Dez Signs with Saints


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Lol what the??

Never understood fans like this

I like the team and whoever wears the star... I’ll tip my cap when great players leave but I never root for them over the cowboys
Season is over and I feel like Garrett and a few others unintentionally sabotaged our season with stupid decisions. No harm in rooting for Dez in that game. If we were contenders then obviously I'd want us to win, but anything to speed up the process of cleaning house for future success I'm all for it. Sacrifices must be made for the greater good, lol


Taco Engineer
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The other side of the debate has been that Dez would be All Pro with Brees, Rodgers or Brady. We're going to see if they were right.
Next game get ready for the excuses.


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The other side of the debate has been that Dez would be All Pro with Brees, Rodgers or Brady. We're going to see if they were right.

No receiver in the world is making "All Pro" after not playing half the season. That's ridiculous, and nobody cares. And see if anybody cares if they're holding a big trophy over their head when the season is over?

But let's compare Bryant's numbers to what the receivers in Dallas are putting up, that's a fair comparison.


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And yet completely suck in the postseason. Can't win a game. But some will point to the regular season win % like that really means anything. Still adding those 5 games from 2010? that last game last year??? pure garbage. win when it matters… but they can't and won't. That's the problem here. Jerry being comfortable.. those days are over and fans should no doubt revolt.
lol go revolt then. picket in front of the stadium.


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Is this a bad team? Hell no, Jerry has built a good team here. Theyre young and talented. Players arent just executing. Dak is turning it over now, Elliot isnt consistent, OL has lapses and that puts pressure on a very good defense. Ive seen multiple tv shows where theyre talking about the system has changed you see different sets. But these players arent executing. Fans like you need to stop thinking you know more than people who are paid to do this for a living. And you think this teams fan base is reduced to what this forum thinks? The Cowboys are a institution like the Yankee's the Celtics, manchester United...Good or bad, theyre a story and theyre loved. Their fans are loyal and yes get mad hen theyre losing. But to think Jerry has to do things to sell the team to fans is ignorant. The team sells itself.
"You are what your record says you are" - Bill Parcells


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Ok let me throw this at you

Here are the guys that Dez has issues with
  • Snake lee. - injured w hammy
  • Frederick - out for the season ...maybe longer ....maybe forever
  • Dak - like the worst qb in the league, well he’s bottom 5-6
  • Witten - in the booth but probably won’t be extended. He’s just not that good
  • Bailey - got cut probably will never be the same

Yeah coincidence? I don’t think so
Dez with that voodoo.


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No receiver in the world is making "All Pro" after not playing half the season. That's ridiculous, and nobody cares. And see if anybody cares if they're holding a big trophy over their head when the season is over?

But let's compare Bryant's numbers to what the receivers in Dallas are putting up, that's a fair comparison.
Yeah, he won't make "All Pro" but he needs to play like one. That's the drama I'm waiting to see unfold.


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Until we can find a better QB, we have Prescott. The amount of "fans" who are hoping he fails and are hoping Bryant kicks Dallas into the dirt is sad.
We have garbage fans who only come out of the woodwork to say "I told you so."

How many Bryant threads do we need on the Dallas forum? Strange.

Has nothing to do with Bryant. Fans want real change, not a few meaningless wins down the stretch yet again. A real wakeup call no matter who the opposing WRs are. That's the possibility here and It's gotten to a point where fans are actually rooting for it because Jerry and Garrett suck that bad. And the time is now if you ever want to get Elliott and Tyron and Lawrence and many others some January football. Jeez.. you can call fans garbage, but how can anyone still be hoping for the best under their current state. Never actually learning a lesson. That in itself is a problem and Jerry's very comfortable because of it. The guy needs to squirm up in his box. That's where 'his' team is at right now.


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"You are what your record says you are" - Bill Parcells
yeah and Parcells time in dallas was .500? When he had total control. Get man breasts out of your head he was washed up and should've never been in dallas. Only reason he came back to coaching was he needed money after his divorce


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He would have been all pro with
  • Mahomes
  • Goff
  • Matty ice
  • Stafford
  • Romo
  • Rivers
  • Foles
  • Wentz
  • Andy dalton
  • Baker mayfield
  • Fitzmagic
  • Cousins
  • And cousins cousin
And this is what I want to see. Him gravy training a SB while playing like crap doesn't mean much. Just means he was lucky.


Taco Engineer
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Has nothing to do with Bryant. Fans want real change, not a few meaningless wins down the stretch yet again. A real wakeup call no matter who the opposing WRs are. That's the possibility here and It's gotten to a point where fans are actually rooting for it because Jerry and Garrett suck that bad. And the time is now if you ever want to get Elliott and Tyron and Lawrence and many others some January football. Jeez.. you can call fans garbage, but how can anyone still be hoping for the best under their current state. Never actually learning a lesson. That in itself is a problem and Jerry's very comfortable because of it. The guy needs to squirm up in his box. That's where 'his' team is at right now.
That wasn't my point at all.