Dez, envy is not a good look

Completely agree with Prisco. The NFL knows Tebow can't play. If Jacksonville wants to use this charade to generate interest, ticket sales etc., more power to them. The guy will be a complete nonfactor when the games are played.
Who cares if he can or can't play? Are you paying him?
If Dez had even half of Tebow’s work ethic, he would be able to run all of his routes like other pro WRs.
Never had a problem running routes with Romo,that only became an issue when the 40mil man became qb and why Dez was cut.
Tebow is a hard working, upstanding, great leader that will bust his butt for his coach. He is obviously going to be a gadget guy/TE. Think its a good move.

Dez is just.............well, Dez is just trash. No class punk that couldnt even bother to work on perfecting his craft.
Dez is hands down the better football player...take yo azz to Jacksonville then.
Never had a problem running routes with Romo,that only became an issue when the 40mil man became qb and why Dez was cut.
He did have a problem according to D Hall and Shannon. He was just so gifted he still balled. Which makes his case even more sad. If he worked like say.....julio hed be on a hall of fame pace.
he absolutely has a point. It’s a damn joke that Tebow is able to sit out of the league for 8 years then come back and get a job
If it wasn't for dak,he'd still be a cowboy
He did have a problem according to D Hall and Shannon. He was just so gifted he still balled. Which makes his case even more sad. If he worked like say.....julio hed be on a hall of fame pace.
I don't take what either of those two say seriously at all, especially hall...all I know is when tony was there, Dez was a beast,when dak was given the job,all the receivers suddenly forgot how to play.
Okay. Dak doesn't play defense and he can only do his part.

In those 3 games I mentioned he did not do his part (ZERO TD PASSES COMBINED) and we went 8-8 and missed the playoffs instead of 11-5 and won the division.
I understand is Dak not allowed to have bad games? Because Aaron Rodgers has them..Pat Mahomes has them....but we are going to ask Dak to play flawless for 16 games? You don't see that as a issue?
I understand is Dak not allowed to have bad games? Because Aaron Rodgers has them..Pat Mahomes has them....but we are going to ask Dak to play flawless for 16 games? You don't see that as a issue?
I see much more of an issue when we lose games where our defense holds the opponents to 12, 13, and 17 points and a QB that is being paid 40 million a year doesn't throw a single TD pass in those games combined and we lose as a result.

It's not like this is 3 games in his entire career we're talking about. This is 3 games in 1 season. A season that we finished 8-8 in and missed the playoffs. I challenge you to find me 3 games in a single season where Rodgers or Mahomes didn't throw a single TD pass, let alone lose games where your defense holds opponents to 12, 13 and 17 points.
And he still signed with the Ravens so that point is moot.

His first contract offer from the Ravens was a multi year 30 million dollar deal before the ACL tear. The second deal was a 1 year deal for peanut deal. So this point is not moot. Go where you can fit in, keep your mouth shut and he still might be playing in this league.
Its not about having friends in high places. Dez is a better football player in one day than Tebow will ever be in 10 years. For the simple fact Tebow was signed to a NFL ball club and players like Dez couldn't get a job and players like Kaepernick who led his team to a Superbowl couldn't get a job, is an absolute JOKE!!!

Everybody knows the reasons behind that. Just another example of how the "good ol' boy" network moves. Nothing new to see here....

I largely agree about the good old boy network. The good old boy netword extends to the CZ where fans feel that have-beens such as Sean leach and Witten are immediately deemed as coaching material. Do we ever mention black players as immediate coaches? No, only the Chaw chewing old guys are.
That is wrong.
Giving Tim Tebow a contract at is an insulting, shows bias, subterfuge, and disgraceful to all NFL players especially former All Pro and Pro Bowl Players that have shown they can help a team win today.

Dez said the truth. It shows class that Dez called out Urban Meyer, Jacksonville, and the NFL on them not having any class letting this happen again and again. Tebow has had chances at QB and TE before a 8 year absence from football and 5 year absence from his lying commitment that "I will remain in relentless pursuit of continuing my lifelong dream of being an NFL quarterback.". He refused to be a TE in NE. So he quit.

The one thing I did not like about Urban Meyer is that his loyalty was a bias lacking morals. See Zach Smith, Aaron Hernandez, and Chris Doyle to confirm what I am saying. Urban Meyer is a great coach but this one trait comes out and bites him in the butt every time.

Anyone saying Dez Bryant does not have grace and class for telling the truth should look up the definition of those to words before defaming someone's character. Especially someone who overcame an Achilles injury later in his career and still came back to contribute to and NFL team while Tim Tebow was quitting on the Mets like he quit on his so called relentless pursuit to be an NFL QB.
I guess Bill Belichick and Josh McDaniels, the OC in NE and ex Broncos HC that drafted him in the 1st round, did not give poor Tebow a chance either? Neither did the Eagles?

Nobody wants, and no Head Coach can survive or keep his job with a QB that completes only 47.9% of his passes.
Tebow is terrible and receives favoritism.
Water is wet.
Dez is graceless, envious and a classless blabber mouth.
Life ain't fair. People get jobs all the time because of who they know. A place on the 90 assures nothing. He will have to earn his spot on the team. And it is publicity for the Jags. Get over it.
I understand is Dak not allowed to have bad games? Because Aaron Rodgers has them..Pat Mahomes has them....but we are going to ask Dak to play flawless for 16 games? You don't see that as a issue?

I have asked me crazy congressman to introduce a bill in Parliament to forbid mentioning low-level talents such as Dak to be mentioned in the same sentence with greats such as Mahomes and Rogers WHO HAVE ACTUALLY ACHIEVED SOMETHING IN THE NFL.
Prove it wrong.

for what? it's not factually incorrect, it's just ... dumb. tebow not being a good qb and riding the coattails of an incredible defense have nothing to do with Dak losing winnable games. And it's just a weird point to make as a cowboy fan to cowboy fans about a 10 years removed broncos qb
His first contract offer from the Ravens was a multi year 30 million dollar deal before the ACL tear. The second deal was a 1 year deal for peanut deal. So this point is not moot. Go where you can fit in, keep your mouth shut and he still might be playing in this league.
You literally just said he was offered 30m multi year deal, it wasn't till after his injury he got 1 yr deals.
I largely agree about the good old boy network. The good old boy netword extends to the CZ where fans feel that have-beens such as Sean leach and Witten are immediately deemed as coaching material. Do we ever mention black players as immediate coaches? No, only the Chaw chewing old guys are.
That is wrong.
Ware retired and people immediately wanted him back in some coaching capacity.
Cowboys also have had numerous former players on the staff in some form.
If Dez had even half of Tebow’s work ethic, he would be able to run all of his routes like other pro WRs.
Even with him not being able to run a route as you say, he still was one of the best wr in nfl history.
Ware retired and people immediately wanted him back in some coaching capacity.
Cowboys also have had numerous former players on the staff in some form.

I am referring to the breathless pronouncements here that, immediately, upon retirement as players, these 2 good old boys Written and Leach were NFL a coaching ready. It was breathless and unceasing.
His first contract offer from the Ravens was a multi year 30 million dollar deal before the ACL tear. The second deal was a 1 year deal for peanut deal. So this point is not moot. Go where you can fit in, keep your mouth shut and he still might be playing in this league.
/The point is moot. How much of that multi year deal was guaranteed?

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