Dez Signs with Saints


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Is this a bad team? Hell no, Jerry has built a good team here. Theyre young and talented. Players arent just executing. Dak is turning it over now, Elliot isnt consistent, OL has lapses and that puts pressure on a very good defense. Ive seen multiple tv shows where theyre talking about the system has changed you see different sets. But these players arent executing. Fans like you need to stop thinking you know more than people who are paid to do this for a living. And you think this teams fan base is reduced to what this forum thinks? The Cowboys are a institution like the Yankee's the Celtics, manchester United...Good or bad, theyre a story and theyre loved. Their fans are loyal and yes get mad hen theyre losing. But to think Jerry has to do things to sell the team to fans is ignorant. The team sells itself.

Ignorant? lol The owner still has to look like winning is a priority. But those days are long gone.


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yeah and Parcells time in dallas was .500? When he had total control. Get man breasts out of your head he was washed up and should've never been in dallas. Only reason he came back to coaching was he needed money after his divorce
He accomplished more with Quincy Carter and Troy Hambrick than Garrett has with a Hall of Fame worthy, QB, WR and TE


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This will test whether it's dak or dez for sure.

Yep when debating in the off season this is what I said, Dez needs to go to a team with a high level passer and then we can see if it was him or Dak. Now he has that so we will see, I believe in Dez but i could be wrong but the stage is set.


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Yeah, he won't make "All Pro" but he needs to play like one. That's the drama I'm waiting to see unfold.

Why would he have to play like an All Pro there when the talk is that we was justly cut (with no chance to accept a paycut) here? That seems like a pretty slanted double standard. Especially when considering every one of the receivers the Cowboys chose instead looks like **** here.


Taco Engineer
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Oh brother, you're a sad little man. The "excuses" are coming from you, in fact before the guy has played a single game. Your desperation is on full display.
Stop quoting me if it bothers you, stop whining. Go route for players not on our team clown.


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And this is what I want to see. Him gravy training a SB while playing like crap doesn't mean much. Just means he was lucky.

He's "Lucky" if they win while he does nothing. If he's a contributor, he wins with them.


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Is this a bad team? Hell no, Jerry has built a good team here. Theyre young and talented. Players arent just executing. Dak is turning it over now, Elliot isnt consistent, OL has lapses and that puts pressure on a very good defense. Ive seen multiple tv shows where theyre talking about the system has changed you see different sets. But these players arent executing. Fans like you need to stop thinking you know more than people who are paid to do this for a living. And you think this teams fan base is reduced to what this forum thinks? The Cowboys are a institution like the Yankee's the Celtics, manchester United...Good or bad, theyre a story and theyre loved. Their fans are loyal and yes get mad hen theyre losing. But to think Jerry has to do things to sell the team to fans is ignorant. The team sells itself.

Lol this organization is a joke. Thats putting it mildly.

Those other teams you mentioned focused on winning everything year after year after year. Cowboys don't care about winning. They only care about winning in their pocketbooks.

If winning was a part of this team's strategy why are the results saying otherwise? We are a joke. The entire NFL knows it. Welcome to the clown show and its the biggest show on earth!


Go Seahawks!!!
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Why would he have to play like an All Pro there when the talk is that we was justly cut (with no chance to accept a paycut) here? That seems like a pretty slanted double standard. Especially when considering every one of the receivers the Cowboys chose instead looks like **** here.
I'm talking about the debates that have been had for many months. I've already stated the Cowboys were wrong. Now we get to see if all the Dezzies who were claiming Dez would be All Pro with Brees were right. He's either going to show he still had it and the only thing wrong the past few years was the QB play or we are going to see if Dez as part of the problem too and the QB position wasn't the only thing holding him back.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Stop quoting me if it bothers you, stop whining. Go route for players not on our team clown.

You can't take someone quoting you and I'm "whining"?

Someone needs to go stand in front of a reflective surface.

And going the name-calling route is a great look for you as well.

Yeah, it's clear exactly where the "whining" is coming from. Go throw a tantrum.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm talking about the debates that have been had for many months. I've already stated the Cowboys were wrong. Now we get to see if all the Dezzies who were claiming Dez would be All Pro with Brees were right. He's either going to show he still had it and the only thing wrong the past few years was the QB play or we are going to see if Dez as part of the problem too and the QB position wasn't the only thing holding him back.

I guess, outside of any "All Pro" talk, that's fair.


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People weren't crybabies over Ware like they have been over Dez and Romo.

Because Ware wasn't scapegoated and made to look like he couldn't play anymore.

Ware was treated in the manner he deserved to be treated, even in the midst of making a business decision.

Tony and Dez weren't afforded that same respect. And many believe they earned it.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Now we get to see even how more of a mistake it was to let him go.

If only we had Drew Brees to throw it to him, and a #1 (that would be Michael Thomas) to take some focus off Dez.

We saw how the passing game looked last year - not much better than this year. Didn't need Dez, and Cooper probably won't make much difference either.


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I'm talking about the debates that have been had for many months. I've already stated the Cowboys were wrong. Now we get to see if all the Dezzies who were claiming Dez would be All Pro with Brees were right. He's either going to show he still had it and the only thing wrong the past few years was the QB play or we are going to see if Dez as part of the problem too and the QB position wasn't the only thing holding him back.

That's a fair assessment.
I've been one saying Dez could still play and that the drop off was mostly QB related, rather than him "losing it"

Fact is, if he doesn't produce with a legend like Brees, then it will appear the Cowboys made the right decision

I guess we'll see.