Dez Signs with Saints


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You know, I read on here daily that "no QB, no player is going to produce numbers or look efficient in this system and scheme with these idiot coaches." as a justification for the struggles of Dak (primarily) and other guys as well.

Dez and Tony are two guys who did produce numbers (yes, I know you believe stats are for losers, but humor me. Romo rewrote the franchise passing record book under these "idiot" coaches and scheme. Dez became the all time leading TD receiver in teh history of the franchise. Think about that. Pearson. Hayes. Irvin. etc. There are some heavy hitters in Cowboys history and Dez has caught more TD's than all of them).

Is it possible that might have something to do with people's affinity for them?
I hate the coaches but think they are scapegoated to a certain extent from both Dak and Romo lovers.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
he wasn't a great player who left, he was a great player made scapegoat for this **** staff and **** QB

That's the bitter fan take. I think the more accurate version is the team decided he was overpaid for what he contributed,


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So you agree that with better quarterbacking he would have been? And now that he has it, he can be again in New Orleans?

If so, we're good.

Lol this will be the ultimate test...

He will fail because he won’t be the best WR on his team with the QB spoon feeding him constant targets


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I like Cooper but he just disappeared in games and it's just like his personality.......meek. He won't get the ball from Dak some games and he won't care at all, when that happens we don't want to here that he's not worth the money because he won't be causing a "distaction". This bust of a qb is going to cost everyone on the cowboys offense big dollars and jobs in their next contract negotiations.

Well he showed up good in his first game with us... defiantly didn’t disappear


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Until we can find a better QB, we have Prescott. The amount of "fans" who are hoping he fails and are hoping Bryant kicks Dallas into the dirt is sad.
We have garbage fans who only come out of the woodwork to say "I told you so."

How many Bryant threads do we need on the Dallas forum? Strange.

Well there won't be as many as all the Dez haters creating thread after thread about him 6 months after he was released. To keep rubbing it in for no reason.


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I could make the argument that his contract didn’t match his performance the past few years and this was a BUSINESS decision
You could make that argument, but looking at this team now proves that he wasn't the problem.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Lol this will be the ultimate test...

He will fail because he won’t be the best WR on his team with the QB spoon feeding him constant targets

So what is Dak's excuse then for not spoon feeding him constant targets?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
very original. Why are you in a Dez signs to Saints thread if youre a Cowboys fan?

I'm reading about a topic of mild interest and you are actively rooting for the Cowboys to get beaten badly. Do you really not see a difference?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That's the bitter fan take. I think the more accurate version is the team decided he was overpaid for what he contributed,

No, sorry, that's not the "more accurate version". In fact it's the less accurate version, because if it was all about being overpaid he would have been offered a paycut and not outright released.


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Season is over and I feel like Garrett and a few others unintentionally sabotaged our season with stupid decisions. No harm in rooting for Dez in that game. If we were contenders then obviously I'd want us to win, but anything to speed up the process of cleaning house for future success I'm all for it. Sacrifices must be made for the greater good, lol

I would never root against the cowboys to lose... it’s against everything I am. You never give up and you never stop trying

On Top of that I work with a lot of saints fans and having to hear more of that “who dat gunna beat dem saints” chants is already annoying I can only imaging after they beat the cowboys


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You could make that argument, but looking at this team now proves that he wasn't the problem.

Contrary to the belief of some, the Cowboys didn't claim he was "the problem".


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Now we have survivors guilt syndrome for not only Romo, but Bryant too. Who's next?
Good thing is Witten fans took it in stride, but that may be because Witten quit in the middle of the draft.

Lee fans will probably be good because LVE is playing well.

Zeke fans will be the next set of fanboys who lose their minds when he is no longer here.
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Lol this will be the ultimate test...

He will fail because he won’t be the best WR on his team with the QB spoon feeding him constant targets

He doesn't have to be "the best receiver on his team" there. Unlike this ship of fools, the Saints are diversified and utilize multiple threats to keep defenses off-balance and guessing. You know, real, actual coaching. All Dez has to be is yet another weapon for them, on the road to a Super Bowl. While Rome burns.

I very much look forward to talking with you when the Cowboys and Saints meet, if you're not in hiding before then.


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Thomas is good but brees makes him. Some passes in that rams game were in good coverage. Brees just throws dots all over the field

Yeah the qb makes the wr, that's why the 2 best wrs in the game to me are Hopkins and Evans due to the fact that they have done it with substandard passers. Hopkins qbs before Watson and Evans with Winston, every other top wr has a great passers throwing to them, Brown, Jones, Keenan Allen, Devante Adams, just go check their stats when the starting qb is out and then compare then to dez over the last 3 years and you'll see that it's not that much different.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
No, sorry, that's not the "more accurate version". In fact it's the less accurate version, because if it was all about being overpaid he would have been offered a paycut and not outright released.

The man had already publically said he would not take a pay cut, and I imagine the pay cut it would have taken for the Cowboys to retain him would have been so far below anything Dez might have considered that it wasn't worth making the offer.

In any case, the Cowboys never claimed he was the problem with the team, they merely said they felt they wanted to go another direction. Some fans like to portray it as if the Cowboys had said that if they got rid of Dez all problems would be solved, and that's not even remotely accurate.