Twitter: Dez says Marion Barber is not doing well


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He did nothing for me and he did nothing for you. He did it for a paycheck. He wouldn't have done it if he didn't get paid for handsomely for it.

You say i'm selfish? You're the one that believes a person that has no idea you exists busted his head for you and not the millions he was being paid. He would have chose a different path if he didn't get paid millions. He wouldn't have said, ya know, I gotta do for Rocyaice. Don't be so naive.

It's not about being sympathetic. I feel bad for the guy, but to think he did it for me is just outlandish. I had nothing to do with his decisions.
He does it for you…just like teachers teach, police….do whatever the hell they do, preachers preach….they do it for you. Thank them.


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They do it for free for nearly 18 years before they even get in the NFL.
Lol because they know if they're good, what it can lead too. They all have dreams of playing in the NFL and if it didn't come with game and fortune then the NFL wouldn't exist.


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This is Texas, Jersey boy, where there are no basements.
I have no parents. Me sailor dad was last seen fleeing a card game with 300 quid when I was 5 year old. Me mum went to Jesus last year. I have no money with which to bet.
Thanks, good lad, for reminding me of me dire straits.
You reminded yourself of dire straights don’t put that on me.


Safety third
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It's very possible MBIII played football because he was good at it, and the football field was a place he felt comfortable. Like he belonged. A safe space, so to speak.

I think some of you are making the mistake of projecting your own experience, and perspective on others, as if it is the only possible reality.


Landry Hat
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MB3 was a violent runner. I hope he is able to conquer what he's battling whether it be mental or physical or both. That's another mistake in the long list of them that jerry made going all in with that guy. he was a beast and i liked him but I liked him much better as a part of a tandem than being the main guy.

Jerry paid him and used him up but man I loved watching his effort
This is not the results of a Jerry mistake period Barber is sick Jerry has nothing to do with it but you can bet he will help him if he can.


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I'm sure it's already mentioned somewhere that Barber had a very aggressive running style, took a lot of hits and he dished out a lot.

That's what I liked about Bill Parcells, he had a knack for knowing what he could get from a particular player based on the style they played. He always saved Barber for some goal line situations and in the 4th quarter. That's where Barber thrived. His style could get him in the endzone goal to goal and he wore out already fatigued defenses in the 4th quarter. However, Parcells also knew that the kind of energy generated by Barber's running style could only last so long.

The other back, Julius Jones, got about 60% of the carries. He was their starter since halfway through the 2004 season until the end of 2007.

After Parcells left, Jerry Jones resigned Barber in 2008 and gave him starter money. In other words, Jerry made Barber the starter. Barber began to diminish instantly, going from 4.8 yards a carry in the previous two seasons to 3.7. Only once in the next four seasons did he have a better average.

Considering that running style, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was football related.....but I'm no doctor.


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I still don’t think this was from hits. He was always a weird dude


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Bliss MBIII and ALL the players young, old, known and unknown who play(ed) the game.


Landry Hat
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Thanks, and I wish you the best in your battle with BPD.

I was diagnosed with clinical depression years ago (thanks, dad), and my stubbornness to acknowledge it (because I was mad at my dad) cost me my marriage. I didn't lose an arm and didn't go through chemotherapy (thankfully), but the destruction this brought on my life has been immeasurable. I lost my wife, the only woman I really loved (other than my mom), and my siblings still don't get it. They wrote me off along with dad, but given the stupidity they've shown in other areas they probably did me a favor.

Nobody ever promised that life is easy, so we all just deal with it. That brings me back to Jerry and the Cowboys...ugh.
Go Cowboys


Landry Hat
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I would post a certain gif here, involving Michael Keaton and Red Man tobacco, but the last time I did I got suspended.

I'll leave you to it.
My life has been changed because of mental illness even though I'M only a lil nuts I hope you have successfully dealt with your encounters with it sometimes it is hard to deal with it. Not meant as an insult but as encouragement


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This is not the results of a Jerry mistake period Barber is sick Jerry has nothing to do with it but you can bet he will help him if he can.
MB3 being sick is not what I’m saying Jerry’s mistake was. I don’t know if it’s football related or not but making him the main focus at RB and not part of a committee was a mistake

nevertheless I did enjoy watching him. I do hope Jerry does help him


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Sometimes fighting for your mind ends much worse than fighting for your life if ignored it can cost others their lives ! My nephew was diagnosed with schizophrenia but they figured it out after he killed his boss for firing him He was a great kid never imagined he would do something like that. Have talked with him sense and he says he can not remember doing it.
That's horrible, Gip.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Marion Barber III was just like Roy OU Williams to me, they set the wheels in motion that even they couldn't stop. Once they showed us what they could do, we didn't think about the effect of that on their bodies.

That patented Roy Williams blow up hit and that little hesitant MBIII step before he'd explode into a tackler were great, two of my best memories of any Cowboys players. I didn't stop to consider those were human bodies inside those uniforms taking incredible punishment, I thought they were just delivering it.