Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

Not making excuses for Dez, but he probably wasn't nurtured or taught the right kind of respect by the mom. She spent a big part of his formative years behind bars for drugs. He has a lot to overcome from his past. I wouldn't be surprised if fights like the one Saturday night are regular part of the family dynamics.
RS12;4622612 said:
You really think in a high profile case like this the only evidence is the word of his mother? You are dreaming.

Of course it is. It's an arrest, not even a case yet. The burden of proof to make an arrest is a whole lot less than it is to prosecute a case and the burden of proof there is a whole lot less than what is needed for a conviction. Let's let ALL of the facts come out before forming an opinion.
Cant wait for this guy to be gone. Flame all you want, just don't care for him. You can compare him to Irvin all you want, but Irvin wanted to be great with every ounce in him. Dez doesnt have the same drive. I've never seen a guy hyped as much as him based on some great practices, while his game production remains so so. Plus, he's a ticking time bomb.

I'm willing to bet the Head Coach doesnt see him as a RKG. Keep hearing Garrett talk about making good decisions at the end of mini-camp and no matter how this turns out clearly Dez didnt heed the Head Coach's advice.
Reality;4622620 said:
Every time I hear of a domestic violence arrest, I think back to what happened to a friend of mine when I was younger. He and his wife got into an argument one night which in itself was not unusual for them. However, she grabbed his baseball bat and swung it at him. Another person who was there had already called the police. When she swung the bat, she missed him and slammed headfirst into a table. When the police arrived, my friend and his wife both gave the same story separately as to what happened. That said, my friend was arrested for domestic violence.

He told me he asked them why he was being arrested when he did not do anything to her and they told him that when they are called for a domestic disturbance, somebody is being arrested and that she had bruises and he didn't, so he was the one arrested. He asked what he should have done and the policeman told him, "Next time, let her hit you."

I am not defending nor siding against Dez in this situation. It the evidence comes out that he attacked his mother or his brother, then he deserves whatever punishment the courts dish out. I just know that the whole story is rarely ever published in the media (not necessarily because they intentionally avoid it, but rather not all of the facts are released or known) and just because one person is the one arrested does not mean it was their fault or they were to blame when it comes to domestic violence.

I think that presuming innocence because of the past criminal history of his mother is just as far fetched as presuming guilt simply because he was arrested and his emotion gets the best of him on the field at times.

There is nothing wrong with a good discussion or debate about innocence or guilt, but attacking those who disagree with you personally actually lessens the quality of your argument.


If the pohlese were not there, they did not see her swing the bat. They go on evidence: the evidence were bruises on her, not him, from what you tell us.
Based on that and the real physiological differences between a man and woman (men are twice as strong and 10 times more prone to physical violence, studies show), police rightly make those assumptions and have to arrest someone. If only to asssure that the two are separated for at least a night to let things cool off. That is the way they operate and until someone can find a better way, ah say let them do their job as distasteful it is to us and you and we.

It is very easy to blame/question the pohlese but give them a break. :mad: They were not there until after the so called alication.
CowboyMcCoy;4622624 said:
You obviously don't know me, nor my situation. But you'd be surprised by what I'd have to say about my own family after what they put me through.

Just saying.

I obviously don't know you, but i learned more about you through this thread, that's for sure. You certainly missed the point of my last post.

I also know anyone with common decency wouldn't badmouth their family, and would stick up for them no matter what if it really came down to it. Id bet if you went to Dez right now and told him what you called his mother he'd have one more arrest on his record and you'd be in the hospital for awhile.
The Quest for Six;4622618 said:
excusing one person's bad behavior by pointing to others bad behavior, heard that before... got it!!!


Then go ahead and convict him already.
Reality;4622620 said:
Every time I hear of a domestic violence arrest, I think back to what happened to a friend of mine when I was younger. He and his wife got into an argument one night which in itself was not unusual for them. However, she grabbed his baseball bat and swung it at him. Another person who was there had already called the police. When she swung the bat, she missed him and slammed headfirst into a table. When the police arrived, my friend and his wife both gave the same story separately as to what happened. That said, my friend was arrested for domestic violence.

He told me he asked them why he was being arrested when he did not do anything to her and they told him that when they are called for a domestic disturbance, somebody is being arrested and that she had bruises and he didn't, so he was the one arrested. He asked what he should have done and the policeman told him, "Next time, let her hit you."

I am not defending nor siding against Dez in this situation. It the evidence comes out that he attacked his mother or his brother, then he deserves whatever punishment the courts dish out. I just know that the whole story is rarely ever published in the media (not necessarily because they intentionally avoid it, but rather not all of the facts are released or known) and just because one person is the one arrested does not mean it was their fault or they were to blame when it comes to domestic violence.

I think that presuming innocence because of the past criminal history of his mother is just as far fetched as presuming guilt simply because he was arrested and his emotion gets the best of him on the field at times.

There is nothing wrong with a good discussion or debate about innocence or guilt, but attacking those who disagree with you personally rather than the facts actually lessens the quality of your argument.


great point
let the whole story come out before we judge
RoyTheHammer;4622637 said:
I obviously don't know you, but i learned more about you through this thread, that's for sure. You certainly missed the point of my last post.

I also know anyone with common decency wouldn't badmouth their family, and would stick up for them no matter what if it really came down to it. Id bet if you went to Dez right now and told him what you called his mother he'd have one more arrest on his record and you'd be in the hospital for awhile.

You're wrong about what I'd say about my own family. Trash to me. (I guess I don't have common decency.)

As far as Dez, he's free to feel how he wants about them. I'm free to think what I want about them as well.

My advice to Dez would be to seek counseling and get away from this family. They're obviously not going to fix themselves, particularly his mother on crack.

I'm out.
garrett316;4622635 said:
Cant wait for this guy to be gone. Flame all you want, just don't care for him. You can compare him to Irvin all you want, but Irvin wanted to be great with every ounce in him. Dez doesnt have the same drive. I've never seen a guy hyped as much as him based on some great practices, while his game production remains so so. Plus, he's a ticking time bomb.

I'm willing to bet the Head Coach doesnt see him as a RKG. Keep hearing Garrett talk about making good decisions at the end of mincamp and no matter how this turns out clearly Dez didnt heed the Head Coach's advice.

I agree.
Dez seems to be volatile. And he is no Irvin yet.
At least Irvin did only damage to his lungs and his repitation.
Dez seems like a real hard-core thug waiting to happen.
GimmeTheBall!;4622636 said:
If the pohlese were not there, they did not see her swing the bat. They go on evidence: the evidence were bruises on her, not him, from what you tell us.
Based on that and the real physiological differences between a man and woman (men are twice as strong and 10 times more prone to physical violence, studies show), police rightly make those assumptions and have to arrest someone. If only to asssure that the two are separated for at least a night to let things cool off. That is the way they operate and until someone can find a better way, ah say let them do their job as distasteful it is to us and you and we.

It is very easy to blame/question the pohlese but give them a break. :mad: They were not there until after the so called alication.

Are you drunk? :eek:
ITT people forget that Michael Irvin got busted for cocaine use, throwing a hooker down some stairs, threatening a dude with scissors, etc.

I love Irvin, and I'm so glad he turned his life around, but let's not act like a misdemeanor domestic abuse arrest is even remotely approaching some of the things Irvin did.
Lets put just for arguments sake this incident never happened.. Its hard to read on this site that Dez Bryant is a top receiver in this league.. How? Why? Yes he has talent, but the guy because his lack of knowledge of the system and his poor route running was invisible late in games.. He needs to work on that every single day this summer.. He needs to be commited.. Sure the kid has immense talent, but so what? Please stop saying this guy is an elite receiver... He isnt yet, he has so much to learn and so much to prove.. I would not pencil this guy in as an automatic lock.. He has mountains to climb, he does.. he needs to commit himself to be great and the reciever people say that he is...
GimmeTheBall!;4622636 said:
If the pohlese were not there, they did not see her swing the bat. They go on evidence: the evidence were bruises on her, not him, from what you tell us.
Based on that and the real physiological differences between a man and woman (men are twice as strong and 10 times more prone to physical violence, studies show), police rightly make those assumptions and have to arrest someone. If only to asssure that the two are separated for at least a night to let things cool off. That is the way they operate and until someone can find a better way, ah say let them do their job as distasteful it is to us and you and we.

It is very easy to blame/question the pohlese but give them a break. :mad: They were not there until after the so called alication.

Sorry to chime in once more. But recent studies found that women are 51% likely to initiate domestic violence... men 49%. What that seems to me is about half the time it's men, the other half wimmen.

I have to run to work, but I'll pull that source up for you soon. Since I know it's from a reliable study.
CowboyMcCoy;4622604 said:
Did you read the part where she has already lied to police in the past, been jailed for 18 months for dealing crack, et cetera?

Don't care about that. Absolutely none of that equals it being Ok for a man to hit a woman.

I'm sorry if you think there are situations outside of him absolutely fearing for his own life, or the life of his children, that are ok for a guy to hit a woman but I don't.

The fact that she's not the greatest person in the world doesn't mean it's right to hit her.

Now, as I said, if that is indeed what happened. I'm not sure if it was or not and I'll wait to see if they make it clear that he did in fact hit or or not.

If he didn't and this was some stupid argument that has been blown out of proportion then I'll be a big supporter of him still.

If it turns out he actually hit a woman I'm sorry but I don't support that or guys who do it so I won't be a supporter of Dez Bryant.

That's just exactly how it's going to go based on what information is confirmed.
CowboyMcCoy;4622619 said:
Do you have any other evidence?

Welp, the police seem to feel pretty comfortable with this account.

Police say Bryant grabbed his mother by the wrist, slapped her across the face and pulled her hair during an argument Saturday. It was unclear what the argument was about.

CowboyMcCoy;4622638 said:
Then go ahead and convict him already.

he dont have to be convicted, only thown out on his butt by Roger and Jason Garrett and see how his saggy pants routine works out in the real world that does not reward you based on athletic prowess.
Conviction is for losers; banishment is fer pNFL layers.
BraveHeartFan;4622650 said:
Don't care about that. Absolutely none of that equals it being Ok for a man to hit a woman.

I'm sorry if you think there are situations outside of him absolutely fearing for his own life, or the life of his children, that are ok for a guy to hit a woman but I don't.

The fact that she's not the greatest person in the world doesn't mean it's right to hit her.

Now, as I said, if that is indeed what happened. I'm not sure if it was or not and I'll wait to see if they make it clear that he did in fact hit or or not.

If he didn't and this was some stupid argument that has been blown out of proportion then I'll be a big supporter of him still.

If it turns out he actually hit a woman I'm sorry but I don't support that or guys who do it so I won't be a supporter of Dez Bryant.

That's just exactly how it's going to go based on what information is confirmed.

..what I'm saying is he probably didn't hit her. If he did, then he was wrong. I'm guessing, and it's merely a guess, that his mother was in a crack fit and once again lied to the police, as she has done before.

Basically, my view is innocent until proven guilty.

See you guys later.

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