez suspended at least for game 1 against Goodell's buddy Mara's vagiants. I hope that I'm totally wrong about this.

Ding ding winner winner chicken dinner ! ( couldn't resist the CS quote )
M'Kevon;4622415 said:
An angry step brother having to live off the spoils of someone else? I can easily see that phone call.

Time to get some new relatives.:rolleyes:

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