Twitter: Dez says Marion Barber is not doing well


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I do think we need to be more stringent about what we define as mental illness. Otherwise it won't be taken seriously.

It's become the go-to excuse for everything.

We also need to take people seriously when they tell us they have issues. Too many people go untreated until it's too late to help them.


Well-Known Member
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Yeah, you're Hercules. In every way.
I would like to face to face meet you one day and shake your hand.
A hug, or two might get involved, but I have to draw the line somewhere!

Probably go out and grab a b...wait...bad idea this late in the game.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Probably go out and grab a b...wait...bad idea this late in the game.
It's cool! Grab that Brisk Tea!



Well-Known Member
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MB3 was a violent runner. I hope he is able to conquer what he's battling whether it be mental or physical or both. That's another mistake in the long list of them that jerry made going all in with that guy. he was a beast and i liked him but I liked him much better as a part of a tandem than being the main guy.

Jerry paid him and used him up but man I loved watching his effort
Is Jones aware of the situation? My understanding is that he has a history of stepping in to help out former players going through hard times \ dire circumstances (without the media knowing about it) - especially fan favorites.


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We have put a stigma on mental health. Like any "cancel culture" it does the OPPOSITE of the intent.

We've removed the label AND removed the help. It was never a perfect system but what is? Instead...we let even MORE people suffer.
We do even worse. We call almost every behavior a mental health issue now, so the real mental issues just get watered down and ignored.

It's kind of like giving Covid relief checks to people who never lost their job. The entire purpose got lost in the process.

When serious issues like mental health get politicized, the science and efforts to correct are skewed for agenda rather than treatment.


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True but it doesn't mean we can't have SOME compassion and possibly solutions for them.

We are every bit part of the problem as they are.
Full compassion, absolutely.

It wasn't Barber claiming what Dez said. Dez lives his own pity party 24/7.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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My dad had some mental health issues. Although, they weren't called "mental health" issues back then. My dad had a judge call him "crazy." They literally printed that in the paper. He embarrassed the system when he escaped from a federal penitentiary. Looking back, he had an anxiety issue that he self-medicated with alcohol. Alcohol and a bad temper lead to a lot of homeless years for us...not an uncommon theme among those struggling with mental health. He spent his whole exhausted life running from demons that never rested.

Having spent my professional years as a teacher and eventual school superintendent, I know for a fact that we don't do nearly enough as a society to foster good mental health. We still look down on people who are struggling.

I do hope the help MB3 needs exists and that he can get it. It should serve as a reminder to all of us fans that these are real people out there. No doubt, they are tremendously rewarded...but still men. The entire world could use a good dose of empathy.

My dad had issues as well. But 50 years ago if they diagnosed you as clinically depressed the "solution" was electroshock therapy. Safe to say it didn't help. He ended up in and out of hospitals and group homes for years, missing most of my childhood. Eventually he became stable and a devout Christian, but also chose to cut himself off from everyone except his 3rd wife. I really didn't know him well, and spent years resenting his absence before better understanding it.

In a strange twist I ended up working in the mental health industry for over 20 years, albeit in finance and administration. I saw/heard a lot of stories of extremely difficult lives, people losing everything due to schizophrenia, major depression, you name it. Surrounded by psychologists and psychiatrists I learned a lot just by listening.

Sadly, Joe Public has little understanding of mental health and we're still dealing with stigma attached to it. No one asks for bipolar disorder, and it shouldn't be any more embarrassing to admit you have it than to acknowledge you're battling cancer. And yet, it is seen much differently. We have a long way to go.


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Marion bashed his head in for himself and his paycheck alone. I guarantee most of the athletes don't give a crap about fans, they just love the adoration and the paycheck that comes with it.
Money isn’t everything. Some guys would play football for free…..


Well-Known Member
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The Barbers bashed their heads for money and celebrity.
Don't give us this silly pig in a poke goulash that he did it for us.
Short-sighted athletes they are. Martyrs they are not.
They did it so guys like you can sit in your parents basement and play couch GM or so you can make money betting on sports. You owe them. Lol


Well-Known Member
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I hate to break it to ya, but those players don't care about you either.

Barber did not bash his head in for our enjoyment. He did it because he was paid a lot of money to do so.
I mean I expect someone selfish like you to say that but at the end of the day he played football on Sundays and bashed his head in for trash like you. So yeah I’m sympathetic towards those guys who aren’t having the best time after football.


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Money isn’t everything. Some guys would play football for free…..
Lol I really doubt that, nobody is gonna put their body through the things they do for free...I love football and if I was good enough to get paid for it, I'd do it no question, but no way in hell will I straps on pads and run into full grown men for fun.


Well-Known Member
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I mean I expect someone selfish like you to say that but at the end of the day he played football on Sundays and bashed his head in for trash like you. So yeah I’m sympathetic towards those guys who aren’t having the best time after football.
He did nothing for me and he did nothing for you. He did it for a paycheck. He wouldn't have done it if he didn't get paid for handsomely for it.

You say i'm selfish? You're the one that believes a person that has no idea you exists busted his head for you and not the millions he was being paid. He would have chose a different path if he didn't get paid millions. He wouldn't have said, ya know, I gotta do for Rocyaice. Don't be so naive.

It's not about being sympathetic. I feel bad for the guy, but to think he did it for me is just outlandish. I had nothing to do with his decisions.


Junior College Transfer
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They did it so guys like you can sit in your parents basement and play couch GM or so you can make money betting on sports. You owe them. Lol
This is Texas, Jersey boy, where there are no basements.
I have no parents. Me sailor dad was last seen fleeing a card game with 300 quid when I was 5 year old. Me mum went to Jesus last year. I have no money with which to bet.
Thanks, good lad, for reminding me of me dire straits.


Junior College Transfer
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Money isn’t everything. Some guys would play football for free…..
At last, good lad, some clarity:
Some of us would play for free. And if Jerry enriched us by our play, the more merriment and good tidings!
Ah, such a nice fantasy, anyway, chap.


Well-Known Member
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We do even worse. We call almost every behavior a mental health issue now, so the real mental issues just get watered down and ignored.

It's kind of like giving Covid relief checks to people who never lost their job. The entire purpose got lost in the process.

When serious issues like mental health get politicized, the science and efforts to correct are skewed for agenda rather than treatment.
How many times can I like this


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I hate to break it to ya, but those players don't care about you either.

Barber did not bash his head in for our enjoyment. He did it because he was paid a lot of money to do so.

Edit: I just LOVE how know it alls preface their OPINION with "hate to break it to ya". God how annoying!

Sorry..I have to disagree with you. He did it regardless of pay. That's how he ALAWYS played....even before you precious Big Check accusation.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Barber has struggled with mental health at least since he stopped playing, and maybe well before that. Whether it's football injury-related or he's just always been that way is something only his family knows. He was very quiet off the field here and very demonstrative on it.

He's one of my all-time favorite Cowboys.

I don't like how Dez says "we are just a stat and moments to most people." Yes, Dez, that's somewhat true. But what are we to you? Help him, Dez. He's your friend, and that's what friends do. We've all had to do the same for friends over our years. Famous athletes are no different.

Hope his circle is working on this day and night to help Marion find his way.

Sorry to hear he's not well.
He played a very physical style of football, maybe several concussions ?


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We do even worse. We call almost every behavior a mental health issue now, so the real mental issues just get watered down and ignored.

It's kind of like giving Covid relief checks to people who never lost their job. The entire purpose got lost in the process.

When serious issues like mental health get politicized, the science and efforts to correct are skewed for agenda rather than treatment.

So...what is your solution?

EVERYTHING is so politically charged these days. When government, mainstream media and big tech...are SO is there any hope or solution?

When the government tells can;t say this or that......we the people have lost.


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My dad had issues as well. But 50 years ago if they diagnosed you as clinically depressed the "solution" was electroshock therapy. Safe to say it didn't help. He ended up in and out of hospitals and group homes for years, missing most of my childhood. Eventually he became stable and a devout Christian, but also chose to cut himself off from everyone except his 3rd wife. I really didn't know him well, and spent years resenting his absence before better understanding it.

In a strange twist I ended up working in the mental health industry for over 20 years, albeit in finance and administration. I saw/heard a lot of stories of extremely difficult lives, people losing everything due to schizophrenia, major depression, you name it. Surrounded by psychologists and psychiatrists I learned a lot just by listening.

Sadly, Joe Public has little understanding of mental health and we're still dealing with stigma attached to it. No one asks for bipolar disorder, and it shouldn't be any more embarrassing to admit you have it than to acknowledge you're battling cancer. And yet, it is seen much differently. We have a long way to go.
Amen. A long way.


Well-Known Member
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Lol I really doubt that, nobody is gonna put their body through the things they do for free...I love football and if I was good enough to get paid for it, I'd do it no question, but no way in hell will I straps on pads and run into full grown men for fun.
They do it for free for nearly 18 years before they even get in the NFL.