Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

So, according to the police interview the officer stated that the altercation consisted of Bryant grabbing her wrist and pushing her away...sounds like he was trying to kill her to me...:rolleyes:
Gemini Dolly;4623697 said:
Dez Bryant says he will not be issuing a formal statement. Said it was a misunderstanding and "we good." @NBCDFW #dezbryant]

Well, I'm glad that's settled.
big dog cowboy;4623702 said:
You were the 1200th response!


So...he gets the free T-shirt, huh? :cool:

If only I was better at math! :rolleyes: (i can never win a prize around here)
Lodeus;4621743 said:
Literally my face when I saw this


AbeBeta;4623435 said:
You are correct there.

However, a drug addict is not going to try to get the one millionaire in her life in trouble just out of spite.

Even taking the most cynical perspective on this, Dez is worth far more to her as a successful, highly paid athlete than a guy looking at a suspension and a questionable future

You are so naive.
EJ Blue;4623138 said:
Why can't Dez make good mistakes. Like accidentally showing up to church when there is no service, because he loves praising the lawd. Or physically forcing his money upon charities, because he is hellbent on supporting a good cause. Or stealing football equipment from highschools, to replace it with brand new gear.
I don't care who you are thats some funny stuff right there. :laugh2:
superpunk;4623712 said:
Most likely the Cowboys told him to shut his mouth and let it play out.
Or Jerruh already cut the check for ms bryant lol
AbeBeta;4623517 said:
Whatever she said was deemed plausible by the police.

99 times out of 100 you -- and I mean you Cajun -- would find that reasonable evidence that the arrest was just.

Wanna explain that? I don't take the word of a bat crap crazy drug infested dealer and kook over someone who has not had any arrests.
I said this in another thread so I'll say it in this one too.

I really think a little love tap to the head from Jerry in a joking manner asking what the hell happened will work wonders. Less business more affection. No suspension. I hate to sound like a wimp, and I'm going to, but it seems like the kid just needs some love in his life. Where is he getting the real kind from? There isn't anyone.

Oh and the tap would look like this ....

a_minimalist;4623717 said:
I said this in another thread so I'll say it in this one too.

I really think a little love tap to the head from Jerry in a joking manner asking what the hell happened will work wonders. Less business more affection. No suspension. I hate to sound like a wimp, and I'm going to, but it seems like the kid just needs some love in his life. Where is he getting the real kind from? There isn't anyone.

Oh and the tap would look like this ....



That is good stuff...

I remember that...
SDCowboy85;4623545 said:
It's being reported that Dez repeatedly abused his mom. This isn't the first time (allegedly).

Reported by whom? What source? Got a link?
AbeBeta;4623557 said:
I'm totally reminded a scene in The Sopranos. Ralphie kills a stripper and keeps saying "but Tony, she was a *****"

Even Tony Soprano didn't buy that logic.

But we seem to embrace it here.

Well, there's your problem right there. You are confusing reality with fiction.
SDCowboy85;4623724 said:
It was on Galloway and Company. The radio show. Also the mom in the 911 call said she's tired of it happening...

Like I said, "What source"? Are they just making this up or do they have some evidence? God knows the Dallas sports media are some of the laziest around.

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