I think many are overlooking the type of upbringing that Dez had....I don't think many of us can imagine a childhood with no direction, a mom that is a drug addict, a child that most likely didn't know where he was going to lay his head down every night.
With that being his upbringing, I can see how knowing the difference between right and wrong in some cases would be difficult. Yes, he's a grown man now but that doesn't erase his poor direction in his formative years as most of us enjoyed. It's obvious his family wants to keep pulling him down to their level rather than rising out of the ashes they're currently. Obviously "mom" is still on the crack or she would realize that you don't have your cash cow arrested.
We're also talking more importantly about a young mans life over his football talent, he will need more than the average run of the mill player, such as possibly a "life coach" that could help him in making correct decisions which were obviously not available to him in his childhood.
As hard as it may be for him, it is time for him to cut his family ties since they obviously care nothing about him outside of the money he is now making......Dez, rise above this and say good bye to dear ole loving "mom" and the rest of the family that care nothing about you or anything but the almighty drugs.......good luck to you Dez.