Dez himself says he'll miss time if no deal

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What good will it do him to sit out games when the team can't negotiate with him after 2 more days? I think he should be well paid but this is just a tantrum.

It's a tantrum in your eyes, but if a man does not want to expose himself to injury with a contract that doesn't quite maximize up to his talents, I can't fault the man for not wanting to play. You may not like it in the football side of things, but Dez is trying to ensure that he gets the most he can. This is Jerry Jones we are talking about here. He makes billions of dollars on these athletes. All the owners do. The athletes have every right to get the maximum they believe they are worth because it isn't the owners out there putting their body on the line.


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It's a tantrum in your eyes, but if a man does not want to expose himself to injury with a contract that doesn't quite maximize up to his talents, I can't fault the man for not wanting to play. You may not like it in the football side of things, but Dez is trying to ensure that he gets the most he can. This is Jerry Jones we are talking about here. He makes billions of dollars on these athletes. All the owners do. The athletes have every right to get the maximum they believe they are worth because it isn't the owners out there putting their body on the line.

The salary cap is an issue. If there was no cap we know Jerry would pay.


Regular Joe....
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Those of you who are belittling Dez for threatening to sit out this season are only worried about the football side of things. Yeah, I get that he's expected to make 16 million dollars. However, HOWEVER, just because most of us will never get the money this man will. Yeah 16 million dollars is a lot, but it's not the full amount that he's obviously worth. He isn't protected. At the end of the day, it would actually favor the Joneses if he did get hurt. As opposed to making 16 million, he could be getting 40 million with more than 1 year under his belt. Think about what happened to Anthony Spencer. While he made a lot of money with the franchise tag, he probably would've made more with the guaranteed money and a longer contract. 16 million dollars is a lot, but 40 million dollars is a lot more. IF you truly care about Dez Bryant and not the Dallas Cowboys, you'll see he's thinking about himself and his family first over football, as it should be. IN a time in which the owners make the billions of dollars, an athlete should have every right to maximize his value. Because I will tell you this, if the Dallas Cowboys don't want to pay him, somebody else will. This man has done well on the field, he has matured tremendously and is the heartbeat of this team. To say that he only deserves a franchise tag after what he's given to the team for the last 4 years is a bit of an insult if you ask me. The jones and Dallas need to pay up, but pay up wisely.

I'm a Cowboy fan. No player, no matter how great, is ranked higher then the team for me. IMO, the contract is there and it's not a bad offer. It's the second highest paid contract at his position. I don't see where that's all that unfair but like many, I don't always see things in the same light others do.


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Emmitt still had something to gain by holding out. Dez does not. He only stands to lose money and that's a fact.

Dez does have something to gain. You have to remember that he is going to be in this same position a year from now. He will be showing the Cowboys that they don't have absolute power.

This whole thing sucks. We know Dez wants to be a cowboy for life.
People ask what does Dez have to gain....What do the Cowboys have to gain and what are the Cowboys risking with this?
The way I see it the Cowboys are playing with fire and risking turning your teams emotional leader against you. That can be huge.

PA Cowboy Fan

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It's a tantrum in your eyes, but if a man does not want to expose himself to injury with a contract that doesn't quite maximize up to his talents, I can't fault the man for not wanting to play. You may not like it in the football side of things, but Dez is trying to ensure that he gets the most he can. This is Jerry Jones we are talking about here. He makes billions of dollars on these athletes. All the owners do. The athletes have every right to get the maximum they believe they are worth because it isn't the owners out there putting their body on the line.

So he's going to sit out the whole year? And then be in the same situation next year? The reason people think it's a tantrum is because it's unreal. All he's going to do is lose money and years off his football career. Skipping games isn't going to change anything. He hasn't any leverage other than sticking it to the Cowboys. It doesn't get him anything though.


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Prediction #2.....

Stephen and Condon are at a stalemate. That opens the door for Jerry to call Dez and say "let's you and me get this done, Dez." And he will.

Classic good cop, bad cop scenario.


Fire Garrett
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Some might brush this off as nothing or say that the team can move on without him but this is a big blow to this team's chances if he doesn't suit up come week one and while I feel that he will end up playing every game lets not pretend that no Dez is no big deal.


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It's a tantrum in your eyes, but if a man does not want to expose himself to injury with a contract that doesn't quite maximize up to his talents, I can't fault the man for not wanting to play. You may not like it in the football side of things, but Dez is trying to ensure that he gets the most he can. This is Jerry Jones we are talking about here. He makes billions of dollars on these athletes. All the owners do. The athletes have every right to get the maximum they believe they are worth because it isn't the owners out there putting their body on the line.

He is doing backflips at a charity baseball event? he could have blown out a knee doing that. He has nothing to gain by not playing this year which is why no player has ever done so. Being paid the avg of the top 5 even for a year is a great deal of money the NFL and NFLPA felt this was a fair way of dealing with this situation.

Dez can do what he wants that is his choice if he holds out the season then all I can say he is has an idiot for an agent

Dallas is not going to give in to a poor deal that Det gave to Calvin Johnson, it was a stupid deal and Dallas would be just as stupid to pay out that type of cash. Top teams are not going to do it that is why they continue to be top teams. NE will cut a guy loose before they pay that and while Oakland and Jacksonville will pay that kind of money it also explains why they are loser franchise.


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The salary cap is an issue. If there was no cap we know Jerry would pay.

They have money to pull a deal. The jonses just don't clearly want to pay what he believes he's worth. Jerry is the master of negotiations. If Jerry and Stephen really wanted Dez to a long term deal here, it would've been done right now. They either don't trust him with this contract or they don't agree he's worth that much money. The later is absolutely ridiculous in my mind. I say they should pay him a top 3 WR money with incentives involved, but make a deal that doesn't cripple the cap for the next 10 years.


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It's a tantrum in your eyes, but if a man does not want to expose himself to injury with a contract that doesn't quite maximize up to his talents, I can't fault the man for not wanting to play. You may not like it in the football side of things, but Dez is trying to ensure that he gets the most he can. This is Jerry Jones we are talking about here. He makes billions of dollars on these athletes. All the owners do. The athletes have every right to get the maximum they believe they are worth because it isn't the owners out there putting their body on the line.

Sitting out essentially guarantees he will not get the maximum that he could, and less than he would in any other scenario. Sitting out hurts Dez, the Cowboys, and the fans. It's lose, lose, lose, and would be a purely vindictive act.


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Dez does have something to gain. You have to remember that he is going to be in this same position a year from now. He will be showing the Cowboys that they don't have absolute power.

This whole thing sucks. We know Dez wants to be a cowboy for life.
People ask what does Dez have to gain....What do the Cowboys have to gain and what are the Cowboys risking with this?
The way I see it the Cowboys are playing with fire and risking turning your teams emotional leader against you. That can be huge.

So what? Sitting out only lessens his franchise tag next year and hurts his reputation around the league. Other teams won't offer at much as a result, expecially for a guy two years older.

This is an empty threat.


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Prediction #2.....

Stephen and Condon are at a stalemate. That opens the door for Jerry to call Dez and say "let's you and me get this done, Dez." And he will.

Classic good cop, bad cop scenario.

I think that is likely to happen that Jerry will step in, I don't expect him to offer up Calvin Johnson money


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I'm a Cowboy fan. No player, no matter how great, is ranked higher then the team for me. IMO, the contract is there and it's not a bad offer. It's the second highest paid contract at his position. I don't see where that's all that unfair but like many, I don't always see things in the same light others do.

What do we know for sure about the contract that was offered?
I really don't know.
Do we really know what the sticking points are? Is Dez just asking for too much money or are we being like we were with Murray?


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The Salary Cap isn't a billion dollars. That's the issue for owners
It's a tantrum in your eyes, but if a man does not want to expose himself to injury with a contract that doesn't quite maximize up to his talents, I can't fault the man for not wanting to play. You may not like it in the football side of things, but Dez is trying to ensure that he gets the most he can. This is Jerry Jones we are talking about here. He makes billions of dollars on these athletes. All the owners do. The athletes have every right to get the maximum they believe they are worth because it isn't the owners out there putting their body on the line.


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I think that is likely to happen that Jerry will step in, I don't expect him to offer up Calvin Johnson money

Won't have to. He'll offer the deal Stephen has in mind right now as a close, and he'll take it.

Of course, I think Dez is lurking this thread right now judging by his tweets.


Fire Garrett
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So he's going to sit out the whole year? And then be in the same situation next year? The reason people think it's a tantrum is because it's unreal. All he's going to do is lose money and years off his football career. Skipping games isn't going to change anything. He hasn't any leverage other than sticking it to the Cowboys. It doesn't get him anything though.

So Adrian Peterson sitting out just means he has more left on the tires but Dez sitting out means he'll lose years of his career? Not buying it.

Dez is going to get a monster deal either with the Cowboys or with another team. I'd rather it be the Cowboys.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Dez does have something to gain. You have to remember that he is going to be in this same position a year from now. He will be showing the Cowboys that they don't have absolute power.

This whole thing sucks. We know Dez wants to be a cowboy for life.
People ask what does Dez have to gain....What do the Cowboys have to gain and what are the Cowboys risking with this?
The way I see it the Cowboys are playing with fire and risking turning your teams emotional leader against you. That can be huge.

And the Cowboys will probably even be more determined next year because they don't want Dez to set a precedent . If players can get away with this then others will.


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So what? Sitting out only lessens his franchise tag next year and hurts his reputation around the league. Other teams won't offer at much as a result, expecially for a guy two years older.

This is an empty threat.

Teams would be lining up to sign Dez if he were a free agent. Sitting out 1 game over a contract dispute wont hurt his value.
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