Dez himself says he'll miss time if no deal

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Are we sure about this. Because I just had someone put up Jordy Nelsons numbers last year...and tell me that Dez is not that much better because there numbers are not that much different. So.....does the same theory apply to CJ?

but CJ deal was stupid then and it is stupid now. So because Det. front office is a bunch of moron Dallas should turn around and give that same deal to Dez? I fully expect Dez to get a bigger deal than Nelson. Stat wise Nelson has done the job at a very high level but none the less Dez will make more but there is a point where the talent will not live up to the contract. As great as CJ is it was a bad deal. Frankly Nelson is going to give GB a bigger bang for the buck than likely what Dallas will get in return from Dez.


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Dez draws double coverage but CJohnson beats double coverage. CJohnson contract was a fluke and should never be brought up in Dez talks.

Because of his rookie contract 6/55m, CJ had a cap hit of 22m in 2012. That means it would have cost DET 26m to Franchise tag him in 2013 and 31m to tag him in 2014. That is 57m for 2 years and he got 48 guaranteed.

Dez is due 13m and 15m for the next 2 years or 28m. He should get around 20-25m guaranteed and that is what DAL offered.

so Dez is guaranteed that money next year?


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He is not that great of a speaker

Actually, if you can work around the subject-verb issues, he's actually a pretty interesting and insightful guy.

And the network would LOVE to have him around because he'll say anything on his mind.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If would be great if all this talk was for nothing. lol

It's just a waiting game until maybe tomorrow or Wednesday. It just a plan to keep the Cowboy in the news, twitter, facebook, in posters minds, and to make false hope to other teams that maybe, just maybe, Dez will not play this season! lol


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but CJ deal was stupid then and it is stupid now. So because Det. front office is a bunch of moron Dallas should turn around and give that same deal to Dez? I fully expect Dez to get a bigger deal than Nelson. Stat wise Nelson has done the job at a very high level but none the less Dez will make more but there is a point where the talent will not live up to the contract. As great as CJ is it was a bad deal. Frankly Nelson is going to give GB a bigger bang for the buck than likely what Dallas will get in return from Dez.

I cannot stress THIS THIS system....Dez contributions are bigger than just numbers!


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Nope. He'll have to earn it over the next 18 months.

Imagine that.

Exactly. So I am just laughing at everyone assuming that any money beyond THIS year is guaranteed! Which is exactly WHY....he is trying to get the most he can...THIS YEAR!!!!!!


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So if you had a chance to make 12 million dollars or 50 million dollar to take care of your family, which one would you take? Second question(a better one at that), would you be okay throwing a hissy fit even if it means you getting THAT much money?

That isn't the choice at all

Dez will make that 50m if he stays out of trouble

DAL just doesn't have to guarantee it all. Dez needs to show a little patience and a little loyalty and he will get paid

He doesn't need 50m next year does he? He will be fine making 12m a year for 4-7 years.


Regular Joe....
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Condon is not stupid. He's just the opposite, in fact. I suspect that all of this language is nothing more then a test balloon to see what the fan base will do if suggested that Dez does not play. Dez can not miss games and benefit. He has no choice but to sign the tag if he wants to play and make money doing it. If there were another team involved, we probably would have already heard something about that. Heck, Werder would have probably made something up about it if there was even a remote possibility of a trade.

Dez really has very limited options at this point. I'm sure Condon knows it. How could he not?


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How do you know that?

Google Dez and bugatti and you will find DMN article about it. He was working for a nutrition company and they paid him via a trust toward the bugatti instead of just taking real cash. They also talked about it on espn radio a couple of weeks ago here locally


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Exactly. So I am just laughing at everyone assuming that any money beyond THIS year is guaranteed! Which is exactly WHY....he is trying to get the most he can...THIS YEAR!!!!!!

No crapola, Sherlock. Trying and getting are two different things. Of course he's trying.

And he's bluffing like a poker player, and a horrible one at that.

He's going to get his deal, I think. But if he doesn't, he'd actually get a LOT MORE MONEY if he just played out the next 18 months on franchise tags.

You act like Stephen just bend over on this. Dez isn't as good as Tyron, Romo, or Martin are at their jobs. Only the QB gets the kind of money you're talking about. And Suh, by the hapless Dolphins.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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When I read the quote, I can see it as being sarcasm.

It probably is.

I just don't like the look from Bryant with his Tweet Threat.

I honestly think the Joneses are being reasonable in negotiations. He's the one taking it up a notch.


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Last post for a while...

Dez is freaking out. He does that. He'll calm down by camp no matter what.



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No crapola, Sherlock. Trying and getting are two different things. Of course he's trying.

And he's bluffing like a poker player, and a horrible one at that.

He's going to get his deal, I think. But if he doesn't, he'd actually get a LOT MORE MONEY if he just played out the next 18 months on franchise tags.

You act like Stephen just bend over on this. Dez isn't as good as Tyron, Romo, or Martin are at their jobs. Only the QB gets the kind of money you're talking about. And Suh, by the hapless Dolphins.

I beg to differ. And I think the rest of the league begs to differ as well. And I love Tyron, Romo, Martin etc....but I don't recall them being anywhere close to where Dez is on the NFL top 100 list!
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