Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

CowboyMcCoy;4622683 said:
I don't think I'd have to tell him that for him to get what I'm saying. In any case, this isn't the school yard yo mama insults I'm hurling. What I'm hurling is the reality of the situation. Either he disassociates with his, here's a more proper term for you, dysfunctional family or he ruins his life/career over it.

I don't believe he has to disassociate with his family to save his career. He just needs to control his own actions and mature a bit to save his career. Regardless of what happened or what his mother or brother said to him, he could have just walked out the door before it got heated.
RoyTheHammer;4622685 said:
Actually, that is the way it goes.. unfortunately. And no, it doesn't make sense.

From your source....

Angela Bryant did not complain about injuries on the day of the alleged assault. Two days later (Monday), she complained of pain in her wrists, hands and arms. Officers observed swelling in her wrist. She also had bruising on her upper right and left arm.

C'mon, man.
CowboyMcCoy;4622686 said:
On her face, since he slapped her. Swelling on her wrist could be anything. Let's see the mark from where he slapped her.

Back peddle much? Bruises on both arms. What did she do hit herself with a hammer before the cops showed, you know since she is lying crach head.
Joshmvii;4622647 said:
ITT people forget that Michael Irvin got busted for cocaine use, throwing a hooker down some stairs, threatening a dude with scissors, etc.

I love Irvin, and I'm so glad he turned his life around, but let's not act like a misdemeanor domestic abuse arrest is even remotely approaching some of the things Irvin did.

This probably only solidifies your stance, but Irvin went far beyond threatening a guy. He stabbed him in the neck and almost killed him.
RS12;4622692 said:
Back peddle much? Bruises on both arms. What did she do hit herself with a hammer before the cops showed, you know since she is lying crach head.


Two days later she decides to call police... I wonder why a crackhead would do such a thing.

What about her face, since such a large allegedly man slapped her?
CowboyMcCoy;4622654 said:
..what I'm saying is he probably didn't hit her. If he did, then he was wrong. I'm guessing, and it's merely a guess, that his mother was in a crack fit and once again lied to the police, as she has done before.

Basically, my view is innocent until proven guilty.

See you guys later.

Which is fine.

I'm not saying he's guilty. I haven't said one time he is. I don't know which is why I said if and that I needed to wait and see.

I'm not, however, saying it's impossible that it happened just because it's Dez Bryant or any other Dallas Cowboy. Unfortunately there is a real chance that this is a real problem. I hope this didn't happen this way and we shall see if it did or not.
CowboyMcCoy;4622689 said:
From your source....

C'mon, man.

My source? I never posted that article. I also never said Dez hit his mom at all. The reports seem varied at this point, and as has been said already, she could have injured herself and he still would have been taken away for it.
CowboyMcCoy;4622696 said:

Two days later she decides to call police... I wonder why a crackhead would do such a thing.

What about her face, since such a large allegedly man slapped her?

she called 911 while Dez was there.....keep making excuses
RS12;4622692 said:
Back peddle much? Bruises on both arms. What did she do hit herself with a hammer before the cops showed, you know since she is lying crach head.

You'd be suprised what some woman will do. BTW.. you can bang into a table accidentally and have bruises, it doesn't take something as extreme as hitting yourself with a freaking hammer.
RS12;4622692 said:
Back peddle much? Bruises on both arms. What did she do hit herself with a hammer before the cops showed, you know since she is lying crach head.

Maybe her pimp did it.

Dez is wrong in this, but once on crack, you can't be trusted. It's way too addictive. Did you know the Rangers and Josh Hamilton's family have to keep all credit and debit cards away from him because of his addiction?

Dez is likely supporting a lot of family drug habits and wasteful spending, not to mention his own fascination with jewelry apparently. (Although he doesn't typically pay for that.)

This is what we drafted. This is what he has been since high school. Many teams passed before Jerry raced to the podium to nab this guy. We all know Jason Garrett never would have.

You deal with it, or release him. This will never change with Dez.
By the looks of how his mother is, I'm surprised he didn't turn out much worse.

Have any of his "crimes" been:

Possession of drugs?

No. So I really couldn't give a ****. If I had a crack prostitute mom that made me mad, I might grab her too.
OK OK OK!!! For u people downing Dez, saying he's a thug and get rid of him etc....If you've never been in or around that situation he has grown up with even with his family you have no place to judge him or anybody....Kudos to all the people that has made the right decisions all there life and had the family to show them the right way at an early age and have that mindset.....But if you've never been threw it you have no idea( im speaking for what I know and have seen myself)...Especially when your family is the reason for this......ok cnn breaking news we all know what he allegedly did was wrong, but alot of kids dont make it as far as Dez has growing up the way he did....Its a proccess yall, people dont change overnight when things been done and seen all his life a certain dont know what his mom did or was doing that could have gotting him in deeper trouble than I'm def not condoning hitting his mom which is something i wld never do personally...but I dont think Dez just walk in his house and started going off on his mom, something happen and dont judge so quickly without knowing the facts 1st thats all im saying
CowboyMcCoy;4622696 said:

Two days later she decides to call police... I wonder why a crackhead would do such a thing.

What about her face, since such a large allegedly man slapped her?

Slapped her with a ball cap is what i just read from the nfl website report.
Dave_in-NC;4622326 said:

Robinson never could stay healthy in the NFL and when he was he sucked untill he got Romo. Leaving was a bad move for him.

GimmeTheBall!;4622643 said:
I agree.
Dez seems to be volatile. And he is no Irvin yet.
At least Irvin did only damage to his lungs and his repitation.
Dez seems like a real hard-core thug waiting to happen.

If he doesn't stay away from his family he's gonna half problums....and you know he won't.
Dez is a loser and an idiot. I doubt he will learn from this...

As for the media. This story made the local Phoenix news...Joke

On the 911 call, Angela says, "My son has assaulted me. He's here now. he won't go home. I keep telling him to go, he won't go." You can clearly hear an argument in the background as Angela says, "I can't let him keep doing me like this. I'm gonna put an end to it today."
trickblue;4622708 said:
That's weird...

TMZ man.. they gotta spice it up. They used the word "bra".. now the story has sex and violence. Our society will eat it up.

CowboyMcCoy;4622696 said:

Two days later she decides to call police... I wonder why a crackhead would do such a thing.

What about her face, since such a large allegedly man slapped her?

Dood, come on, the dude assaulted his mother.

It doesn't matter what is wrong with her, he's about as bright as a dead bag of kittens.
Bwaa ha ha! I think I just heard his mom say Dez has "B-A-I-L-M-E" on his license plate :lmao:

(on the 911 call...listening now...)

Wow, just wow...

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