Hoofbite;4623653 said:
I suspect we're all Jeff Ireland fans now.
He was the first to insult Dez's mom which seems to be the cool thing to do now.
I was actually quite fine with Ireland. When you're taking on a player, you're taking on his baggage ... that includes his drug addict ex-con prostitute mother. That's why you got to gather information, even if the information is uncomfortable or unpleasant, so you can decide whether the player is worth the baggage. It's not an insult when it's the truth. It's part of the decision making process.
However, once you take on that player, it's a little late in the game to pretend outrage when the player suffers his inevitable bumps in the road or when the baggage pops up again. There's a reason you got a Top 5 talent late in the first round. If you don't want to take on the baggage, you take Dan Williams or Arnelius Benn or Jared Odrick with the pick or some other lesser talented player. But if you take the troubled player, you got to put on your big boy pants and buckle up the chin strap and deal with your decision. You can't just bail when the predictable happens.