Dez Signs with Saints


Taco Engineer
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We'll see.

Frankly I"m surprised to see you up off the mat this quickly after the mental beating Stasheroo handed you earlier in this thread......:grin:
If you think that was a beating it explains a lot. You endorsed what he refused as facts, all because you think everyone is a hater who doesn't have a boner for ex-players.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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15 billion dollars. No go cry in the bushes.


Well-Known Member
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If you think that was a beating it explains a lot. You endorsed what he refused as facts, all because you think everyone is a hater who doesn't have a boner for ex-players.

You talk a lot about agendas. Your agenda is clear. Jerry loves fans like you. Every decision they make is a great one. Making Dak the guy. Cutting Dez. etc etc. All great moves. It's the rest of us, who still like players that actually made plays, that are teh screwed up ones.

Whatever floats your boat, my friend. I guess it makes for interesting discussion.


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I'm aware that most people attribute the blame moreso to Linehan but at the end of the day Garrett is the head coach and he ultimately got on board, so....?

If he had a choice?


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First off, I am an adult and can express my opposition as something other than haters. I find that childish and lazy, and perhaps someone lacking in a healthy vocabulary.

Second, nothing in my comment was not fact. He never learned to run crisp routes. His third year they tried to institute the Jerry Rice crossing route, but evidently Dez couldn't get the concept or get separation.

He has a childish attitude. Michael Irvin would throw that out occasionally, but he backed up his action with results. Further, when Dez was waiting for his big payday, he acted like a petulant child calling out Jerry Jones. It's called ingratitude.

The rest of your reply is conjecture and "I know you are but what am I," gibberish.

The reason why people loved Dez Bryant is because no player in the last 20 years loved being a Dallas Cowboy more than him, much of his career he was misunderstood and some people (because of his background) just didn't like him.

Against the Lions everyone was talking about how Dez was getting in Romo's face and it was a hugh story................until the audio came out and it wasn't.

He was told to stay away from the facility by his agent until the Cowboys upped their offer to him but he couldn't stay away from his team and showed up anyway.

Although he knew that Romo was the better qb for him personally he backed Dak in 2016 because the team was on a roll.

He played with an accomplished passer in Romo so he knew that in 2017 Dak missed him on a lot of routes (just like this year) but he never complained about his qb to thge press.

The Cowboys waited until 3 weeks after the start of free agency to release him, by that time people like Crabtree and Watkins had taken the money and slots, after that Sanjay Lail, Stephen Jones and more recently Jerry Jones poisoned the well with their comments about a player that was no longer on the team.

Dez deserved better from this organization whom he hold the record for touchdowns.


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I’m not gonna call anyone out specifically but I’m seeing quite a few people who were glad Dez was gone and praising the FO for what a great move it was and how easily replaceable he would be that are now worried about facing him and saying how dumb it was to let him go.

Why the change of heart if any of you care to admit it?

Personally I was indifferent and still am.


Taco Engineer
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You talk a lot about agendas. Your agenda is clear. Jerry loves fans like you. Every decision they make is a great one. Making Dak the guy. Cutting Dez. etc etc. All great moves. It's the rest of us, who still like players that actually made plays, that are teh screwed up ones.

Whatever floats your boat, my friend. I guess it makes for interesting discussion.
Again, you obviously can't read. Or, you conveniently leave out posts of criticisms and the like. Now it's just lame nonsense assumptions and erroneous claims unrelated to anything I posted.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Hum... well I just wonder how your statement here is going to come back and bite ya when we go play the saint's and Dez blows our weak A coverage apart, goes for 200+ and 2 scores on us... I'm betting your going to feel pretty low knowing your great cowboy coaching staff pushed him out cause wittle HC clapper couldn't handle him calling out his stupid process....

The saints will beat us no doubt. But I thought they hired Dez and not Dez from an alternate universe that you describe.


Well-Known Member
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Again, you obviously can't read. Or, you conveniently leave out posts of criticisms and the like. Now it's just lame nonsense assumptions and erroneous claims unrelated to anything I posted.

Most of your posts on this topic are about how Dak wasn't the issue with Dez, Dez was the problem, Dez can't play, etc etc.

What kind of criticisms have you lobbed Dak's way? If they are there, they're not very pointed.
And I don't think I've ever seen you say one remotely positive thing about Dez. if you did, I'll admit, I missed it.

So what happens if Dez goes off working with Brees. Does that mean you were wrong about him?


Go Seahawks!!!
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Interesting. I got a trade offer in my fantasy scoring only, keeper league...Dez for a 2019 3rd round pick. Could put me over the top of Brees can use him in the red zone and give me 6-7 touchdowns over the next few weeks.


You Can't Fix Stupid
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Hi Woody. I added the bold. Please don't be upset. :lmao2:
Hey, girl, how ya been?....yea I left those off...I didn't want anyone in his "family" to have a of a player instead of the team has always baffled me...same as trolls really......they've probably already signed up over there as "Saints" fans already.