Dez Signs with Saints


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So...gravy train?

Not if this Saints had won a championship already, which they haven't. Now if he rides the bench and does nothing and still gets one? Sure, your scenario is accurate. If he bounces back and contributes. More egg on the faces of this Ship of Fools.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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It's for 8 games with no off-season to acclimate so probably neither...and our young stud #4 overall receiver just forced Dak to throw a pick in a need to win game and he's going to command $14 mil next season. We'll be here when you say Cooper needs a pay cut if Dak is somehow still here making him look bad.
Can anyone give me the monetary terms of the Saints deal? Thanks.


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I'd love a collapse but now we dont even have a first round pick to be excited about. This season went to **** quickly.

starts with the coaching staff. and a long term plan. That 1st rounder hurts, but you just have to move forward.


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I’ve known the real problem was in the QB all along. A real QB makes Everyone around him better... dez wasn’t elite but he should have been a very serviceable WR

So you agree that with better quarterbacking he would have been? And now that he has it, he can be again in New Orleans?

If so, we're good.


Taco Engineer
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Until we can find a better QB, we have Prescott. The amount of "fans" who are hoping he fails and are hoping Bryant kicks Dallas into the dirt is sad.
We have garbage fans who only come out of the woodwork to say "I told you so."

How many Bryant threads do we need on the Dallas forum? Strange.


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Ok let me throw this at you

Here are the guys that Dez has issues with
  • Snake lee. - injured w hammy
  • Frederick - out for the season ...maybe longer ....maybe forever
  • Dak - like the worst qb in the league, well he’s bottom 5-6
  • Witten - in the booth but probably won’t be extended. He’s just not that good
  • Bailey - got cut probably will never be the same

Yeah coincidence? I don’t think so


Chris in Arizona
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Dallas has the 11th most wins since 2000. thats even with 6 season with 6 or fewer wins. IMO this team has had 2 playoff wins robbed from them. 2014 with the dez catch. And in 2016 on Rodgers play to his TE

There are far more worse owners in the nfl then Jerry. And there are far better ones. But we as fans got the owner we got. Be a fan and root for your team. Win, lose, good or bad. Just be a fan.

100% agree with the blatant missed holding (tackling) call against Irving.

Still, no NFC championship appearances in 23 years.

I grew up on the Cowboys being true contenders most years. Even when Jimmy took over I could deal with the losses because something was being built. Jerry isn't building anything on the field. He's too reactionary and he switches up plans every few years, depending on who he's listening to at the moment. I'll be a fan my way and you can be one your way. My way involves contending for rings.


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But Dak plays on Byrons team.:laugh:

If I could put byron on dak I would but we just have to settle for fraud #2.

I wish I could put byron on fraud #3 which is Garrett, but that dog will have its day vary soon!


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If the rumors are true that Jerry wanted to keep Dez and was talked into cutting him by Stephen, Jason, McClay, Linehan, etc, and then Dez goes and has a good game against us, Jerry is going to be slightly perturbed at those "trusted" voices.

We lose 3 out of the next 4 and Dez has a big game against us..............that might be enough for Jerry to fire Garret. Jerry has been deferring his gut instinct (which is usually wrong) and listening to these guys. I don't think Jerry would be able to stomach Dez throwing up the X at ATT in a Saints uniform without consequences.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Not if this Saints had won a championship already, which they haven't. Now if he rides the bench and does nothing and still gets one? Sure, your scenario is accurate. If he bounces back and contributes. More egg on the faces of this Ship of Fools.
The other side of the debate has been that Dez would be All Pro with Brees, Rodgers or Brady. We're going to see if they were right.


Chris in Arizona
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Good Lord! That will only make Jerry worse.
Is there such thing as a "worse" Jerry. We're pretty much at rock bottom for general managers. I would argue that he is by far the worse GM in all of sports history based on the fact that someone this inept would never last two plus decades in their position


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We just upgraded the WR spot with a younger more athletic WR that we were gonna draft in this draft no matter what

It will be interesting how dez fits on that team... if Brees can’t get production out of dez all of you Dez homers are gonna be mighty silent

I like Cooper but he just disappeared in games and it's just like his personality.......meek. He won't get the ball from Dak some games and he won't care at all, when that happens we don't want to here that he's not worth the money because he won't be causing a "distaction". This bust of a qb is going to cost everyone on the cowboys offense big dollars and jobs in their next contract negotiations.


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what's good exactly? He does good things for 'the league'. But his team.. not so much. He obviously pushed the fans to a point where buying his crap is a thing of the past. Can't really sell BS anymore and think anyones going for it. That's what he's built in the past 25 years. All leading up to more of the same and no one is really that shocked about it. Why? Because it's what he does.

Is this a bad team? Hell no, Jerry has built a good team here. Theyre young and talented. Players arent just executing. Dak is turning it over now, Elliot isnt consistent, OL has lapses and that puts pressure on a very good defense. Ive seen multiple tv shows where theyre talking about the system has changed you see different sets. But these players arent executing. Fans like you need to stop thinking you know more than people who are paid to do this for a living. And you think this teams fan base is reduced to what this forum thinks? The Cowboys are a institution like the Yankee's the Celtics, manchester United...Good or bad, theyre a story and theyre loved. Their fans are loyal and yes get mad hen theyre losing. But to think Jerry has to do things to sell the team to fans is ignorant. The team sells itself.