Twitter: Dez says Marion Barber is not doing well


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But the problem is there are little resources and SYSTEMS for family and friends to use.
Maybe I am misunderstanding your intent. I am not the sharpest guy. Barber should have nearly unlimited resources based on his NFL money. Regarding systems, there are multiple, and this is the big if, if family and friends get him to the correct program. If they care enough to do so. It is not your responsibility or mine to get him help.

If you are referring to us as a collective, I would guess most posters on this forum are doing what they can for their family and friends. I hesitate to mention a couple things because they are not to be spoken of on this forum, but their is plenty of money to go around if utilized in a proper manner.


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Barber has struggled with mental health at least since he stopped playing, and maybe well before that. Whether it's football injury-related or he's just always been that way is something only his family knows. He was very quiet off the field here and very demonstrative on it.

He's one of my all-time favorite Cowboys.

I don't like how Dez says "we are just a stat and moments to most people." Yes, Dez, that's somewhat true. But what are we to you? Help him, Dez. He's your friend, and that's what friends do. We've all had to do the same for friends over our years. Famous athletes are no different.

Hope his circle is working on this day and night to help Marion find his way.

Its probably is hard when a guy goes from being part of a team, cheered and adored by classmates, coaches, teachers, and fans his entire life to retired.................. just another guy at the grocery store. Some athletes aren't mentally equipped to deal with it. Its not anyone's fault. The preservation of personal glory is not anyone's job. At some point, people have to be personally responsible for their lives and nobody should understand that better than ex-athletes.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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He's right though. Fans don't care about players when their athleticism goes or their speed see it first hand...the disrespect seen on her when Sean Lee retired.....Tyrone Crawford retired....the same disrespect Dez gets....

Barber bashed his head in for our enjoyment. Every Sunday we tuned in and rooted for him to bash his head in.....all fans care about is winning games...I'm not saying that's how it should or shouldn't be but that's what it is. Dez is just speaking facts.
Unfortunately I have to agree with most of what you said.


"We Are Penn State"
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Mental health needs to be a priority in the country, sadly it is not. Prayers up for Barber and his family.
Very true. Being mental health plays a large part with the country's homeless dilemma.
It is the responsibility of family and friends in my opinion, not the country.
The federal government works to protect the rights of individuals with mental health disorders in a variety of settings, including the workplace, schools, and in treatment.

It sets privacy standards, prohibits abuse, and fights discrimination to promote civil liberties and inclusion. All in which "family and friends" are incompetent/unqualified to do.


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He's right though. Fans don't care about players when their athleticism goes or their speed see it first hand...the disrespect seen on her when Sean Lee retired.....Tyrone Crawford retired....the same disrespect Dez gets....

Barber bashed his head in for our enjoyment. Every Sunday we tuned in and rooted for him to bash his head in.....all fans care about is winning games...I'm not saying that's how it should or shouldn't be but that's what it is. Dez is just speaking facts.
Do players really play FOR the fans. I don't really think so. A lot of other things they play for but fan enjoyment is probably down the list.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Very true. Being mental health plays a large part with the country's homeless dilemma.The federal government works to protect the rights of individuals with mental health disorders in a variety of settings, including the workplace, schools, and in treatment.

It sets privacy standards, prohibits abuse, and fights discrimination to promote civil liberties and inclusion. All in which "family and friends" are incompetent/unqualified to do.

All of which do very little to actually help people who are so mentally handicapped they become homeless. People who struggle to find food and shelter don't really care about civil liberties and privacy. The government does very little.


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One of my favorite modern day Cowboys. Loved his running style. Not sure if Calvin Hill is still employed by the Cowboys. Iirc he was the outreach to players with issues. Either way like to see the Cowboys organization intervene if possible.


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Because they love football. Not because they love the fans, they may love adoration and notoriety but they don't do it for you.. That's just silly
You're missing my point. You can sit here and say they do it for this and they do it for that. But when they line up on Sunday its for your enjoyment. Whether its directly or indirectly because of you is moot. If the players didn't play you guys would be crying. Happens every time a lockout is on the way or players aren't playing.....this is how y'all cope with it at night by saying they play for the money. The fact is, if they aren't playing at a high level the product isn't good and we can't enjoy the game without them.

Do players really play FOR the fans. I don't really think so. A lot of other things they play for but fan enjoyment is probably down the list.
They are giving the fans enjoyment, yes. Are they compensated? Yes. Are police compensated? Yes. Are they not here to serve and protect the people?

Just because they are compensated doesn't erase the fact that they are doing what they do for the fans.


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Maybe I am misunderstanding your intent. I am not the sharpest guy. Barber should have nearly unlimited resources based on his NFL money. Regarding systems, there are multiple, and this is the big if, if family and friends get him to the correct program. If they care enough to do so. It is not your responsibility or mine to get him help.

If you are referring to us as a collective, I would guess most posters on this forum are doing what they can for their family and friends. I hesitate to mention a couple things because they are not to be spoken of on this forum, but their is plenty of money to go around if utilized in a proper manner.
It would seem we disagree that friends and families have quality and plentiful resources to get help and treatment.

Made even harder by the stigma of mental issues. Made even harder by the challenges some with metal issues present.

But I am no expert in the field. Just from talking to some people.


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You're missing my point. You can sit here and say they do it for this and they do it for that. But when they line up on Sunday its for your enjoyment. Whether its directly or indirectly because of you is moot. If the players didn't play you guys would be crying. Happens every time a lockout is on the way or players aren't playing.....this is how y'all cope with it at night by saying they play for the money. The fact is, if they aren't playing at a high level the product isn't good and we can't enjoy the game without them.

They are giving the fans enjoyment, yes. Are they compensated? Yes. Are police compensated? Yes. Are they not here to serve and protect the people?

Just because they are compensated doesn't erase the fact that they are doing what they do for the fans.

You have it backwards. They GET to do what they love for a living for a ton of money because of fans. I had no problem rooting for the scab Cowboys - it was a lot of fun! People love peewee, high school and college of all levels. Star talent does not make the game!


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I do think we need to be more stringent about what we define as mental illness. Otherwise it won't be taken seriously.

It's become the go-to excuse for everything.
I disagree.

The truth is depression, anxiety, attention issues, atypical thinking and so on are extremely common. These are medical conditions that require management for best outcomes…just like physical health conditions.

Dismissing behavioral health concerns as “excuse-making” contributes to the stigma and shame these patients/people experience. This, in turn, has the result that some people are less likely to seek intervention. Without intervention, conditions may worsen…just like physical health issues.


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If Marion Barber's mental faculties and condition are declining, what can anyone do about it? From what Dez says, it is a deteriorating situation akin to Alzheimer's or another form of dementia.

It is easy to make the CTE connection with players like MBIII, Marshawn Lynch and maybe even Elliott if he plays long enough and continues to initiate contact to the upper body. MBIII was a player that the first word I would use to describe his style was violent. I wonder if he wouldn't get flagged in today's NFL because he used that helmet like a battering ram at times.

One thing makes me wonder about him prior to being a Cowboy. Remember when Garrett took over and the very first thing he installed was the dress code? Who was the one player to ignore that and I always wondered why nothing was done. Maybe they knew he was a little different and really didn't mean it as disrespect? So much of mental illness affects the brain's ability to process information, I wonder when his challenges first surfaced. I would bet that was well before he got to the NFL.


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You have it backwards. They GET to do what they love for a living for a ton of money because of fans. I had no problem rooting for the scab Cowboys - it was a lot of fun! People love peewee, high school and college of all levels. Star talent does not make the game!
Its not just "star" talent lol. There are 53 players on a roster and about 8 of them are stars......the guy on the bench you never even heard of or know is putting his body on the line for you......


Regular Joe....
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Jerry paid him and used him up but man I loved watching his effort

That's life really. I mean, this is everybody. I mean, once I am at a point where I can no longer be productive or essentially better then the next guy, business will show me the door. That's coming for all of us, which is why any job that provides a retirement or long term care is so valued by so many. It's also why jobs like that force people to accept lots of things they shouldn't. People are deathly afraid of losing those jobs, for the most part, so they do anything. Its a vicious cycle but that's life right?

The difference is that for the average person, it happens over a longer period of time. For Athletes, it happens quicker because the window is shorter and the money is bigger.