Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

Cowboys22;4624057 said:
The fact that she was not injured at the time means it was minor so yes, stupid.

Dez doesn't have a history of beating on her so that isn't likely so yes, still stupid.

I hope she gets what she deserves which is for her son to dissolve their relationship and go on to earn a $60 million contract of which she won't see one red cent. Then the dumb as rocks crackhead can go back to turning tricks for her drug money and not be a thorn in the Cowboys side any longer.
Photo of her right after the police arrived:


"What's that?...My wrists?...Oh, um, yeah, my wrists DO hurt now that you mention it..."

Too soon? lol
Califan007;4624064 said:
Photo of her right after the police arrived:


"What's that?...My wrists?...Oh, um, yeah, my wrists DO hurt now that you mention it..."

Too soon? lol

I dare anyone to look at that photo, then go back and listen to the 911 call and see if you can get that image out of your head. Nice post and not too soon at all. It's never too soon to make fun of a crackhead.
Califan007;4624060 said:
I didn't think the police report said he hit her, did it?

She said he was trying to kill her. What was he doing, using some Jedi mind trick?
jwitten82;4624074 said:
So we still dont know what happened?
The police conference said she had a bruised and swollen wrist. From being grabbed and pushed I think.
jwitten82;4624074 said:
So we still dont know what happened?

No, but it's becoming apparent that the media reports are not accurate because they are based solely on her side of the story. The only statement from a witness thus far has been Dez's half brother who was there and said he didnt hit their mother.
Cowboys22;4623984 said:
@DeonHatton for who EVA listen to the media my brother didnt hit our mother

@DezBryant--- Thank you for speaking up man
Either he deleted it, but Dez didn't respond to that tweet.
I don't know if this was posted (other than my quick blurb)...but if not:

One day after it came to light that Dez Bryant was arrested for allegedly assaulting his mother, a longtime advisor said the Dallas Cowboys wide receiver regrets the trouble he has caused.

"He's very remorseful," the adviser, David Wells, told the Dallas Morning News on Tuesday. "He loves his mom to death. And that's about it. No one wants to be in a situation like this. No one wants to go to jail."
Lodeus;4624078 said:
The police conference said she had a bruised and swollen wrist. From being grabbed and pushed I think.

I'd like to know how they can conclude those apparent injuries were caused by the incident with Dez when they were not observed after the incident and nearly two days went by before they saw her again. I'm not sure anyone could prove Dez caused those injuries beyond a shadow of doubt. There's nearly two days worth of reasonable doubt from Sat night until Monday morning.
WoodysGirl;4624089 said:
Either he deleted it, but Dez didn't respond to that tweet.
If I were Dez' advisor, I'd tell him to not comment about this at all, ESPECIALLY on Twitter.
a_minimalist;4624050 said:
lol, oh something happened. it just wasn't remotely close to what was reported. that then led to fans saying how stupid he is and he should be traded and suspended. that then led to other fans defending him and trying to inject some logic into the discussion. then it turned into an argument. it's a vicious cycle.

can i make a request for some beer with my biscuits?


this is the problem when you have previously been a don't get benefit of the doubt. I have no doubt Dez is partially responsible in this altercation.

I hope Jerry learned his lesson with Pac Man and knows what to do. I have seen enough of Coughlin as coach to know he would have identified Dez as a players who can't help you in big game situations because he can't help himself. Lets hope Jason has same amount of stones.

Look for the spin from Jerry.
Cajuncowboy;4624103 said:

Go tot he 10 hour mark. About six posts down.
I saw the tweet from the brother, I was referring to the 2nd part that implied that Dez responded to the tweet. There was nothing on Dez's timeline since yesterday.

Maybe it was a copy/paste error.
Califan007;4624109 said:
I meant Dez' reply...

Oh. Maybe that's what WG meant as well. My bad. At the end of the day it doesn't matter if Dez responded or not. His brother said he didn't hit her.

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