It has also been said that this offer is the one they LITERALLY just offered days ago, whereas the offer they apparently had on the table UP TO THAT POINT was basically $10M a year (for 6 years) with not much guaranteed. Look, I get that $12.8M is A TON of money for me, you, and the rest of the folks on this board. But, we are NOT pro athletes. So, I look at this a completely different way. Sydla, if your boss (unless you're the CEO) has you working a job in which you are outperforming your constituents and you notice that a few of them got raises. You then find out what their raises where - you go to your boss and state your claim for a promotion based on th fact that you are significantly outperforming them. Boss comes back with a proposal that you know is less than/equal to the raises given to the others. You honestly would be ok with that? Because, to ME, that's what Jerry and Stephen are asking Dez to do - be cool with a contract that is the same range as folks I have absolutely outperformed. That's stupid.