Dez Signs with Saints


Go Seahawks!!!
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Because Ware wasn't scapegoated and made to look like he couldn't play anymore.

Ware was treated in the manner he deserved to be treated, even in the midst of making a business decision.

Tony and Dez weren't afforded that same respect. And many believe they earned it.
People didn't cry over Murray.

Face it, Dez and Tony had a special kind of fanbase that coddled those 2 players and still do to this day.


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I’ve known the real problem was in the QB all along. A real QB makes Everyone around him better... dez wasn’t elite but he should have been a very serviceable WR

He could've been better than serviceable, bad qbing killed his stats even in 2016. While Dak dinked and dunked to Beasley and Witten Dez stood by him as the starter but not realizing that he would be the reason that he's not in dallas anymore. The last time he played with a top flight passer was in 2014 and you see what he did then.


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Is this a bad team? Hell no, Jerry has built a good team here. Theyre young and talented. Players arent just executing. Dak is turning it over now, Elliot isnt consistent, OL has lapses and that puts pressure on a very good defense. Ive seen multiple tv shows where theyre talking about the system has changed you see different sets. But these players arent executing. Fans like you need to stop thinking you know more than people who are paid to do this for a living. And you think this teams fan base is reduced to what this forum thinks? The Cowboys are a institution like the Yankee's the Celtics, manchester United...Good or bad, theyre a story and theyre loved. Their fans are loyal and yes get mad hen theyre losing. But to think Jerry has to do things to sell the team to fans is ignorant. The team sells itself.

Execution? lol here's a video for you.

Chuck 54

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The Saints have a #1 receiver, a great one. They don't need Dez to earn a big paycheck. He will be a threat in man coverage because they won't roll help towards him. He still won't get open that often, but Brees is the best, and will give him jump and back shoulder balls, and Dez will make "some" big plays.


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You talking about someone who will be fired up to play us. Gosh knows if it is in NO, they may score 60 on us. We just about gave up 30 to one of the most inept offenses in the league Monday night.


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Good for him. I hope he has an outstanding rest of the season. I know I will be watching more Saints games now.


Taco Engineer
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You can't take someone quoting you and I'm "whining"?

Someone needs to go stand in front of a reflective surface.

And going the name-calling route is a great look for you as well.

Yeah, it's clear exactly where the "whining" is coming from. Go throw a tantrum.
Cool story.


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People didn't cry over Murray.

Face it, Dez and Tony had a special kind of fanbase that coddled those 2 players and still do to this day.

lol not really a surprise considering they were putting up numbers,]\
Because Ware wasn't scapegoated and made to look like he couldn't play anymore.

Ware was treated in the manner he deserved to be treated, even in the midst of making a business decision.

Tony and Dez weren't afforded that same respect. And many believe they earned it.

Ware wasn't a 4/3 DE. He was a great OLB but once the scheme changed his days in a Cowboy uniform were numbered.


Taco Engineer
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Now we have survivors guilt syndrome for not only Romo, but Bryant too. Who's next?


Well-Known Member
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People didn't cry over Murray.

Face it, Dez and Tony had a special kind of fanbase that coddled those 2 players and still do to this day.

You know, I read on here daily that "no QB, no player is going to produce numbers or look efficient in this system and scheme with these idiot coaches." as a justification for the struggles of Dak (primarily) and other guys as well.

Dez and Tony are two guys who did produce numbers (yes, I know you believe stats are for losers, but humor me. Romo rewrote the franchise passing record book under these "idiot" coaches and scheme. Dez became the all time leading TD receiver in teh history of the franchise. Think about that. Pearson. Hayes. Irvin. etc. There are some heavy hitters in Cowboys history and Dez has caught more TD's than all of them).

Is it possible that might have something to do with people's affinity for them?