Dez Signs with Saints


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He was rebuilding the team. A team that went 13-3 the year after he left and said that he had build something nice in Dallas. Too bad Jerry put a puppet in charge after Parcells left.
Parcells didnt have to rebuild the defense he set it back. Dallas had the #1 defense in the nfl in 2003. In the offseason of 2004 Dallas had Bertrand Berry and Antoine Winfield coming to Dallas. Parcells nixed it and brought in Chad Eaton, Marcellius Wiley and Phillipe Sparx. Because he didnt want to stay 4-3. Heis ego brought in a big slow defense that was eaten up by nfl teams. Instead of reuilding the offense, he overhauled the little bright spot Dallas had in its fast defense. Parcells was a washed up old fool who bullied anybody who didnt worship him.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Parcells didnt have to rebuild the defense he set it back. Dallas had the #1 defense in the nfl in 2003. In the offseason of 2004 Dallas had Bertrand Berry and Antoine Winfield coming to Dallas. Parcells nixed it and brought in Chad Eaton, Marcellius Wiley and Phillipe Sparx. Because he didnt want to stay 4-3. Heis ego brought in a big slow defense that was eaten up by nfl teams. Instead of reuilding the offense, he overhauled the little bright spot Dallas had in its fast defense. Parcells was a washed up old fool who bullied anybody who didnt worship him.

2007 Cowboys had a nice defense. I see nothing wrong with a coach putting his system in and the end result is a 13-3 team with a lot of talent on it. True that talent went to waste with bad head coaching and horrible drafting after parcells left. I do blame parcells though for taking away the guys he put in place to help build the team like Jeff Ireland.

Gangsta Spanksta

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I loved Witt.

I think a lot of people thought like me. They were glad to see a Cowboys legend finally stick it to the team, rather than bending over and grabbing their ankles and waiting for the inevitable backdoor job.

Witt left on his own terms. He saw the writing on the wall. He merely beat them at their own game. And good for him.

Whitten was just offered a deal he couldn't refuse: The monday night job. It had nothing to do with sticking it to the team.


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The reason why people loved Dez Bryant is because no player in the last 20 years loved being a Dallas Cowboy more than him, much of his career he was misunderstood and some people (because of his background) just didn't like him. I'd say Romo and Witten loved this team more. But regardless, this is merely conjecture on both of our parts. 1. on what people here think. 2. On what Dez thinks. 3. And who loved the team more.

Against the Lions everyone was talking about how Dez was getting in Romo's face and it was a hugh story................until the audio came out and it wasn't. Not what I was talking about at all. I'm talking about the 2017 recap film on Amazon where he became a spoiled child because the coach said don't fall asleep on Denver because they are good. Not to mention his lack of effort in staying in top shape. What he was saying in that clip was "stop telling me how great the dbs are, we are great wrs so lets talk about how we're going to kicked their ***" In other words enough of this beta crap.

He was told to stay away from the facility by his agent until the Cowboys upped their offer to him but he couldn't stay away from his team and showed up anyway. His not following the instructions of his agents shows his lack of respect for people who want to help him. We want players to be dedicated to the team and he showed it by showing up for off season workouts, you can't have it booth ways. But that was not my point. He wen t out of his way to say in public that he would walk and Jerry Jones doesn't know him at all. He essentially insulted Jerry when Jerry was merely waiting fir the market to be set by other teams. Every sports journalist in Dallas talked about this ad infinitum. Now marry that with his not paying the jeweler, and not returning the rental house in the condition it was in when he rented it, and this speaks about his selfish, childish attitude. You're talking about things that happened when he first got in the league, you still holding those things against him? Hell, the jeweler is over it and you're not?

Although he knew that Romo was the better qb for him personally he backed Dak in 2016 because the team was on a roll. His job is to catch passes. He doesn't need to talk when he drops balls right and left. According to Sporting News Dez was credited with 1 drop

He played with an accomplished passer in Romo so he knew that in 2017 Dak missed him on a lot of routes (just like this year) but he never complained about his qb to thge press. No, he whined about his targets.

The Cowboys waited until 3 weeks after the start of free agency to release him, by that time people like Crabtree and Watkins had taken the money and slots, after that Sanjay Lail, Stephen Jones and more recently Jerry Jones poisoned the well with their comments about a player that was no longer on the team. If Dez was this hot commodity, people would have leaped over each other to sign him.

Dez deserved better from this organization whom he hold the record for touchdowns. The organization paid him nearly 50 million and he jake-legged his routes and whined. Please let's stay within the realm of reality here.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Today is National Butthurt Day for all you Dez haters, he got his situation right (top level passer) screw Cleveland and Baltimore, he got with a winner (best team in NFC), close to home (the only other team that was closer is Houston) and he gets to play the Cowboys in Dallas. Today is National Dez Day for everyone else, look at the Cowboys players tweets they are celebrating this holiday also.

So on national Dez day you pucker up in front of your life sized Dez Bryant poster?


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Dez only has to be #2, has a lot of weapons around, a legit elite QB, and joins a team that just beat the Rams. He appears to have waited until the right team came calling suddenly...

@Verdict is hoping to not eat a lot of crow in the next 3 months....


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So on national Dez day you pucker up in front of your life sized Dez Bryant poster?
Dusting off my Dez jersey, waiting patiently for Nov. 29th.



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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan

And then Dez went out and played like - due to the restraints of curse words decreed by this site you will need to fill in this blank

Maybe he should have not spent time getting his feelings hurt and trying to work towards winning a game.