Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

Dez has too many issues and the circle of people around him seems to be pathetic. Unfortunately, it's impossible for someone who grew up around these people to just drop them and move on with their life. There's always gonna be stuff like this happening for the rest of his career
IF and I stress IF those reports are true about him slapping mom in the face this guy is a complete loser... there is NO and I mean NO excuse for that at all.. COme on people, enough of the excuses with this guy
garrett316;4622635 said:
Cant wait for this guy to be gone. Flame all you want, just don't care for him. You can compare him to Irvin all you want, but Irvin wanted to be great with every ounce in him. Dez doesnt have the same drive. I've never seen a guy hyped as much as him based on some great practices, while his game production remains so so. Plus, he's a ticking time bomb.



This guy is so overrated
CowboyMcCoy;4622642 said:
You're wrong about what I'd say about my own family. Trash to me. (I guess I don't have common decency.)

As far as Dez, he's free to feel how he wants about them. I'm free to think what I want about them as well.

My advice to Dez would be to seek counseling and get away from this family. They're obviously not going to fix themselves, particularly his mother on crack.

I'm out.

You are free to think what you want, as is anyone. Stating alot of obvious thoughts in these responses.. but when you come out and insult another man's mother like that, its different. You weren't the only one to say it. Im sure though, if we weren't on the internet, you'd never come out and say something that demeaning about his mother directly to him. Again, he'd be in jail again, and you'd be in the hospital. So probably best that no one says it at all.

Like i said, even if you dislike your parents, and even if you told me that your mother dabbled in marijuana use and was with alot of guys before she met your dad, i wouldn't come on here and say she was a "pothead and a slut".

For obvious reasons..
Is there a Dez Apologist smilie yet like there is/was a Quincy one?
GimmeTheBall!;4622636 said:
If the pohlese were not there, they did not see her swing the bat. They go on evidence: the evidence were bruises on her, not him, from what you tell us.
Based on that and the real physiological differences between a man and woman (men are twice as strong and 10 times more prone to physical violence, studies show), police rightly make those assumptions and have to arrest someone. If only to asssure that the two are separated for at least a night to let things cool off. That is the way they operate and until someone can find a better way, ah say let them do their job as distasteful it is to us and you and we.

It is very easy to blame/question the pohlese but give them a break. :mad: They were not there until after the so called alication.

Despite the fact that this violates numerous basic rights? :rolleyes:
RS12;4622651 said:
Welp, the police seem to feel pretty comfortable with this account.


It only takes a statement. And with a 1,500 bond, I'm willing to bet there is no physical evidence. In other words, I'll bet you $20 that she hasn't a mark on her when all is said and done.

Wanna bet?

A man that size would leave a mark. I'm saying, predicting, he didn't leave a mark.
RoyTheHammer;4622661 said:
You are free to think what you want, as is anyone. Stating alot of obvious thoughts in these responses.. but when you come out and insult another man's mother like that, its different. You weren't the only one to say it. Im sure though, if we weren't on the internet, you'd never come out and say something that demeaning about his mother directly to him. Again, he'd be in jail again, and you'd be in the hospital. So probably best that no one says it at all.

Like i said, even if you dislike your parents, and even if you told me that your mother dabbled in marijuana use and was with alot of guys before she met your dad, i wouldn't come on here and say she was a "pothead and a slut".

For obvious reasons..

I'd tell him to leave his family behind.
CowboyMcCoy;4622642 said:
You're wrong about what I'd say about my own family. Trash to me. (I guess I don't have common decency.)

As far as Dez, he's free to feel how he wants about them. I'm free to think what I want about them as well.

My advice to Dez would be to seek counseling and get away from this family. They're obviously not going to fix themselves, particularly his mother on crack.

I'm out.

BTW.. i feel sorry that you and your family are on such bad terms. My family wasn't always the greatest to me, and my parents are now divorced (should have been for awhile now) but they are still my family. I love them unconditionally. You only get one family in this life man, i hope you can someday work things out with them.
anj113;4622659 said:
IF and I stress IF those reports are true about him slapping mom in the face this guy is a complete loser... there is NO and I mean NO excuse for that at all.. COme on people, enough of the excuses with this guy

Ever seen the movie Airplane?
RoyTheHammer;4622616 said:
So if a woman uses drugs or has lied to authorities, that makes it ok to smack her around in your opinion?

well to someone of common sense it would be hard to believe her account unless there was other evidence to back it up.
RoyTheHammer;4622668 said:
BTW.. i feel sorry that you and your family are on such bad terms. My family wasn't always the greatest to me, and my parents are now divorced (should have been for awhile now) but they are still my family. I love them unconditionally. You only get one family in this life man, i hope you can someday work things out with them.

No thanks. Never will it even cross my mind. If you'd like to know, PM me.
CowboyMcCoy;4622665 said:
I'd tell him to leave his family behind.

You might.. and that would be fine. But you wouldn't say, "Hey Dez! Tell that crackhead, lying prostitute mother of yours to mind her business and stop messin you up!"
GimmeTheBall!;4622636 said:
If the pohlese were not there, they did not see her swing the bat. They go on evidence: the evidence were bruises on her, not him, from what you tell us.
Based on that and the real physiological differences between a man and woman (men are twice as strong and 10 times more prone to physical violence, studies show), police rightly make those assumptions and have to arrest someone. If only to asssure that the two are separated for at least a night to let things cool off. That is the way they operate and until someone can find a better way, ah say let them do their job as distasteful it is to us and you and we.

It is very easy to blame/question the pohlese but give them a break. :mad: They were not there until after the so called alication.

I was not blaming the police. They were simply following their only policies which are defined by the law. Too many times an abused woman will take the blame for her abuse to keep her abusive boyfriend/husband out of jail so I understand the need to sometimes protect the victims from themselves by removing the threat. Though not common, it means that sometimes the wrong person is blamed.

My point was that drawing conclusions (innocent or guilty) without all of the facts is not always accurate or smart. There are plenty of guilty criminals walking free and innocent people sitting in jail. The system is not perfect, but the policies in place are based more on "what usually is this case" rather than "what is the case".

CowboyMcCoy;4622664 said:
It only takes a statement. And with a 1,500 bond, I'm willing to bet there is no physical evidence. In other words, I'll bet you $20 that she hasn't a mark on her when all is said and done.

Wanna bet?

A man that size would leave a mark. I'm saying, predicting, he didn't leave a mark.

You can send me the $20 via paypal

Officers observed swelling in her wrist. She also had bruising on her upper right and left arm.
burmafrd;4622670 said:
well to someone of common sense it would be hard to believe her account unless there was other evidence to back it up.

Grammatical error aside, i agree with you. Im not saying i would readily believe whatever account she gave to the police. Just stating that its ridiculous to say that a woman's behavior or past means anything when it comes to a man putting his hands on her.
RoyTheHammer;4622674 said:
You might.. and that would be fine. But you wouldn't say, "Hey Dez! Tell that crackhead, lying prostitute mother of yours to mind her business and stop messin you up!"

I don't think I'd have to tell him that for him to get what I'm saying. In any case, this isn't the school yard yo mama insults I'm hurling. What I'm hurling is the reality of the situation. Either he disassociates with his, here's a more proper term for you, dysfunctional family or he ruins his life/career over it.
links18;4622663 said:
Despite the fact that this violates numerous basic rights? :rolleyes:

Actually, that is the way it goes.. unfortunately. And no, it doesn't make sense.

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