News: Dez Bryant tweets he wants to rejoin Dallas Cowboys 2018 Season

As Dez has said, Garrett 'guys' don't want him in the team .

Contrary to some bottom feeders who say 'Garrett is just a puppet' , Garrett IS the head coach, and he DOES have the decision to keep a player.
I could see them bringing him back, we are nothing if not dysfunctional. It was a surprise to me to begin with. I don't think it is a horrible idea either. Our passing offense needs help.
Just because you can find a clip of it, does it mean that's how a well run organization would do it? And yes, the cowboys aren't well run and yes Garrett should go, but how will this help the locker room culture if Jerry devalues the HC job some more? in singular? Players disrespecting coaches happens all the time..... look, you don’t like Dez, that’s what it’s about, nothing else.

The guy has never been in trouble, shows up for work everyday, and busts his arse. Unfortunately, he was dakked. in singular? Players disrespecting coaches happens all the time..... look, you don’t like Dez, that’s what it’s about, nothing else.

The guy has never been in trouble, shows up for work everyday, and busts his arse. Unfortunately, he was dakked.
I even saw him do a squat on twitter recently.
He would draw Attn like flies to caca. We don't need that.
You guys crack m eup..... like the cowboys are ever gonna flynunder the radar. You seem to think having a bunch of quiet players wouldn’t help us win........ well, don’t we have that now, for the most part?
Dallas passing game is the bottom of the NFL.

Cutting Dez was a terrible idea.

We do not have an outside WR anywhere near Dez’s talent.
But, but... he makes Dak nervous.....he is very, very mean to JG, him makes the locker room a bery mean pwace for people...... it hard to pway football with that meanie running around
If Dak walked into Jerry's office and said "we need Dez", then Dez would be resigned today.

Sadly for Dez, being the perpetual class clown and disruptor has placed him into a position where no one wants to play with him during recess.

Team chemistry matters.
Chemistry matters to the tune of A mediocre 2 and 2 record. Funny how good teams always say that have great chemistry........ chemistry comes with winning, not the other way around. See the Steelers for evidence.
that^^^ I feel he's mentally done already. I think if we signed him it would give the team and fans false hope that he could somehow become what he was 2 years ago. He's not that guy anymore. He's a poormans Anquan Boldin with baggage. NO THANKS. Lets get passed the Dez notion.
Strange, demaryius Thomas quickly isn’t what he was, damn, jordy Nelson disappeared last year also..... strange how guys in late 20s all of the sudden disappear as soon as their qb goes away.

So why hasn’t any of our other wr become anything other than avg? Oh, they all just suck, right?
Dez wants the money only Jerrah can pay him .

If it was an issue about winning, he'd be long gone by now .
As Dez has said, Garrett 'guys' don't want him in the team .

Contrary to some bottom feeders who say 'Garrett is just a puppet' , Garrett IS the head coach, and he DOES have the decision to keep a player.
I have to disagree with this.....he probably has less input than even I already think he does. He "plays" the role pretty well for Jerry I would say, but he's not a typical HC that has control of this team.
I have to disagree with this.....he probably has less input than even I already think he does. He "plays" the role pretty well for Jerry I would say, but he's not a typical HC that has control of this team.

My guess is Jerrah got sick of all of Dez's gaffes and decided to make him the scapegoat for the 2017 offensive woes.
I think EVERYBODY got sick of his temper tantrums.

I don't know, even I was kinda wanting him to come back after the Seattle game but that was probably more frustration than anything else. Hopefully Gallup, Hurns, Beasley and Austin will be enough.
I think EVERYBODY got sick of his temper tantrums.
I guess that mans the giants will be releasing obj any day now. Did you see him screaming over and over on Sunday? Damn malcontent,....

Obj is clearly ruining the giants chemistry.
lol @ at all the bank account references . Man some of you need to do some research. Dez ain’t hurting for money it’s obvious he only wants to play here like Romo and Witten. Unfortunately Dez pigeoned holed himself because of that. His desire to only play for Dallas is what probably has caused him to go unsigned now.

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