I said that it was important to name names (you claimed it wasn't important) because what if *I* just said 'there were 17 Cowboys officials that said JJT said that!'
This is not the story where anonymous sources are needed. You can nip this thing all in the bud by Moore simply naming his Cowboys officials that told him that and that's why it's important.
I disagree. It could provide an easy resolution to the situation. It's not something where anonymity is necessary.
Nobody has confirmed JJT's story. They just claim that they didn't hear it. And again, they were alone doing standard report-player discussion. Moore wasn't around. He claimed he had 2 sources from the Cowboys and for whatever reason, refuses to name the sources.
Why is JJT so quiet about the situation? Where is his column explaining his side of things?
Why is Moore so afraid to name his sources?
I think it's obvious that the organization told the players to be quiet and move on.
And I don't think I'm asking for much. Name your sources, Moore. And then we can figure out if they were there.
Why are reporters above being called out?
For one, he didn't say "17 cowboy officials" so lets not exaggerate what was said to try and make your point. I don't know why he didn't name names, and I don't think it was necessary. I do know that no one else can confirm Street's story, now you can believe that they were alone if you'd like, that's your opinion and I'm okay with that but it's not a fact that they were alone when there are other opinions that they weren't alone.
Street should speak up because he's the one that made the accusation to get all of this hyped up in the first place. Why is he so quiet about the situation? Why aren't other players or coaches backing up what Street said? Surely with a word like that, it would cause some serious backlash against anyone who uses it towards another player, yet we get nothing but silence from everyone else. That says a lot.
They're not, but it's not okay for a player to accuse a member of the media for calling them the N word when it didn't happen.
It's not about what JJT said or didn't say to Street, at least to me. That' may have been the straw that broke the Camel's back, but this confrontation had been brewing for weeks, at least since the Seattle game and JJT calling Dez out for underperforming his contract.
I don't know if it happened or not ....... but the media accuse Dez of a lot of things he did not do also soooooo .
Moore doesn't need name 2 cowboys officials that he asked. You don't believe Moore confirmed with these cowboy officials, and that's fine if you don't. Bottom line is that I don't believe that JJT would use the N word to a player, there is nothing in his past 30 years to suggest that he would talk to a player in that manner. I believe Street either didn't hear him correctly or he just flat out lied.
And that's why Moore should name his 2 Cowboys officials as sources.
He wasn't there and he's going off what 2 supposed Cowboys officials told him.
If the Cowboys officials were there (and I still don't know how they would be since JJT and Street were alone)...then we could say that Street misunderstood or was lying and that both Street and Dez should apologize.
Why does my source, who is a peer of JJT say that they were talking by themselves? Why would there be all of these people around the two when Street is a 'nobody?'
BTK went to church as well and for 30 years nobody had an inkling that he was this mass murderer.
I just have no reason to trust Moore since he is one of the media members that bought into the 'Dez has a tape worse than the Ray Rice tape' and other nonsense. Tells me that he lacks credibility especially when I have one of his peers telling me the exact opposite.
And what does that mass murderer going to church thing have to do with anything? Surely you didn't bring that up based upon me telling you that JJT attends my church. I didn't say he couldn't have called Street the N word because he went to my church.
You said the following:
that I don't believe that JJT would use the N word to a player, there is nothing in his past 30 years to suggest that he would talk to a player in that manner
I would assume that you meant you have know JJT for the past 30 years. If not, then I don't think there is anything to support your claim as you more or less have no idea.
I used the BTK analogy because he had friends and family, many of whom happened to attend the same church where he not only attended, but was a big part of helping out the church (I believe he actually worked at the church as well)....and nobody suspected him of *any* violence, much less killing people. So saying that you are confident that you know somebody would never use a word in their vernacular goes to show that sometimes people fool even their best friends.
For example, there was a woman in Long Island that was married and honestly did not know that her husband was a serial bank robber. And I believe her. So do the police. It happens.
But that's not why I brought up the church point, I only brought it up to say that I know the guy personally, inside and outside of the church, not that he is incapable of calling Street the N word just because he goes to church. Obviously that would be asinine. I don't have to know him for 30 years to know that he hasn't done anything like that in his profession. There is no evidence to support the claim that he called Street the N word. I could go around and say anybody called me the N word and then say that we were alone when that person said it, should I be trusted? I think not.
And the reports were that JJT and Dez were peacefully talking about that, man to man until Street came in with his accusation and everything blew up from there.
For what it's worth... this NBC guy (Pat Doney) said he was standing right next to JJT when he said whatever it is he said.
A thread from a few months ago ..... JJT called Dez a pos
This has been brewing for a while